Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

70 Pro.t7·14· Book H. Chap.4. Sect 14 . Nobles, wear Jewels Cometimes worth rhoufands of pounds., but every meek man and woman lhlt goes up and dqwt; ; though never fi> poor, yet they wear 0 Pearl worth a world ; thus God ellcem; Jt, and fo fhou!d we allo. Tell me you that bear croffcs with a quiet aqd meek fpirit, ~o you not find a great deal of comfort in this qu:~ et and meek frame .> why then lay, It (hall caft me deJr, brit I trill k..ecp tbi1 fr•nre; If a man ihould throw dirt at you, and you luJ a go!Mn b1ll in your lund; would you throw that away, becaufe he throws dirt at you> What if others call upon you reproache 1 , and froward words> they have no other weapons for thcmfelves, they Ccarcc ever knew in all their lives what the lweetnd~ of a quiet fpirit meant; oh but you that fear God, and whomGod hach adorned wich the graces of his own Spirit, do you prize a quiet fpirit at au h1gh ra tc, do you luffer for it, for there is much good in ir. 4· Remove the occalion; of anger 1 as Cotyr Ki~1g of 1brace, when one brought him cunous v<ffcls, but bmcle I fi.1ppole ofglals,or the bke) he commended their rare work– manfhip,ycrprclently brake thcm,lell(being of an hally m ture)when his lervants bv any accidem had Groken them, he ihould have been excel!ively angry. Whtn Sat<l ca{b }1Ve– lin at Jnuath m ro finite him, then Jmatban arole from the t1ble, ar.d wonld eat nu meat in S•"" prefence : It is our wi!dom to get out of the company of fiJCh as have offended us, as J on•tbandid, racher then Iinful anger fhould break out, Or5· If the occa!ion cannot well be removed, then give reafon leave to interpofe, and di– vert. It wa; good counlel which Athemdor11I gave to Augttllm that when the object and occafions of ehokr were in his eye, he {hould not be moved before he hJd pro. uounced over the letters of the Alphabet;. when_rhe min~ is divcrred, there may be fame room to deliberate, and theafore 111 thrscafe,dJvert to tome other GufineiS, compa. ny, pleafant imployment, thoughts of content; chefearenotablecoolers,~nd very con– venient to fhl<c this pallionate tire. As Phyfitia;;s obferve in bleeding, whm a man or woman bleeds very violently at che nole,_ the way to !tanch the blood, is to let them blood in another vein: So thofe tlut arc palhonate, the~ fi1ould labour ro tllrn the channel of their alfeCl:ions another way. For in!iance, what> do r feel my anger llir? let me fiix up fears, oh! let me have che fear of the great GoJ before mine eyes; or doth my ongcr fiir? let me fiir up fcrrow: oh! let me grieve for their !in , where– J,y they have provoked God more than roe ; or dorh my anger Oir > let me llir up love, I ~m called on to love mine cnem1es, and will not the heat of love, take out the heat of anger? the Otiningof the Sun upon a tire, dead<JJS the fire, and {i 1 dy the beams ol love in rr.y heart towards God, and towards his Saints, and toward's my enemies, fhould dead<n c>r weaken this nre of pl_ilion thar is fo llrong in me. Thus by a w 1 le (a, it were) mayll tfwu Cuduc thy anger, 1l thou canfl but rurn thy alfeCl:ion another way. 6. If divcrtions.will not do it, theB ll1nd at the llaves end, and refil1 this!in at its lirll breakin~ out. A little thing will qJcnch a !Srcar fire, when the fire is new kindled, but if you !lay a whik, then buckets of water will nGt do it: <f_he beginnillzof jlrife if a; n'hen " " lettetb out water, (l may lay, as when one letteth out fire) th:refore leave uffcm•. w tio; 1 bef,rc it be medled witb<U: You are to take as great care ?f the beginning of anger, as you would be careful to quench alittle fpark of ~re that IS m t~c mrd!l_of many bar– rels of gun powder, and ~rear realon, for the lire of contcnllO'l wh1ch begms at a Ji<.tlc (if not prevented) nfeth to a great deal._ Camerarllu ttUs us a llory of two bro– thers, who walking out tn the eventng, and Ceemg the Element full of bnght fpwglmg liars one of them being a Gla!ier wiihed, that he had as m1ny oxen as there werell1rs in the firmament; then faid the other br0thcr, aud if 1had a pallurc as bi~ as the worH, where would you keep the oxen; heanlwered, in your pJllure ; what, la1d the otha,_ whether 1would or no? Yes, f1id his Brother; the mat tor was very hght, but tt fdl out very heavy, fqr they prcfently fdl to'1vords, drew Ot'Cupon another ,and killed o~JC ano– ther: Do we nor fee many neighboms fall out about very lmaiJ matters> and tf Come wife man in the beginning did bur m~diat~ between them, h ·'w ealily m15ht they be re– conciled> otherwi!t: the lire kindles to lucha flame, that lcw or none know how .wex- • tinguiih it, t'> to make thr:m friends. ·. 7 . Be convinc't it is much better to bear wrong, then to Ge linfu!IY, angryfor wr~ng · In bearing wrong there ts no dan11er ot Satan> hmt, Gut tor thedevil to com' and tempt thee by this or that wroug, to b: in a pet or angry ht, th~re hes the dmger ; It t> Au, uj!ines cxprellion, when the Fowler hath fet a net to catcb rowis, then he co~es an~ throws Hones in the hedsepo fright the Birdsont: So when thed<vii Iuti• fet ms neh a!'d