Book U. 71 and tclr.ptations to careh poor fouls in, thtn he fets others on to do them wrong, that fo he may take them in h;snct: Oh take h2cd now of anger! take heed aow of the net that the devil hath on che other fide of the hedge; it is better to futfer wrong from ana· ther,then tofurr<r fin in thy own foul.- But how mull I do it I be injured' I anfwer: 1 • Loclk on God, and confider all thy wroni',S and unworthy ufagesare ordered by God, for thy everbfhng 1'\00 1, this very ~ne rheught, that God it tbe principal Agent, kept frefh, and on foot in thy mind, will be of Soveraign power to cool and beat back any intemperate anger, yea, a11d mal<e theefiy to God with David, I n>JJ dumb, andopened not my l'fal.39• 9· mouth, becaufo rho" 'didf/ it. Thus Jofoph looked beyond his brethrens barbarous dealing with him, and faid , Tbe Lord (ent me before you. Thus Job looked beyond the €aldeanJ lawlefs outrages, and [aid, 1he Lord bath takfn away. Thus David looked beyond Shimei's dogged rancour, and laid, 1'he Lord hatb biddCit him to turfo Thus ]elus Chrifi himfdt, bleffed for, ver, looked beyond the Pharilces, Priells, Jews, Jr<dat, and the Souldiers, to his Fathers ( up : 1hiJ Cup which' "Y Father bath give11 to me ta drink._, jbaUI net drink_ it ? In cafe,cl injuries, fay rhus iu,thy felf, Thi1 is fromGodfor mygood; as fametimes uld Eli f~id, It i1tbe Lor1, let him dowhat foemeth him -~aod. 2. Look on man, and make the bell confirucrion rhou can!l of any wrong done by lum if the party that bath wron!jed thee be a yorms <Pall, impure it ro his raihnefs, and want ofexperience; if he lk an old man, in,pure it tb his weaknefs, fenes bit ptteri, old men are twice children; he might do thee wrong, and yet mean thee no harm ; if he be a good man, impute it to [omemillake,forcerniinly he would not purpofely do thee an o:vil; if he be a wicked man, impute it to the enmity betwixt the feed of the Woman, and the feed of the Serpwt ; if he do thee harm, fay, it is no more then thou expeCl:edfi from him, Jf thus thou would!l make the bell conl1ruCl:ion of every thing, how mighrll thou overcome paf!ion, and procure to thy felt a great deal of peace and pati<nce all thy life long? · g, 1'al(f untoyw tbe SNnrd nf rl" Spidt, wbicb i1 the WJrd of God: Satan provokes Ephef.6.I?l men chat they IDlY be provoked, he woold bave them yield to angcr,and then they yield · to him; but thJt you m:~:y wrcfile andprevail, take up your weapons, have your fword (which is the Word of God; in your hands aud he.rt : Iris the Sword that tlayscor· ruptions,and fatJnical temprations, as David faid at G•liah1[word, There i1 none to that, $ !o may we f-1y of the Sword of the Spint, there it"'"' to it. If you ask, how may 1' am. 2 I.9< furni{h my Llf with/his weapon' or how way I cut al"ndcr by this [word this tempta~ cion of anger? lan,wer .--~ 1 • Obforve the temptation,: S1tan uiltally comes in with many motions or objeCl:ions, and fa puts on to wrHh, or makes A?ologies for wrath. !'<0w thrfe in the fir!l pla.;e we mu!r obfcrve. z. Seck out a fuitable word, and with that anfwor him asChrill anfwered, fay– ing, Avoid Satan, fiJr t!Jiu it i1 w,-iuc;t. I llqll i~1ll:Jnce in thcfe two) for they arc two tnain points, ,, Satan in thee oujccrs,Yra ~"th God faid,tbat r.>h'!foever is angry with hi1 Brother 1Pith· Ob. out acase[c.,JhaU be in d.mgcr of Judgment: Wh) 1, alllJ! it is·but onefin, aJJdis itmt a lit· Mat.s• 22 . tie one! it mJy be tlmt art p;ffianate, buttbott fa;lej! only in thi · ; bark_ but what otherJ faJ' of thee> fucb a man is a very good man> only he is t{ .au h..ztfy ffil'it; or {ucb a woman it a~erygr"cir.tu womm, only [he i1 of an haj!y fpzrit: So rbcyfay, dnd fo I fay, tllJU mayjl be ang.r)'> and godly, h.ljfy, a~;d holy; and tbereforefin on. Adw<r, How' anf>TY and godly 1 ha!ly and holy? Surely if this anger be ordinary, Anfw. con!lant, a1id reigui«g, <hey are not confillcnt. Oh what need have I to look to my evi· deuce! me word faith, 1bey tbat are Cbri{ls, bave crr<cified tbe fie!h with the affe- GaLs. 24 , f/wn1 and lujls: And what are thofe affetbons and !nits, but amongll the rell, H11trcd, VariuJtcc, Emu!ation, TYratb, Strife l Now if thefe be not crucified, if v.:zo. chefe be nor in !erne r,ood mcafttre mortitied , how {hould I be good , or gracious, r,odly, or h?ly l T}1is .i~ certain, when grace cC'tnt!S into che heart, it works achange, and a new trame o! ip11 !l; the word fairh, 'Ihe.Wolf]hall dwell witb the Lamb, and tbc LeopJrd jJ>il lie dotvll n·irb tiN Kid, and the Calf, a11d the yount, Lion, andthe fatling Ifaiah 11,6c tut,etbcr, anda little child 11 all i<ad rbem: The meaning is, that furious fpirits fi1all then • become meel< ,and hJfiy !pintS!ball then become gentle, grace will tame men; thofe that were in difpdition lik~ wi!d bealls, and harmlds creatures, fl1a1I by this powcrful work be mctamorpho{ed, ann become meek and harmle[;, And cloth Satan tell me, 1may be ;;raciolL< and !'etvilh? Would be flatter me, that a con!lant, ordin,ary,reigning pa!fio- • 1 nat~