Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Book U. 71 and tclr.ptations to careh poor fouls in, thtn he fets others on to do them wrong, that fo he may take them in h;snct: Oh take h2cd now of anger! take heed aow of the net that the devil hath on che other fide of the hedge; it is better to futfer wrong from ana· ther,then tofurr<r fin in thy own foul.- But how mull I do it I be injured' I anfwer: 1 • Loclk on God, and confider all thy wroni',S and unworthy ufagesare ordered by God, for thy everbfhng 1'\00 1, this very ~ne rheught, that God it tbe principal Agent, kept frefh, and on foot in thy mind, will be of Soveraign power to cool and beat back any intemperate anger, yea, a11d mal<e theefiy to God with David, I n>JJ dumb, andopened not my l'fal.39• 9· mouth, becaufo rho" 'didf/ it. Thus Jofoph looked beyond his brethrens barbarous dealing with him, and faid , Tbe Lord (ent me before you. Thus Job looked beyond the €aldeanJ lawlefs outrages, and [aid, 1he Lord bath takfn away. Thus David looked beyond Shimei's dogged rancour, and laid, 1'he Lord hatb biddCit him to turfo Thus ]elus Chrifi himfdt, bleffed for, ver, looked beyond the Pharilces, Priells, Jews, Jr<dat, and the Souldiers, to his Fathers ( up : 1hiJ Cup which' "Y Father bath give11 to me ta drink._, jbaUI net drink_ it ? In cafe,cl injuries, fay rhus iu,thy felf, Thi1 is fromGodfor mygood; as fametimes uld Eli f~id, It i1tbe Lor1, let him dowhat foemeth him -~aod. 2. Look on man, and make the bell confirucrion rhou can!l of any wrong done by lum if the party that bath wron!jed thee be a yorms <Pall, impure it ro his raihnefs, and want ofexperience; if he lk an old man, in,pure it tb his weaknefs, fenes bit ptteri, old men are twice children; he might do thee wrong, and yet mean thee no harm ; if he be a good man, impute it to [omemillake,forcerniinly he would not purpofely do thee an o:vil; if he be a wicked man, impute it to the enmity betwixt the feed of the Woman, and the feed of the Serpwt ; if he do thee harm, fay, it is no more then thou expeCl:edfi from him, Jf thus thou would!l make the bell conl1ruCl:ion of every thing, how mighrll thou overcome paf!ion, and procure to thy felt a great deal of peace and pati<nce all thy life long? · g, 1'al(f untoyw tbe SNnrd nf rl" Spidt, wbicb i1 the WJrd of God: Satan provokes Ephef.6.I?l men chat they IDlY be provoked, he woold bave them yield to angcr,and then they yield · to him; but thJt you m:~:y wrcfile andprevail, take up your weapons, have your fword (which is the Word of God; in your hands aud he.rt : Iris the Sword that tlayscor· ruptions,and fatJnical temprations, as David faid at G•liah1[word, There i1 none to that, $ !o may we f-1y of the Sword of the Spint, there it"'"' to it. If you ask, how may 1' am. 2 I.9< furni{h my Llf with/his weapon' or how way I cut al"ndcr by this [word this tempta~ cion of anger? lan,wer .--~ 1 • Obforve the temptation,: S1tan uiltally comes in with many motions or objeCl:ions, and fa puts on to wrHh, or makes A?ologies for wrath. !'<0w thrfe in the fir!l pla.;e we mu!r obfcrve. z. Seck out a fuitable word, and with that anfwor him asChrill anfwered, fay– ing, Avoid Satan, fiJr t!Jiu it i1 w,-iuc;t. I llqll i~1ll:Jnce in thcfe two) for they arc two tnain points, ,, Satan in thee oujccrs,Yra ~"th God faid,tbat r.>h'!foever is angry with hi1 Brother 1Pith· Ob. out acase[c.,JhaU be in d.mgcr of Judgment: Wh) 1, alllJ! it is·but onefin, aJJdis itmt a lit· Mat.s• 22 . tie one! it mJy be tlmt art p;ffianate, buttbott fa;lej! only in thi · ; bark_ but what otherJ faJ' of thee> fucb a man is a very good man> only he is t{ .au h..ztfy ffil'it; or {ucb a woman it a~erygr"cir.tu womm, only [he i1 of an haj!y fpzrit: So rbcyfay, dnd fo I fay, tllJU mayjl be ang.r)'> and godly, h.ljfy, a~;d holy; and tbereforefin on. Adw<r, How' anf>TY and godly 1 ha!ly and holy? Surely if this anger be ordinary, Anfw. con!lant, a1id reigui«g, <hey are not confillcnt. Oh what need have I to look to my evi· deuce! me word faith, 1bey tbat are Cbri{ls, bave crr<cified tbe fie!h with the affe- GaLs. 24 , f/wn1 and lujls: And what are thofe affetbons and !nits, but amongll the rell, H11trcd, VariuJtcc, Emu!ation, TYratb, Strife l Now if thefe be not crucified, if v.:zo. chefe be nor in !erne r,ood mcafttre mortitied , how {hould I be good , or gracious, r,odly, or h?ly l T}1is .i~ certain, when grace cC'tnt!S into che heart, it works achange, and a new trame o! ip11 !l; the word fairh, 'Ihe.Wolf]hall dwell witb the Lamb, and tbc LeopJrd jJ>il lie dotvll n·irb tiN Kid, and the Calf, a11d the yount, Lion, andthe fatling Ifaiah 11,6c tut,etbcr, anda little child 11 all i<ad rbem: The meaning is, that furious fpirits fi1all then • become meel< ,and hJfiy !pintS!ball then become gentle, grace will tame men; thofe that were in difpdition lik~ wi!d bealls, and harmlds creatures, fl1a1I by this powcrful work be mctamorpho{ed, ann become meek and harmle[;, And cloth Satan tell me, 1may be ;;raciolL< and !'etvilh? Would be flatter me, that a con!lant, ordin,ary,reigning pa!fio- • 1 nat~