__ ~~~ ~l~~2 ~C1i!lf5. ____ Bo_o_k_H_·.__7._5_ SJints in {lrch dkon wirh Go_\, anl h: look) UfJOll them as his portion, his plea• fmt p~rtion, hi; rr:..fitr:, hi' pC';:u]ior treofitre, !1is glory the Crow~1 of his glory_I 0 then how fl10uid ynu bc::d vour Cl v"s to dole with rhcm, anJ to J>e muchm th~Jr fO.:iety,whoL.: very COcitty is mdc:td.thc ccmrnllnion ofSamt~/ ; . IJ;Iight in thc•n, ,_ thofc in wl,om God himfdf <lelights. D1vid, though a King, could il00p th,, t1r : l believe he was upon the point of charity, wh;n he Jp1kc rhus of them, but whom did his cluriry bcndit) not God, but hrs poor Samts: G"ry Soul, t!mt lu(l (~id unto t/,, Lord, tb u art r>ly L1rd, my goodne[" extende!h not Pfai.I6,,,3. w;to thee, b~tt totbe S.nntl dut are m tbe earth, and tiJ tbe exceiltnt, zn whom u all my delight. [t[ccms the P•>or S1itits were aKings ddight ; Kings have their d.elights, and this was all tlic ddi!jht ;KingD 1vid had, In tbe>n ii all my delight. And no _wonder, for herein he confcrmcJ to GeJ, the poor Saints are Gods delisht ; it is Gods judgcmenc of m~n, dHt t:':: ;·i. (1t-' •tt r ir 1U ·r:: exc~llent t',c:z bi; ~ejgbbuur. Ht:nce Pcov·I2·26. !ome obferve, tlut the Ltoll an.! Ea,;lc were nor offered 111 famhce to God, but the poor Latn'J and I).wc were, greltand brave fpirics of the world, h:ghas the Eagle, and lofry as the Li::m, GJJ reg:1·.ds thun not, but poor humbit: ( )irics, that are contemptible in eh~ eyes ot the worlJ thole are pr<cious to God, he ddi!jhts in them as iu h s oxn dHiiogs ; \<\ hy rhus, do you delight in them, as thole 111 whom God him!Clfdelights. .• Do them good, as the b fl and 'chief objeel:s of charity~ it is the ApoiUes adVJC.~ AI we h.1ve oppcttmtity, let t!J" d1 ptnd unto all mm, but cj"pecially unro thcrtt tvho Ga'.6.Io. Are of t/;c h '""""ti of F"itb. Y.,u f-ee t rtrc is an tjpeciall)' put upon them: Let me tell yort ofa deal cf mitbktn charity amon!)fl you; you thmk to do offices ot lnve, or of l<indnd";, or ofalm<, promifG<OC•!ly to all, is bnvc, and gets agood report ofthe Country and the prai!e of men ; an.\ you !hall never havc . tl•c Praile of God tor tnis: Jf 'you will do any ot\icc of love' kindnefs' alms or the like' be {urc to f<:t an c[pecially upm the bottjhold cf f•ith : Tr.fe arc they that rcprefent Chrilt, and indeed are the Members of C!ll"!l!, and ll.Hld in Chri!l's !lead ; [o he will tell . you at the lalt day , For l wa; an /;;t,:;.ry, allfi ye gave me meat, l W'i tbiryly, Mat.2f.3l>36• mtdj,C gave medrirzk, I was ajfra;;gcr, aitd )!2 took._ me iu, u.Jk,sd, and }I! cl !atbed me, ficlt, and ye vifited mt, i•t prifm, <li!d )1~ c.Jme z;,rtv me. --Irt aswmcb asye have done it ttJ1lo the /c,tji of tbcfl my bNtb;•c;z, ye !uiJe d,mc it unto nre. MJrlr, th0fe who are ( hrills Brethrrn , (which the ·.-;icKtd "'" not) yea, thofe who are the leaf! of Chrifls Brethren (which the proud nigh lot•.y oncsJrenor) 1vhy, thcfcare they whom Cnrili reckons on his own acounr, ro uur whadOcv.:r you do to them, you do it untohim. Oh that this plea ol Chrili wLrc writ on your doors, rhat you might better know whom to welcome in, a1:d whom toenten tli1Jnd dp good unto, as you would bid wc!come, and ~:ivc entertainment to Chri!l Jefus htmfdt: S E C T. XV I I I. Oftbe ajJJ~titJ ofS.tt.m IJ tht ufo of unl,w.>ft!lmettm. I F we areinadvcrfity, Satanufnally tempts us to. the ufcof unlawful meons. Thus when Chntl ha>! 110 orduury .means ot gettmg bread, SJtan tempts l!im to pro– vide for himfdf- by extraordinary : When Ef.m came out of the field weary and hungry aud almofr doad for want of meat, thw feU tb;• birth-right (faid Satan ) and lo he did: when Peter was in great danger in the High-Priefis Hall, then dmy tky . 1\'Iajlcr ( faid Satan) forfwear bim, and wrfe thy[elf: When we are in advcrfity, and in want. thm faith Satan, '[fou '"'')! live, tb.,u mttjl 1101 put forth thy family to beg, #Jcn m:tjf utttr tby waro, tb ~ugb by l)'i11g, fweariug , cxaliiug, deceivin[!.: Waut and necdliry is the dtviis opforwuity to let upon us; Fowkrs ufually fet their fnares for bi~dsin the_ winter rime, when there is want of food; and therefore prayed Agur, Pro.·o.s,,. Gzve me Jteztlm p.,vmy, nor rzchCI : And wily not poverty? Le!( I be poer, and jfeal, ' and tak! tl eNaJ!Je '/G1•din vain: Tn poverty, temptations are ltron~ te clillrnlt, to (teal, lye, (wear, or te> u~e fh1frs, and unlaw!ul meons. M•ny a time have I feen a poor profdfor put to Dttlt, and whikfl other> ccnfured I have thought with my [elf, Ah poor Soul/ why r.\Ould I, or any other ccntt~re this poor m1n _) Little know we the nmpcations to w~.ich 11(: is[ubjcC! : But to fuch let me givefor;;e eounfd, SECT.