76 Book 11, WU!tar ili!ti) ;;DtiJ ,~S. Chap+~ecr.:r.6 I· They m1y be d itfcrenc'dby tile timcwl-lcn tt>q begm to fiir. All thcv;hilea man is a llran~er tCJ God, and.rhrillhe is not troubled •~ith fuch bhfphemies, or at leati he tS not ord~nanly a!L~ltea 111 thts_manner; but when once the work of Convcrfion hath newly p1ffcd, or "no;v p•Iiw.;u,PtJn themm, when he is coming out of na· ture to grace, and dcclaoes tor ],ills C.mfi agamfi fin and Sara 11 , then is the rime when ordinarily thefc bhfphen•ous fuggtftmus begin to make their apparition, and rhefe vermme ar< ,leen to era wl m the Cnnlbans bolorne, a ftrong probability, rhar they do nor brtcd rl1cre, bJt are fent by :.1tan, 111 a way uf revenge, for t.heSoul> revolt lromhim. · · 2. Thty may be dilferenc'd by thetnJnn,r how thc(e blafphemit sarife iu Chrifiians thou ghrs; Saran.' •.nJdbons are u!mlly viOlent a~d ludJtn,rhc·y come like lighrninglla!h– .ng mto the Chnlham thoughts. btl,•rc he lutb tune to achbente with him(df what he is doing; wh~reas thlt lull~ wl11ch is thccbu.lition ol our own he,rt•, is ordinarily·gra· dual tmts cnotiOn, !t moves m a way more lttll ana fuaablt to nature, it enticerh the loul . and by degrees fitghtly invci11.ks it in.o a conlent. ' 3· They may be dill:renc'd by the <"tCl:; tor Satans injcCl:ionsu(uallyh•veadif– mal h01roor and confiernation Oil t~t Chr•fiims fpirit, which nachtth ofttn to thedif– compoEtre of the body; wi1trcJs tbat lull wnich is our own,ukth to plea!C us bet– ter: We l!ltuully like the couccptiot.s ol our owu mind, as we naturally love the children of our own loyns. I know Come others approve nor ot' thefe differences, for neither the rime, nor their violence, nur their fuddcuucfs, ncr their inJtpc ndency (which fome al(o make a dilfe– r.ence) n?r. th~h honollr) nor thdr unnatural .:onfl·;rnJtion, ?I rerrour, are fo proper to Sataus Jn1c<'l10ns ,as that our lu s mJy not partoke ot allthtfe accidents: '[ 0 J.y tb•t our l~tflt moy not pr<(h out on~ f:dd,n,•' be i"d,pcnde•t, or ti>at tbey may nOI be t<>l!utur<l. or terrible is h.;rd, foith Mr. CJp,l Tnd, rldfcrcnoes th"refo;e we hy down but as ropi– "1, and not asdemonfiratlve: It were happl, It we could be abfolutely-r<folved, that all ou'io- blatphemous thoughts wer~ in)CCl:tnn< o~ S:tan, and no~ frum our lufis, for then we might fay, they wtre ?ltans hns, not ours, to long as wears p,f!Jve, and not active in rhcm: And theflforel kc no reafon but v.e may tiudy the pumt, though it be a work too hard lur moll men 10 find out. ' 2 • Let ns beat them back fo well as we ma;, let us neverconfent, or approve of them, and we are !Jtr: This n1ay cotptorr us, Wnether the) com · trmn Satan, or our [elves; and upon rhisgronnd mne wou'ld not havens pcrpkx our fdvcs too much with needkfs queries, which thou~hts be .Slt>tb, and which be oc~rs, tor if we reject them, whether theycome·from him or us, they Jre not at all impttted to us. The rule runs thus; '/bat Rom. 7 . 20 • only is ours, n:hicb we ,lLctpt a,Jda/F<~t ;1~ta; When I do tiJlt I w~ttldnJt,idJ 1to more 1that d, it, faith Paul; therel(}rc no u..•rc IS trr.puted ov G"d, than IS feen and allowed by us; if it come from S>tan it is no fin of ours at all; it it come frum eur lufis ,fill it is ma– terialiy, but net forma lly, for rne guilt-is done away in t·hat we d0ttotallow it, but ab· . hor it. 'Jolm Climachus tells a tlory ol one, who being affaultcd with a fptrit of blafphe– &c.lj Par~it- my for twenty years, he writ a Letter to a good old mafl of his fad condition, the mat– Ptr• "'3 ' tcr lifted,and found out that the pour Monk had been long affJultrd,bur durint; that time, had prayed and fafled, was !enfible of it, but never confenced to It; the old Saint fell a laughing, and coming w the tempted p:rfon, who01 he found g_rovelling on the ground, Come (faid he) Jtand up, t11>d lay thi•c h>nd upm"y he•d, whiCh when he ha.!done, tlry fin (faid the old Souldier ufChnit) be upon m~, f ,r the time paJI, axd time to come, which no fooner faid , but the fickly tempted man grew l)Lllrhy and llrong, his dt[eafe both ehronick and acute, immediatdy vJoilhtd, his n>ind was kttled, and Satan avoideJ: It is the concurrent jud~:,ment ot our bet! D1vit:cs, that bJ•Iphemous rhoughtsrdilled, and ,,at confented unto, are nor our tins but our croflts: or fi>p)Jofe there be any tain– ture on our parts, yer coudemn;n~ rhtm iu our juJgemcntl , and abhorring them wgh our hearts, Chrills precious blo~d cake1 H?ay the venom ot all. 1t was good Divinity, though but ill Pow·y, 'ftntam )ton ILdit, 11iji '""' tcntatut ,,bedit. , . 3• Let us not difpute or reafon thcoale 'Yifh Smn, but arthe very firli approochb1d Satan avoid: Thus:, hrifi d1d, when SJtan mnpted him to fall down and worlhip htm, Avoid Satan, laith L'~rifi: The devil is an cld SophiHer, cf above live thoufand yea1s tlanding, in the Sch ol of hideous temptations, and hellilh policies; and we are but novices of yellerday,an bur a little acqu inted with his·merbads, de••iw, o>tddcprhs; ai>J (Qerelotc if we w1ll deB:cte this rnatter w1th the devil , we may be more and nwre con. 1 fou!!ded;