Bookll. future ellace; fa me he objdls againfi, in that the mcafure of their farrow and contriti· en is unfufticicnt, o:hcrs he pcrfwadcs, that the leafi velleity of penitent farrow, without flraining it to any furd>er ,ffiiCl:ivc degrees of fcrrow for fin, is fo.rr~w enough; into fome he throws thfhes ol hell- hrc, ani! pr<fents death to them as the Km5 of teqours; others he turns into Hocks and flones , fo that they mind neither Death, uor Judgelllj:nt, nor Heaven, nor Hell, nor any thing of that Eternity that is befvre them. But becaufe I f~eak only of believers, and thea dfaults, this I obfCrve, that moll·what he either tc'mpts to prefump1io;1 'or defpai,, eithe,r he puffs t1p poor fouls with fome ungroun• ded pr<(umptions of prefent (afety, and fnture glory, or he calls undue and unjult fears into the confcienccs ol them thlt are mofi tender and we.k; and therefore palling by all the reil, ·I fl1all talre notice only of thde two affaults, and giv.e direction~ how to wreHk agaiuft thttn, SECT. Ill. Of ihe #§.mln ofPrejiemptiu/1. I• IF Sacan takl'.> this courfe to tempt us to Prefltmption, it is nfllally on this principle, tlut "" livu bave bcw holy, that we hJve wal~edbefcre God in truth, a11d >~itiJ aperj(CI /Jeart and bave dor.< tbat n>hieh i1 goorl ill hi1 figbt. I will not deny, but thi:> m1y b:: doni!, flczek,}.~.b is n1t cottd!mncd, but commended ill this very [J ying, our duti~s1 and graces~ and gncious aChngs, as to the m~tter of fanClification, are precious metal, ~nd as rhey have the Image of Chrillupon them, and for them we may bids the N1mc of God ; but as to the matter of Juftiication, we are to re– nounce all; and as to the matter of SJoctiticJtion, we are to attribute tho flrength, the power, and the glory of all unto JetllS Chrill, and nothin!l to our [elves. If either we trJll to them, or reil on them, or expect falvation in them, or by them, or pride our felves !n the exercifc clth, m on our dying beds, it is Satans temptaticm, and we had need to look to it, and avoid lt, Sf.CT. Iv. Of our >~rrjiti•g witb S.tiJII ;,, tbi1 reffctl. WHich that we rnay, ltt usobfcri'C the[e rules. I• Confider, whatfoever good we have done, or howfoever holy we have bten, it was not of our fc!ves , but of t.he free gift and grace of God in Chrifl: Jfl!nt ho1ve we tbat we !J.we m·t rcc<ived? and if we b.tzJc received it 1 wby et; we gl~ry1 I Cor; 4 7 as jf "'e bad nut received it i It is Horied of~ir. Knux, that the night betore his death, he flcpt fame hours With great unqtlldncf~ often fighing and groaning, whereup_on when he awaked, the il1n.Uers by asked h1m how he did, and what it was that made him mourn !'o he~vii y? to whom he,an(wered, In my life time I have bem affaulted 1vztb ter~ftatJcfU frl)m Sat.Jn, a;:d he bath oft c:~ft my fin 1 into my teeth to drive n~e t1 de(pazr, yet God gave me jlrwgtb te ovcrctit1U all hiJ temptation!: But now the.fubttl Serpent ta/lp.a11uth1r courfe and [eek; tJ pcr[wade me, tbat all my lab.urJ in th.e Mini!lry .;nd the fiJeJzty tl'at I inzve .fberPed m tb:r.t firvice, b.ltb merited be.:zven aud immortalzty; h~ blcffid be God tbt vmet,bt tu my miltd tbcfe Scriptures: 1Yb:11 hafl thou tha: thou h-ft 1111t rem.ed i and 1101 I, bm t4e g"aceof God ill me, &c. With which be ts gone aw..y 11jh.mzcd; Mnd {htJ/41tJ more return. ANd norv I a;njitretbat my battel i1 at anwd, and that witbJut ~Jilt of body, or &ri!tble of [pirit, IjhaO jhortly cba~ge tbis mortal and miferable life, mto. tbt h,'/P)' ~nd immort•l life that ]hall neve>' bave an end. Oh that tl u; 1t may b~ With 11s, tlur Gods grace m1y be all, and we may be notbing: We are >Cor. 3· I; 1tr)t fif~ctWt 4' 011r {elrvJJ t_1 tbir.l~.._aJ r{ our[elver, but .1li ourJufficiency ii ofGod. ~· hdt 1o1or on any th!ug ou th!s fide Jefus Chrill; neither grace, nor duries, nor_ holtn~fs, are t~ ~~ rntH~d up( n : It is true, we muft hoJd them fafi, in point ot pract& and oocdt<nce, ont it is om !in and danger to hold them fafl in relianc< and conhdeocc_, do them ~·e wunt but g,lory in them we muft J10t; we miy remc1_nber OQ our dcatb-beds WllJt we hJve done, and bow holy we have been in obodtcnce to God, and by the gr<ce cf Chrill ; yea, we may go further and dtlirc Gpd, l0 remember us cen~lTJ.l!ng tbem: B.en:et 1 J[dr me, 0 my Gcd, CtiJ!CCriting this aljo, aHdNeh.Ij-'22. , jpar~