88 Book I!, Qlill{ar llittb 3Ccbtts. --------------------------- jj .ue me according to tbegreatnefi of tby mercy: JYeiJ<mi•h had done manygood offices to the Church .of God, and he dcrircs God to remember him in rdpcet of them Neh.5.19, Tbinlz ~po11 mr, my God, for good, according to aU I have done fir tl~s people: yet wear~ not to a boa(! of them, to tru:\ m them, or tu cxptCl: a reward for them, it is not propm, but fecundum, pot for aij I have done, but acording t<> all I l ave do>re: As Chri(l t.! h 6 will reward his Saints according to their wor~J, fo l\e/;emiab praycs, Lord, tbi 11 k_ "!"' att · 1 · 17 ' me according to aU I have. done, as being the bet! wirmlfcs ofmy inward righteoufi 1 e{; but not for what Jbave dom, as if I ihon1d merit heaven by my jufl dcfervings. Ou; Lllkc 1 7· 10 · Saviour tells us TVhen we have dme all we can do, that }/ill we mu(t Jty, we are but u11•rojitable fervalliJ : Ho_w >unprofitable; this title is given to cvil.lcrvants.. Ca'r M,urh.2).jo. r . r; d .~ d 1 ' Rooq.t>. j't the ~tnprofttablt 1 erv•nt tHto lttltr arl(ne 1 1; an tuy are all unprofitable, tbm ; 1 ~tone that dotb good, 110 not o11e. Certainly this f11ews what our ments are, if God ihould be fe. Job 01 ,2.35·7· vere: CaH a """ be profitable''"" God ? If that< be righteous, •vlnt givcjlth'" him i or .,hat rccciveth be of thyhaJtdi Take heed then ofrdling on, or trufting to any righreouf. ncf< Qr works oC thy own, they arc no caufe of heaven, and thcrc!ore nor robe confided in. . 3 Roll we our fdvcs on Chr·ill ,1rdChit! alone fnt life and for ialv:rtiQn Bc!'armiue could f.ty ,alter ,J Jhi< uifputcs for relying en works,on Sainrs,and Angt Is, tUiiNJ Cjl.&c.thc J-fr'l way is to •·elyc "'' 1tf'Ur Chrift;works, Saints,and Angels,may be femewmforr in their way, and at timo .of dc.ttb. i would l!ave an cfpecial eye to Angd-protection, of which aftenvards; )Ct I mutt needs lay, that Faith i, not content with the prdcnce and al!i– fbn.ce ol an Ang,d, cxccp.r rhe Lord Jefus Chrifl be there himfdf. When G,od promih.d ro fmd an Angel wrrh lm people rodnve out thc Canaamres, thelfracliw mour 11 cd, a 11 d Exod.3;•4· " 0 ,,.,; pHt on bisornammtJ; they pur on blacks, like a lovin~ wife that wo~ld ha~e her husband : what do yoL\ tell her ot fend1ng a truny lervant Wtth her) norh1ng will con. trm her but her husbJJ,d : So when our tairh is fer on work, it makes us bur lick to tell us of an Angel , tX<Lpt we rmy have Chri(l Jefus alfo, him or none, he is our righteouf. 1 Pfa. 57, i· ncfs, and he will be fllfc 10 be our llrength : At wh•t time I am afrgid (lairh Q"vid) r will trujl in tbcc. Indeed all the Samts are taught the fame Lelfon, to renounce their own rightccufncfs , and to expcCl: all from the pure mercy of God in Chri/l,whichact Bf faith is fo plcafing to God , that fuch a foul ll1all never be afl~amed. A Ht3then could iay, when a bird fcJrcd by a Hawk flew into his bofomc, l will 11ot betray thcem#o thy cne· my, fi in~ tho:< comcd for [anauary untome: How much lc!s will God yeild up a foul un– to 11< enemy, when ir takes fanCl:uary in his Name, faying, Lord, I am troubled with fuch all(! luch a temptation, but ! trull in tl1ee, I rett upon t!lce for life and for falVation : 0 takCin.c mto the bofome of thy lovefor Chri(ls filke ! 0 call me into the arms of thy evcrlafting ftrcngth! I have no confidence in my fclf, or any other, inro thy hands I commit my caule, my life, my foul, or whether I live or die, here will! Hick, and here will! abide for ever- Oh bldftd Soul, that rhus avoids Satan, and rolls it fclf on Chrill, and Chrin alone for its eternal happinefs. SECT. y, Of 'he aJTault of d~fpair. hUt Sata~ (it may be) .rakes another courfe, ifmen ~vill not prefume, he endeavour! D with nught and mam to dnve rhem to <iefpa1I; th;s IS the Gulph thatl11 allow:. up !:Jouls,and rhcrdoreSaran make; iure,if hecan but prevail in this alfaulr;and ro rh>t (nd,he ftis b;:fore their eyes all the grofs fins which t vcr rhcy commrtted, and a11 the jmlt;mcnts which thJfe !ius have deftrved; Thde he wnrcs ( as it were ) on the Cc11ta;n; of tl1cir beds , and endeavour, as much as he can to keep their eyes upon them, q. d. Rtodhcre thr l!oody chtwaCiersof thyjCJr!ttfi>t,pernfethe gre.tnc{s,themJ<:titt<dt,the hcinc 11jncf~ <1 thy tran[grcfJimiS; tbe word is, tbat 110 unclean thi,tg fhall emer into tb.• Kmg· /.\eve', "• 27. d"m' of (i,d; and canfl 1bou bope »•iib a!! thy fins top-Js tbro~tgb thoJC gnldcii t.•tiJ i tbere jha11 iv: no nife otter into them .nry tbing that-_ defiletb., neitbcr whmforvtr )Porktth 1Jbo .. milutiou , or mai:stlf a lye; and jlandejt mt thor< guilty of all tbcje fins? TYbat !J,p, thw to emu t/m,.>!.h thoje !(:<Its into tht City? Come, dejpatr ad dye, e>pca it<Jthiug b:tt thi wratb of ti;c ]11d!;r, md the n·agcs of fi~:,yli. dcatb ctt l'i!al, bot/; of body and f "'· . , Tl.us Sltall tcmpts,IJC knowstltat he muft !lOW or IWVcr prc VJil, lot ifrhw fouls on.:e ;;o to hcaven, he !ha:J n•;vcr vc xnor tronblt themany more. s-.:cr.