Chap.5. Sect 6. Bookll SECT. VI, Of "" rmj!ling with Satall •s to this l•ft •J!aNII• TO this lafialfault of defpair, Ihavefpoken before in Chap 3-Se[J. ~· which in this cafe may be reviewed, ytt a few confiderations 1 !hall add here, and then I have done. l 1 • Confider, )t is as ealie with God, upon true repentance, to forgive the greatefi fin as the leafi, and he i>as willing to forgtve tRany, as to pardon one, and his mercy I fuineth more in pardoning great {inners, then fmall oflcndcrs; as appears in the examp'es of Mana§cs, Magdalw, Peter, Paul, &r. Mor~lriJtr, the Law emred, that tbe,.,– •ffence might abound, bxt· where fi•t abounded, g>·ace dtd much more •hcu~td. 0 blelfed Word! 2 • Confider, that Chrifi is the remedy appointed by God the Fathertofavefinfu) fouls; if then Satan tdl us we are milcrable fiuners, and m.t{\ ddj:>air, we may an– fwer, Cbrift came into tbe world tofave finners, M '' ·9· '3· Ifa·)3· S· 2 Ct11'. S· 21• Thus blefled Mrs. K•theriHe Stubb • wrellled wtth Satan, as appears in that Dialogue: How · 110 ,. Satan, "'bat ma~ejt tborr /me) art thou comt to lempt tht Lords ftrv•nt l I tell thee (thou hell-hound) tbou halt no part no.- portion in me, nor by tht grace of God ever fuall have, I was, now am; and fu.ll be the Lords for ever; yt'a Satan, I was chofcn an Elcd of Chrifi unto cver\alting ~alvatioo, b, fore the foundation of the world was laid, and therefore thou mufi get thee pack;ng; thou damned dog. Bur what doll thou lay to my charge, thou fo.•l Fiend ) Ab that Jam .• ji<ner . and thereforefhaU be dam· ned: I confefs mdeed that 1 am a !inner, and a grtevwus !inner, both by original fin andby a6l:ual ftn, and that I may thank thee for, and therefore Satan, I bequeath my fin to thee, from whence it fir{\ CJme, and 1appeal eo the mercy of God mChnll Jefus : Cbrif! "me to fave fimters ( as he himfe'lf faith) anJnot tht rightCOJ<J: 'Eeb,/d the Lamb •f God ( faith J ohn) that tak,rtiJ away tbe Ji•s of tbe world; tiJt Blood.[ Je[IH Cbrijf tl· 1 tb cle•nfe '"from aU finsAnd therefore I conltantly behcve Ut) fins are wafued a~ way in the precious Blood of ]dus- Chrifi, and !hall never be in.pured to me any more. But uohat fayll thou now Satan ) dell thrm ask me, lmv I q.mcome for mercy? I tell th(e Satan , I am bold to come unto him through Chril\ being alfureJ and certainof pardon and remi!lion of all n<y fins lor hh Nuneo lo1ke: ~·or doth n0t the Lord bid all, he>vy laden with the burthen of fin, to come umo him, and he" ill cafe thtm? Chrill1 arms were fpread wide open upQI> the Crofs to tmb,ce me, and all penitent finners, and therefore I wtll not lt~r to preftnt my ftlt bct0re his foot-fiool, in fullalfurance of ltis mercy for Chril\ his fake; what more Saran) doll thou lay, It it writun, tb•• God wi8 re,.ard tvery one acc ,rding to his dejertJ) So it is written again, tho , deceitful devil , chat Chr•Jts righteoufneji is my rigbteouf•cfs. his works my works, his merits my merits, and his p•tcious blood a tulllatisfaClion for my !ins : 0 but God is ajufl Gorl ( thou fay!I) and therefore in Jrrfiire muj1 11ftd1 condemn me : I grant Satan, that he is a jufi God , and th~retore he cannot in JuHice pumfu n tfor my fins, which he hath al– ready punifued in his own Son: It is again!\ (he Law ot Jellice, to punifu one fault twice; I was, and am a t,rtat debtor umo Gud the hther, but Jdus Chrifi bath paid the debt for me, and therelore it !lands not with rh, )t~fiiee of God to require it again. and therefore avoid Satan, avoid thou lire·braud of hell , and ternpc menomore' for he that is with me is mightier .then thou, even the mighty and vi6l:orious Lion of the Tribe of Juda; who hath bruifed thy head, and hath promifed to be with his chil– dren to the end _of the world ; Avoid ~herrforr tb ·u daf!ard, remove th)•Jie~e, audyieldthe fitld wo11, and get thtc pacfvHg, orl mU eall r:po11 m; mygrand Captain J efns Chrij!, the valiant Michael, who bea< th'f in beavw, and tlmw thee doron tobeU, with all thy heUijb Trai><, and dcvillifb crew. -She had fcarcely pronounced thefe !all words, but fue fell fuddmly into a fweet fmiling laughter, faying, Now he is gone, now he itgone, do ]'" noJ fie bim fly likJ a"ward, and nm away lifl.! a beaten Coc~ ) he ~atb loft the field, and 1have won the viDory , emt tbc Garldnd aJ<d Crown of Everl•Jiing life, not bymy own po1f!erand j!rength, but by tht po,.,cr and might of Jtfur Cbrifl. 3· Perufe_ the evidences which in former tirpes we have gathered and kept for fuch a ttme os thts: Hav_e not many SatniS avoided Saran thus, and got the vt6l:orr ) I (hall tnfiance m that one , recorded in Mr. Caliamyes lark, who N repot!!