Book ll. Chap.5 SeeM· (IJ(!Jl:1C lbttb ~e'btls'. _ _.::_ ______ ----------------- and rd\rai11 his malice : Th<u art the God of peac<, tread Satan I befecch thee, under my (cet OlOrtly; that with a quiet >nd chcartul fpirit Tmay fini!h my courfe :Oh pkad my caufc agaitlfl rhe ,nemy of my Soul, and of thy !jlory 1 Lord, how long wilt thou look on! rdcuc my foul from thcfe fiery a!faults of the wicked one, I am fore troubled, I am bowed down greatly, I wai'K in hcavinef, all the, day long, my heart panteth, tny foul is exceedingly difquietcd with temptations, this thou hail feen, 0 Lord, keep not ftlencc; 0 be n?t foro~ lrom me, !lir up thy felf, and a wake to my judgement, cmb and chain up Satan, that he may mnld\ no longer, and firengthen thy poor fervant, that through thy might Tmay conquer and uiumph over him :And Pfa. my[cui Jhall rrjnJ'" .in tbe Lard, it .PJall ·rcjoyce in /Jis Sulvation; all my bones j!Jall fay, 55 · 9 •'•· L-,td, wbo is lik$ 1111to thee, whic/1 deliverejl the poor[tom him th:tt is toojlrongfvr bim, ye•, tl" p""and 11cedyfr~>rn hiw_toat fp oileth hitr; > . . • Above all, tak! the jhuld of~ altiJ"' Jcjia Chnfl, whcrervzth we {IJ:Iil be able to quench Fph 6.,6 aU tbe fiery d"'u ofthe wickJd: Our Faith wtll do wondtr<, if thereby W< take Chrifi ' • Jdus , and fet him again[\ the Tempter, we an: not fu woak in the hands ofSatan, as SJtan is in the hands of Jefus Chrift ; turn him th:n over to Jcfus Chrifl, and Jet CIJrit\ alone with him: Thus did the afore!aid Mrs. Bremrgh, aiier a great conflict with Satan; Sata,t (laid i\1C ) reafm not witb me, I am b11t a weak wu»!3n, if tiJOu h,fl a"y thi,zg to [Jy, fay it to my Chrift, my AdvocJte, my Strengtli, and my Redeemer, and ht jh:tll p!eJd "for me. It was the fpetch of 'tz<lma, one that Lutber pra.ed above all, 1 h,ugh ( faid he) the MarriHet·s rnAe 11{e of their O,zrs in the time ofcJlm, ye' when &jt 1 rm comei down, tlte Mdrri,Jeriieaveall, and flytothel.rAncbor: So tbough at other timu we m 'Y nZJk$ ufe of rcfol~ttio!lf, vorvt, &c. yet fllhen the jiorm ofHmptatiJn comCJ down, nothing tiJCil Jo good at tu fly to the Anchor of' Faith, or to caj! the A 11 cbor of' F.1ithintvdJC vail; then Chrifi, andnoncbutChril\, Lord, tboughtbou fl.1yejl me, yet T?ill I truj! i11 tbet: And Sat all, thoug/, tlm• jl;yej! mt, jet rvill I ktep to Jefus Chrijl. • I remcntbcr a i\ory ot one Chrijloplm H>jj, a Sanator of Halent in s ,,evia, who lyin5 on his deaths· bed , one lilte a Scribe, or Scrivencr, appeared 10 ¥Bmr. Tom.5: him, whobrin5ing paper, pen and ink, fate down at the Table, 'and in this .man- inEpijl.dtdicat ner fpake to the fie« mln, 0 CIJrijlopher, 1pmzber aU thyfiM i11 their ortkr, whicb ever thor< ,ommittdjt, for I""' fe>1t ofGod that I may write tbem d"'"'' and carry tlum to the 1'ribunal, whert '""' mu{! jhortly givt-an account• At thefe words, the dying man' htting himLII up in his bed as we!I as he could, knowing that now he had to deal wttn ~ata•J, ne anfw<ted boldly, If I m•ift llHmbtr my jint, firj! tben write over them the title, a>td let this b• it, 1he Seed of the Woma11 Jhall bruift the Serpents Head; and Gen-3 15. to this title (laid he) d; thou under write all my Ji>~r: The devil in hio feigned habit, no (ooner heard this ani v;cr, but prefcntly he vamfhed. What, is Satan bu!ie to work ourlouls into defp•ir? let us then flirup ouddves to believe, and rowlour foulsu\'on Jelus Chrif\tor ltk and falvatwn, and Satan will avoid. - 7 • Mind the wtrnds ot the fpirit, eaher intormer times, or at this time. Some– times when ~at'ln is mail buiie? the Lord fitps tn with his own tefiimony, aad fiop> the Lions mouth, that he can hy no more: Surely this ihould be minded. And this minds mt of thole horrid temptations which my dear and Reverend Brother M. Edw. Gee had on his deaths bed: A1 that time of hi• Jail lickncfs I went to vi!it him , and I found him as lull of fp11irual rav1fhings and heavenly joyes as (I thought ) his heart could hold, h< cxprdfed th<m In largely, in a continued fpecch, for a long time, that 1 could do nothing all the whik but admire, and give God the glory:BQt about two hours after I had left him,and was gonc,Satan began hisalfaults ofdtffidence and dcfpair,thrice he a!faulted him,and nothing was feen or heard by the witne!fes wai~ing on,but that at the fir(\ umcMall,r Gee laid ;Away with thee, aw•y with thte, thor< Accufer oft/JC !lrethrw, God conf•und tlm, And wh,n batatt a!faulted him tht fecond .time, he faid, Who is he that candemnes .I it is God that jujlifies: Aml I ~!__now that God wiUtrrad Satan under my feet; he that me, is jlronger then he th•t is again}! me. And when S>tan a!fau\ted him the third time, he (aid, Now have we beatelt him, I am nQthing; bmwhat I ~ns, I am by the grace of G,d : Whether at this time, or at another, .was a very remarkable temptation, and I !hall declare it( as it is given in to me) in Mr. Geer own words : A Minif\cr, and fome others being with him, he told them thus.- I was praying (laid hc)toGod my merciful Father in Chrift Jefur for the mai>1 thing,viz.tiJat he wouldjtrengthen, a•d pcrfe{J,and give welifuverlaf/ing: 1o which Jmrpo[e l!<[eclthat Scripture in Pjal.r38·8• . The Lord will pLI!cct that which concerncth me, thy i1lhcy, 0 Lord, cnrlureth fox ; N 2 ner1)