Book H Chap.5 ,ScCl: 6 . ·eve r forfake 118t the works of thine own hands.-- And tben (faid he) the devil came t1 me, and fug~ejlecl thur: Its true, tho11 pr•yfl , and 11{ej/ Scripture ar an argu· liiCilt m prJycr, and th':< [aye]/, tbou belrivej/, but God will give m~rcy only to them that ate trree 1/clievcrJ : Andnnv wbat proof ~r evidence canft thr.u give me~ th,a thou art a trzte bclicvrr?Vp.m thir, faid Mr. Gee, I wa! in a 111ojl wrful condition, and it rrar Jar J~orfo r.>ith my (,.ul tb,m any pangr ofdeath; I wa1 fisl/ of horrozsr, and terrozsr, [o that I ,~~Ire 'd)' to tnmble rff my bed illlo the grave ; yea, into tbe pit ofkell, and I waiTeady t• c~y out, C!J damned wretcl> that I am! And I war the m •re fi<il of horrour, bccaufe Ihad f• id jj muchofmy aJJurance and .i'1to them that JVerc abottt me before: Bw tl;iJ temptati– rlllajltd but a while :For I· God, my ml>/1 merciful Fathcr in Cbrijl Jc[ur, came in to "')' Soul wish hir tcflimony. And 2. Chrifl, my m'!f! bleffid ltedcemer, c.tme iilto "'J'fiul r.>itb hir tejlim •ny. And 3• 'the Spirit, my Sancrifter, into my foul with bir tcjiimony , and tiJCy writ tbcir tejlimony in my beart , ar if I Jhmld write upOit P,i'"' with a pw and i11~, ad GJd, my mJ[I merciful Fatber, Clt.1bled me to fay to S;tJ;z, thote i•nplaclblc md irr.::oncilea!Jle cuemy off my foul, aw.zy witb thee, a~ n·ay witb thee, its true what tho'Jil j"::yejt. tbat no;ze but tJ'ue believers c..m receive airycom~ f ort and jlre;;gtb (rom Gad:·Butfie thou bere, I have, a three fold tejlimony, that I am atrue believer ; God my mojl »m·ciful and heavenly Father , C1Jrijl »ry 1111)1 blejJcd and dear Saviour, and the Holy Spirit: I baue thcfe three witnejJcr, and ""'"J' with tbee• .IJ.nd uow ( fa id he ) the Dcvilr mouth war flopped, and my Soul triumphed: fa that [ bad a fuller tejlimoJZy of the Spirit after thir confiiCi , and more joy tha12 wer I had i11 all my life, as I remember; nay I bad morejoy than!can conceive,,. all Angel C2>texprc§c. 1 tell t!Jis ( faid he )for Codr glory, and for your good; a11d J pray y01<ttll it to otherr, that fa they may i<pow what malice a11djpigbt tbe Devil be<~rs to tbci~ Suulr, attd lik.f;vife that tbcy noy bccomjoi'ICd ai I war. And 1f the Lord deals thus with any ofus,_ 11 be come wtth this :leaI, Oh Jet us mi11d 1t, and make the fame u[e ot Has he cild, 111 rcpelilng ~oran, aud thw we may expect the fame he had, both victory, and joy, and triumph. Soli 'Deo Gloria.