..::r-:.--· cannot fay that wem1y with a D!vine bith believe in God primarily, and in, Angels fecondarily, for this wrre ridiculous. · . .Confectaries from Anyls, I• w e Ownld imitate the Angels. 2· It thews us how much we are bcholdi1•g tu God and Chri!t; no Angels could love n<, if it were not for him : Gods Angels are our Angds to defend and keep us , God bath com– mitted the care of liS to thefe mini!triog Spirits. 'IhiJ i1 tbe d,[Jrine of Ange!J, l•i~ d.o'l'n by tbf Author, aJ one ofthe Fmtd>mmtalJ, and main gro1md1 of Cb>~Jii'lt Religion; So, then to deny tbiJ, it '"''"" dCJry ·' FundJmtntJl, which ([aitb the fame A!tuther) muft ofnwf!ity de[lrny Kcligi.>n· Sect. 4· Ofthe Sayings Jnd Proofs ofMr. Sam. C!ar~ • j. 'A Notillr of our Divi11ef, rA•.fc J/;.~,1(] prJiji bim i~ the )!.JW, i1yet morefuV. :The 11 The Marrow il Minil\rJtion of A~>gds is either in this life, or hereafter : in this life it relates ef Divinity hy to mens bodies a!l'l fouls ; for bodies in general, they are faid to attend on the S•.clark.e. Saints, and to tuinifier to thcm,Heb. I.'+· N/Jttb.J8. ·,o. In particular. 1. They are as Stewards to prC>vide for them in their need, 1 Ki11p 19. )· 2. As Phyfitians to cure their malidics, Jobn )·+· ;;. A; Nmfes to bear lip, and ~ctp them from hurt Pf. 91 • 1 1., 1 z. 4 As guides .to direct and keep them lrom wanderings. Gen. '4• 7•32• I . 5 . As Sollldicrs to gliJrd thun, Pf.>+· 7·.2 King 6. I 7· 6. As refcuers and deliverers, to pull them out . of dao~<rs, ACl1 )· 1 9• and 12· 7• 8. D<111· 6. 22·- In reference to their (ouls m tins il.e, 1. They are as Prophets or Teachers to mfiruct them, Dan· 8•. I6, 1 7,and 9· 2>, 23, 2+· L"i(f 1·1 )•H •3) · AfJJ t. 11• 2. They are comforters to them in their feJrs and perplexities, Gen.2l·J7·1f"i· 6·'·7·Luk,p2.23. 3.Coad· jutors, to (land with them againtl_Sltao,_Z>c•;. I, 2• Judj,·9· +.Fellow-members to rejoyce with th~m at th~ convcrtrun of hnncrs,.LHkg: 1 S· 1O· . S· Tutors to incou· rage them in dut1es, 2 Kmf,J 1· 1)· and to pumil1 them for then offences, that they may be brought to repentance, 2 Sam. 24- 16 .-- Hereaft." in the life to come, they are 1 • watckrs, tO corry their lollIS at the fepltation ol them from their bodies into Heaven Luk! 1 6· 22. 2 . As keepers at the la!l day tO gather all the Elect together Mat. , 4 • 31. 3• Fanners, or ¥il1ms, to feparate the evil tram the good , Mat. 13 ·+9• 4 .. Compmions in Heaven, to joyn with them in yraifing God, J.evel. 7• 9, 10, 1 I• S" Dr. Gouge o" Heb. One OI:ijection is raif<d, that Gods children oft fall into inconveniencies, how then are they attended by the Angels > An[ ... 1 • They are prefcrved by the Angel1 ftom many inconveniences that they know not of; as we have ·Devils about u, continually, fo certainly thtre is a conflict between the good Angels and them about us continually. 2• If at any time . we fall into conveniencies, its becaufe we are out of our way, and then they have no charge O?ct usPf. 9 I• I I. 3· Ifwe futfer in thecufiodie of Angels any inconvenience, it is that we may betryed, ex<rc".fed, and made better by it; for ifthey keep us not from ii1, they k_eep.us in ill, and cl diver us out of it at length, fo that there is nothing in the wodd betjls Gods children, but they are gainers by it at !all, wh~tfoever it is R.om. 8. 28: · This may teach us. 1 . Not to grieve the fegood Spirits: if we e0mmidins in fecret . whereno eye of·man fe<s us, yet God and the ble!fcd Angels fee us, aod grieve when we fall into fin. i. To ble!fe that Goilthat hath thus honoured us,not only by taki>~g our nature on him, but by giving us hi~ own guard of An11,ds to attend us. 3.To take an holy fiate u-pon liS; and fo think our felves too good to abafe ourldves tO fin, to bef]aves to mcn,feeing wehave Angels to attend upon us; we are Kings, and have a mighty guard, therefore we lhould cany our fdves anfwcrable, +- Not to defpife the meanefi Chri-· 1\ian, feei11g Angels de[pife not to attend upon them. s· To imitate the Angels., 1. In rejoyccing at the converfion of finncrs as they do >Lt<kf 1 S· to. 2· In reverencing the' Mljcfty of God as they do , by cov~riog their taces, Ifoi. 6. ~, 2 S• 3· In Handing ready prcl\ to execute the wiH of the Lord as they do, P[al. 1 03· 20, 21· 4 In excc11ting for mannar as they do, viz. with chearfulne!fe, fince– riry, and without WcJtil"omnefs. 1{,i, is a peaec of thJI Marrow of Divinity, col- . 0 Hied ·.