~A Praltical Commentary on Jude by ThJ. Manron, D. D. leC1ed oliit of tbe /Vork.J of ouflllo,fl j~tdiciout, experienctd, and orthodox En•lijb Di~inet rvitb f'me additisnalt of bit own , at tbe Awhor confc§ab. ' " ' Sea. 5· Of the Sayings and proofs of Dr. Manton. T ) thefe I fh,zU add ~ another of fz!town partt and piety. This tutelage of Saints is from thei r lirll conception in the womb, till the tranllatiou of body and foul into l'.lmy. Survey all rhe patfagcs of life from the womb to the grave, nay after death till ~he 'Rcfurre&ion , the Mini!lry of Angels deth nQt wholly ceale: their care begim;eth os foon as the child is quickned in the womb, for tqen they have another diltinCl:· charge to look after; and as they are fervants of Providence, by their help they are born aud brougbt into the World , Gods Providence takcth date thence, Gal. t. 1 S· and they , I f•y, are inflrummts of Providence ; they watch over us in infancy and childhood; little ones lfe comtmtted to their cufiody, and babes and fucklings have their Angels, Matth. t8. 1 o. Jefus Chrifi was provided for in hiscradle by an Angel, Mattb. 2· 13. the Devtl ~ampcth about the Elect, whilfi they arc yet in their [wad– ling cloalhs; that txprclhon lccve/. !2· of the Dragons fceking todcvourtheman· child as foon as he was born, is figurative, but it allud~th tO what is true. Again, as we grow up, they rejoycc at our convcrfion, Luk.,e 1 5· 1 o. we read of joy in H•aven over a finner that repcntctll; you cannot gratitic the Angels mor~ than in your converfion ro God ; the Devtl feeks to hinder it as much as he can, b•Jt they rejoyce when a brand is pluckt out of the burning, Zacb. ;. Again, after convcdion, they watch over us in duty, and danger, and temptations, in duties where Satan is mofi bu– fie to hinder, Zach. 3· r. they are mofi helpful: the Angels are in the affemblies.of the faithful, 1 Cor. t ,, ro. (o in clangors, when Pwr was in prifon, God fendeth him an An~cl to bring him out,AC1fi2·7· Ruffim/5 !peaketh of ayoungman, a martyr on the rack, that had his face wiped by an Angel, and refrdhed by him in the mid£\ of his pains; nay in cafual dan£ers, which we cannot forefce and prevent, Pfal. 9I • I2• He Jhalt give hit A11gelt chargt over tbee, that thol< dajh not tby foot againjl a Jlone; [o in temptations, Matth. 4· r 1. they minifired to Chrill, when he was tempt• ed by the Devil; they came, to fhcw how God will deal with his people in like cafes· Once more, thty are with us to comfort us in death; in the midfiof his ago– nies the Lord Jefus was comforted, and refrefhed by an Angel, Lull$ zz. 43. fo they are with the faithful, helping and eafing them in their ficknelfes. After death they carry onr fouls to Heaven, as Lazarur was carried into Abraham's bofom, Luks 16: 22· though the l:;ody had not the honuur of a pompcus burial, yetthe Soul is folemnly conveyed by Angels, and gathered up into the communion of the fouls of juli mea made perfe<ft ; as Chri!l himfclf alfo af..nded into Heaven in the company of Angels .AC1t •· to. Once more,after death they guard our bodiesin the grave, as the Angels guarded Chriils Sepul– chre, Mmh. zE. z, 3, 4' God did let his guards, as well as the High Priefl~: their la!\ mi– niHry and fervice about the faithful, is to gath<r up th<ir bodies at the Iall day,They fhall gather up the Elect from the fout winds, Mattb. 2-1"31•and then their Office and cbafgeceafeth. 'ibtu f.r thit Author. . SeCl:,6. Of the Sayings and Proofs of Bi!hop Hall. I ' N tbiJ Dol1rine I have the cmfcnt of m·a"J' othm ' a>td to tbit purpo[r in the 1'rcatifcit [elf I bave cited Dyke , Dintley, Laurence, in"'"ifi BJO/t of Communion, and Wa~. with Angels (faitb Mr. Eaxter in bit Saints Ever!allmg Re£\, Part z.Chap. 7•)" ' taught the tmc and fpiritual •.fe of thit Dourine. B~>t J ltavehim and Mr. Dingley ;,> thtir Controverficl\ My meaning it onlj to hold f orth pofitivc, prejitppofcd, and.on both flde~ g,f<nted, and decidedtrutht. .And in that refpeC1 I fhall appealbilttoone more_of o~tr, ~The invifible native PruC1ical Diviner. * Bijl1op Hall fpea"J>tg of the zmploymentt, and operatzont of world. difco- Ant,rtt , fiith thzu; what vanety ts hcie et your a.llitiance ? one whdc ye Ie.ad us tn vcred rofpiri. our. way, as ye did Ifrael, £xod:33·2.another whtle ye mf!ruCl:.us, as ye dtd Damrl, D<n. rual eyes, by g, 1 6, 1 7 , one while ye fight for us, as ye did for ] vfoua, Jofh. 5• i3. another while ye t.H.B.I{. purvey