Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

~~olegomena. Dau IO. '2· Luc. •· )O.Luc. 2· 10 . .AEi:sJO· 4· Acll27• 23 , 24. Q_garto, portant Angeli fancti cle<'lornm nior ientium animas in ca:lum, ut vidcrc ell in exeDwlo Lazari, Luc. 1 6. 22. 1 Q!linto, in extreme illo die, &illufh4 adventu Chrilli,cogent ele<'los ho• mines a quatuor vcntis, ab cxtrcmo terr:e ufque ad extremum creli, Mattf,, 24· 31· Marc. I 3. 22·- Hactenus primurn bonorum Angelorum officium erga ho– mines. Alterum ell judicia Dd exfequi in homines, officium hoc cxequuntur bo~ ni Angeli duobu$ modis, prima in hac vita ca!li~ationis paterna~ inele<'los funt admi– l!ifiri, 2 S~m. 2-lf· 16, I7• ---ScconJo !n ultimo die !Cgregabunt reprobos ab ele· dis,. M~tth· J 3·V· 4h 4~; 4)· "Henric.a Diell i11 /;is thus;Boni Angeli fpeciatim pi is deferviunt, * Nen.aDi<ft. Ueb. 1 .q..tumin vira,.eofdem cullodiendo, PJ•-34·7· Pfal. 9t, 1 I, t2• Gw. 28,I2• IS· S.t>.Theot.voc, defendendo contra homines, Gen. •9· 1o, 16· czp. 32.' I· 2Rrg: 6. I6, 17· <· 19· if, 3S· ~.!;;~:;:f:~~ Dan. 3· 25. c. 6· 23· & d.abolos, Apac.,20· I, 2, 3• hberando, A[ls I2>7, 1I. fullentan· cwm. P"'·> dr do, 1 R eg. 1 9· S. & fequent. )Uvando , Exod. 33· 2• roborando art~• loc. lL<tc. 21. 43• boni1 ••:eli<. lie Van. S. ,g. c. ! O· 10, 11, t6, 18, 19· CCI\tolando, lfoi. 6. 6, 7· Dan. IO· 12· 2 Rtg• • I. 1 )· A[Is 2 7• 23, 2f• /lpoc. 5· 5· colligando, 2 s~m. 2f, I 5• I6. Luc. 1· 20. doecn• do,Dan. 7•16, 19· 23· c. 8. 15, 16. c. 9• 22, &c, fuggerendo bona, arg· loc. A[/II·rl· ,. 1 o. 4, 5. tufll irnnortcl, animlmdcfercndo in finurn Abraha:-,Luc. I6- 2 2• turn in fi. ne fa:culi, excitando ([c. miniflcria!icet) 1 '[be]!: i . I6. colligeudo, Matth. 2 4· 3 I. fepc- ,ando ab impiis& ded~ccndoad gloriam,NVtth. 13· 30, >-;.-- . ufus hujus do<'lrina: cll, --I. Ut D<i bonitatcm pr!lidiccmus, ex Pfal. 8. ), 6. Pfol. 9 1. 1 t, 1 :z.. & cullodiJmf.mfrorun~ An:;dorum ab eo p;:tJtntlS 1 l'fal. 35· 5, 6.-- 2.Ut confidamus, in omnibus viis noLlris, & adverfi;, tanto fatcll!tio cuci, 2 Reg· 6· 16. Pfal.3i· g. Ffal. 91• 11, 12 - 3· Ut il\1gclos honoremus, eofdcm imitando, Mattb. 6. IO· fan8:e 1 & detore cor1m ipii;, vdmi p:rpecui.i adiomunnofirarum tefiibu\i) incedcndo, 1 Cor• 1 I· 10. I• 'Ilm. 5· '2 1 • Exd . 2). zo, 2 1. nequ:Aquam vt:ro adorando, ApJc. 1 9J 10. C• 22• 8, 9· CJiojJ, 2, I t • Mattb. 4· lO· lf•i· 4 '· g, , Job.'· 1. '[ 0 theft Au1borsl might add, Auretius, Beza, llu<er, Melancthon, Pet. Martyr, Pareus; and abll'l!f aft, learned andgodlyZmchius, bu1 him I baveofim cited iu tbt 1reatifi; andwhat ueeds m'h're? it is fure (f.itb Mr. Byficld oil 1 Pet. I. 1.) tliat the Angels arc alwayes in garrifon for. the ekd, pitching their tents rounU abcut them tliac fear G?d; t~at which H<b.u I; ' Elijha and h1s mm fnv withbod,Jy eyes, every Believer may be a!fured ot by faJCh. And felillJ!. """'we are tlms compa!fcd about "i rh fa' great a cloud of witnc!fes, let ruin Godt fe•heg}11,andgo oil intb<difcJvcry of tbis d:11y, vi?. of the Mini!lration of, an4 Cummu• ni011 with A11gcls. Minifiration f.