Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

~-~~~------------~~----~-- IOL Book I, c· h s n ap.1. e~...~ 1 • MINIS'TRATIONOF, 1 AND COMMUNION WITH ANGELS: The Firfl: Book. CHAP.I. SECT.I. HEB. i. 14. A1·e they not lllU miniflring Spirit;, fint forth to mi11ifter for them, wf..g j!JaU be hcirr of falvation. The coherence and divifiou of thewords. THe Apofilc is here making a comparifon betwixt Chrill and the Augels, as the World is wonderfully inclined to fupcrtlitiOJl, fo it is wont many times ro darken the g,lory of Chtift, by too much ex1ltiug of Angels ; JIOOd reafon it is therefore that rlley fh ould be pur into their place ; the Angelsare excellent, bur Chrill more excellent : the Angels are glorious, ' but (brill more glorious : now the Prdation of ( hrill befvre tfuc Angels, the Apofile proves by feveral arguments: as I• From then~me of Cl)rill, he is v 4 . 5 • called Gods Son; fo are not the Angels. 2. From the rule aud dominion of Chrill, he is the head ·and ·prince, fo ar<! not the Angels : 3. Ftom the Oflice anJ Place of Cbrifi, he v, 6. to v. '3· fits at G•ds 'light h•nd, (i. e.) he hath the fecoAd place given him after the bthcr, f1e is · the Fathets Lieutenant, or his ohiefAmbaiTador to exercifcall power; !o are not the An– gels; and therefore it follows that Chrill i> more excellent and 11lorious than them all ; indeed they are Spirirs,and therein they have a title of great excdlency given them; bllt they arc mil>ijlring Spirit!, aud t.hat rakes off, and holds them within <he q:mpalfc oftheir degree; if they but miniUer, theymufi needs be inferior to Chrifi, who is Lord over all : and thgugh it may be objected, that Chrifi is fomerimcs call' da Miuijler and that he camt to minifler, yet that is nor in regard of need, but of good will , rhe Ang<is do it of nc– celliry , but Chrifi voluntarily: it is natural in the Aogds, but only by accident in }efu1 Mar.2o.28. Chrifi ; and therefore in all things Chrifi hath the prehemincuce, yet let not rhis do– chine pa!Te without lomc confolariOR to the Saints and People of God' be it known to you, that as Angels are minifiring Spirits, fo they are fcnt torth to minifier for you, art theynol all minijlri11g Spiriu, fent forth to' miJtifier f or tbcm , wbo Jhall be beirs •f Sal· vation? You fee I had neid to becatefiJl what I fay of the Angels, Jell that hcnour whjcb lhould