Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Chap.z.SeCl:.t. anti <ltommunion lllith ~ngel5. BookL to; ' fhould be given to God and Chrifi; may in any fort redou_nd to them. This h1th been the error of former ages,and of all errors there is almofi none more antient than thi•;Paut himfclf haJ much ro do wirhfome who fo advanced the Angels, that in a manner they would have b10u~;,'t Chrifi under fubjcCI:ion, let no man beguile JOu of y>ur reward (faith be) in avoluntAry humility, and worjhipping of Angels. Indeed there fhines in them fuch Colo!f.,,, 8 , . a brightnefsof rhe Majetly of God, that there is nothing whereunto we aremoreea!ily drawn, than with a certainadmiution to fall down in wor01ipping of them; this very , thing J ohn ilt the Rtvel.tiunconfeffcth of l)imfdf, but he addetl1 withal thar he receiv· Rcvol.< 9 .,,; ' ed thisanfwer, fee thou doi1 nqt,f~r .I am thyfellm[erv>nt, and of thy brethren, that bave tbe teftimony of Jefi~< ,worfhip !Sod; there is no worfi1ipping of Angels: and yet we mull not throw away the comfortable dothine of Angels! J hope before I have done ro convince you of a wonderful pledge of Chrifis love to your pcr£ons in theadminiftration of Angels, Are tbey not Ail minijlring Spiriu, &c. In this Textis adefcription ol Angels, wherein J, Of their nature, Are tbey not Sf• rits I 2. Of thdr Office , A re thty not miniftria.~ Spirits I 3. O f their conjunction in this office, Are tbey not all minijlring Spirits I 4• Of their Commiffion and executiou of 1his oftice fo undertaken, Are thq not "// m'"i]lri;,g Spirits ,fent furth to mhtijler? 5. Of the object about which the execution of their office is moll convorfant, Arctheynot all minijlring Spirits , [ent forth to minijler jm· tlmn, JPhoJh•ll be HeirJ of S•lv11idlt? i·. SEC -r. Jl. .. ~. Of the fever./ du{lrinu deduced from-the Wurds. FRom every part I may deduce a feveql do~rine; as I• Th~t the A11gels ane fpi– ritJ. 2· That the office •f the An~els is t.>milti{ler and [erve. 3· That tbe high– e{l Angel is not e.<Mzptcd from thi.J ~ffice . 4• T hat they have their CommiJ!ion i rom God and Chrijl, to execute their office cf miniftratio)t. ~. Till! the mi11ijlring office of the Ange/1 is not fi" all, but qnly for ""'~'n' Heirs. On the four fir!\ l fiull only sivoa touch, but on the lafi I !hall inlifi, and (if the Lord help) inlarge my difcourfe to the full of mydefign, CHAP. II. SECT. I. Of the firfi Dollrine. i.THe Angeli are Spiriu: And fo is God, and fo arc the Souls of nioi, but with this dilference, God is.•:~pirit mofi fimp.le, wirhout any compofition at all; theSouls of nlen are rplfHS conJoyned wtrh flefi1 and blQod; tllus. the P1iyJofopher dekribes the Svul to be the aCl: uf the body1 Now betwixt-theft two ~pirits are the Angels, who are neither without allcompo!ition,asGoC!is, nor are-they covered with f\dh and blood, a!J~e S6]ll of mln is, I know it is a quefiion, whether the Angels have bodies I And-- ,. Tlte Pcripatoticks and S~hoolmcn 'ltelortjie negaive ; 1he A~tgtls (Fay they) •re ~/together incorporeal: And for this opinion are brought in by others thefi: very Texts, . ) ' . .; " ·' Who ma~th his A•ge!J [pirits, ----'-And Arethtynot a_/ I min!ftring (pirip , Pfa 104 2• The Platonick~ and,many of the Ancients, aJe on the other fide: /{Jje h.Y,el/have •Tm•Uj;h,tft tbrir proper bodiu (faith 'Tertullia>r)and "ltb?agb invijible twr,-ytt viji\J, toO.U. tAu· C.rn<Chrifli, . guftine)so_f the fame mind: At\cthenin (faith• L01nbard) l" fJlluwedmany pJ..usAu• !':J~n~~f~axtbors, as aU the PlatoNick.f, Ongen,Lancbntllls,Bafil, with ~U the Writerul~>tof! if,_~is time: t A~1.J: ~~~: And fame more modern a!\rce wtrh them heCCJn; d/i fpirztr have the.r bo!iler((a!.rh t, lJcr· Jib.c. 7 .&.l J mrd) arnced is, excepting only God bimfi!f; . xnd t,he nw\ that theA~gels havs, ne-srpves '·'· f]Om thil Text, Are they n~t aO minij!rlltg; Jjliriu I For'""''" they extou!c thrir l\!l•~ijlry • V•«'. Z •nch _ (faith be) without.a body ~ £fF.~'lally am,ngf! _them that are i>l ,t}>e body 1 ·beM~Hke,y ' llfid t:f';~-~~-~'~ npt difeour]i, nor mqu~ from pi~ cc to plm, wttbout ~body. Nor fpcaks h> ot {>,odjeHili•· t B"nart ;~ lllt:d, but of bod~e~ p,ro_per a?d r.eculiar tO th~mfelveS. .. ;, ~:.~r.!Jrr ·~ Cantic. Canti. _, ¥ethiok; a mid~lebn;-vi:"t both \hefe ~omes nearefi t~uth, •1/~at ; 9 comp~rjfp~pf. _Gqd ':'";· s,~m·!~ thty are I>Jdm, bUimcomparifon of ru tbty arepure •nd mtg,bty fpmtr. Cemmly the An - M~;.t ~:job. gel> li~·'·'·'•