Chap.f Sect.t. C!tommunton- nittfJ ~r.gels Book I. 105 a-ng-e-ls-fu_r_p_•r.-,-,h-e-b-ea_u_t_y ofAt;gelsten-times~- Fri~ipalit'cs- fu-;:pifstheArchangels twenty times; Power ftf"paf• the Principalities forty times , &c. How he, er any other, came ro this learning, is yet unkuown, yet hath this Hierarchy, in thefe feveral orders, paffed for currant through many ages of the Church. Learned Medtin his l!iatrib£ oft he Angels, ~ells of fevcn prin<ipal Angels, which minifier before the Throne of God, and therefore are cllied Archangels, fome of whore names we have in Scriptures, as Mich.zel, G:Jrbriel, B ...zph.Jct; to this purpofe he cites feveral texts: AI I amRaphael, one oftl;e feven holy Angel!, or6ieh /landaudminijler before . t!Jt glorj oftht Eisly One. And thrft [even are tbe eyu cf t be L·,.J., whicb ru11 to and ~00(' " ·'S· . fro through the whole earth. And f Jaw ( faith J uhn) feven L,,mp! before the 1hrom, R~~ ~4s:'"· which art the fevtn Spirit! cj' God; and 1beheld, and lue in the midi oftbe 1 1mne flood Rev.; 6. a LAmb, as it ha.dbeen fl.Jin, [even b1rnJ, rtndftveneyet, wbicb are tbe flven JPirits Re" 8.2. ofG•d, fentforth int• aU tbeear:h And lf•wthe fi ven AngclnvhicbJt.,d bef re God. Aud Luke I. ' 9· the Archangel Gabriel, (peaks of himfdt to ZPdJ.tciai In the very lime langua;~e, I am G1briel, thatJf•nd in the prrfence oj'God. Th1t th<re is order •mon,;fi the Angels, I do :wt doubt, God is the Cfo:l of Order, ·and as he ordeLs !all things below , lu no quell ion he obfervetb a moll cx•c1 order in the Court of Heaven : arnongfi: us fomc fupcriour, -:md fome in~feriour, fome greater, and others ldfer; equaliry bath eo pl:tce dthu en carch, or in hrll; :J:nd m this vifib!e heaven,o~te fiar (faith the A~uflle)diffen from a;z;tber i11 .gt:ry; how then fhould 1 Cor. 11 , 4 ,. we 1magme any ataxyc or confuiton to be lll h!:'avtn? Certall11y there '" a mofl: beautiful dillindion anJ order amongfr the bkffcd An&els, yet I am apt tothiult; and dobelieve, that the diffc::n:rv:cofthoi~ g!orlous f£>iritls in heaven, is uor ifl their IHturc , but in their offices ; ·for as among men there is a p1rity •nd equality in rtfpd:r ofmture and the cxcdkn•y of one above another is bt;t by at, fo it ISwJth Angels, they are cqt!Jlly fpiritual fublbnccs, all cqu .lly crcartd good, and pure, aud pertcCl: , <nd their imparicy is b~caufC ofrhe divc1 Skinds ot rht i!t otti~cs, 1hc.y are imploy~ ed : Hence *jjme arefimply called Angclr, j)me //rcb.'Mf:.cll , [me Prit~tip.;liJiu) fame :f. E.xh~tc offici– DominiJm, &c. or«71d'!v"fita. But z, admit<ing this order and diliint'.bon of Angels, whether are not the highcll '< •. q• .•um alia Angels minifiring fpiri-ts? th~.: Platonick:\ thJt firli dJv;d~ d thtm ineo rhrce orders, as fome Alttr ,un_t ~--lbt above he,wen, caJiecLSupcrc.d~!leJ,. orhe;s .in ht!aveu called C.d~fln ., .and 'Others un~ !rt:,a;fj:[:a{::~ ' der heaven called Subc.e!cflu, dnlut:blygive thunfcv<ral offio<S: A~ I, They above b.b.,,ul • heaven (I mean this vilibk hcaven)oontmtJ.Illy lbnd b:fore G od (as they i;y) prw •lii v"'"'~r.·. fing, and lauding, and ma~nifyint; ni,; NJme. 2. They in hc.;n'~'en are there feared, ro fi"!rltca ~ngdt move, and rule. and govern th<: Hns. 3· They undcr h~.:-avcn) are fOme to rule King ~ltt fr.tte;. h;.~ domes) others Provinces, others Ciric;, u:h;;rs pl rticula r ITI:!JJ. tviln}' Chriftians tlur 1Ji~~,·;;;e11~;~ 11 write ofthe Hk;arcy of the Angt"ls, follow thtfe opinions. Now by this furmife , the domrnarionu•• highel\ Angels do not mi~>ilkr to the Slints, but only and immediately to God Z"ncb <ltopm– himfelf. Bur on the contrary, did not iVlich./.C( ( one of the:: £Cven ) contend 'J.VitiJ bu.J De,;part·I· Satu ab•m tbe body of Mj/:1? And wa; n;'t G·rbrid, wbo jl:and! befJ>•e the p,.efen" uJ 1j~.j~~·. God, lent to fpeak ro Z•ch.r riar, and <0, and ro 01ew them the glad tydings of Luke, . If . 2 6, the Gofpe! >And we1e not thole feven Archangels, called [even eyu, aHdtbe[even Spirit! Zach.4.Jo. oj'Godfentj'orrh iftto all rbc earth' Surely then neither Seraphim;. nor Cherubims, nur Rev.;.6. i Thrones, uor Powers, are cx~Olpt!:a tram thi5 orli.:c) rhcy <H<: atl mi;zijiring SpiritJ. CHAP. V. SECT. J. Of thefoltrth DoUrine. 4· T Hey. havethtir cammifjioJt. fi"um God a;:d Or.iJ1 to n·ecute zb1ir rjfi:eofMt, 1;. jlrattoiT' they will not go, unldi finr forth • As Chrdt WOIIid nor do the olli;c ot Mediator, untii he was calkd, Heb 5· 4, 5· lo neither will the . . . Anbds .exccure their ollice without a Call: In~hi> refpecr the Angels are h•d to wart on Clmll, they !land ~ehi.,J him, ami r~ccive deputations to their (cveral ollic<s: Ifa'!' by_nigh!~~".~b.'bolda nwt ---•ndbebi;ul bim were there red &.,fer, f?eci{, ZiCh,,.g. led a_nd w_hste· :. c. u~;u:•• ;;;;tJrnnts, prepared for Judgment and Mncy, W'hcn Z:;cha· .new 11ot who they wcrc,th~ mall that Hood among thcMynlc trecc,Chrill the Captain p . ~