106 Book i. ®tniiltatton of, aun Zach. r.1o. oJ tile- ords Hof\ ) 411["-·ered and [aid , 1hefe are tbf)• n·bom tbeLord batb[ent to >vali<, toand frot:· ·•mf!.b tbe c~rtb: The Lord tirf\ fends them, ai1d then as Agents and Spycs, they !',IVC mtdhgcL"C of a!I tlunr,s done m the world; thty will not llir wirhout a ( ommilli1King. 22 1 9• un, bm if he rend them, they run, they fly: I{aw tbe Lfl>'li fitti;t~ on bit1hrone (faid Mi20'21,:.2. cai.rb) a11d :zll tbe H4f of HcavenftandiHg by bim,~u JJisri~bt b:md, aud on bis left, and tbcLord f.rit!, ,.,bo fha/1 per[.-ade Ahab, tbat he maygo up a.td[11/ ,a Runoth Gilead ? and v:te {.1id_on tb s m:tmw·, <~~~ anoth~~·faid ontba~ ntamra, tlitd tberc_came fort!~ aSpirit, and ttood bcfo>'C tbe LDl'll, ,md /atd,I mUperfrvade bm1; andtbt Lord [a>d unto him, rt>herewith? .!f:t•l b~J•irl, l ,-.ill g,o (ortb, aitd l will be a IJingfpirit i11 m •ttth of all bit Propheu; and he }«td, ?bott fl.•,t/1 pc•fivade bim, an< prevail alfo,gofortb, ,u;c/ rlo fo All thisdifcourfe is by way of rcfcmbhnce, as it j, with Kings and Princes. fo it is faid of God, all his Hoafl (good and bld Angels) nand abo 1t him, and receive their C.m1mi£ficns from him: No fooncr is auy ddign agreed on, but he gives out the w'lrd ofcommand, Go f•rtb. and d-, fo· – Scc here the Commilfion, Go furtb, fai<h God: /.re"''' .IJC)' JIJ mi,rilrriH"[, iritJ ftnl f.miJ, !aith $11c Apot11c. " "' · ' SECT. JI. ON thcfe four fevenl Dotl:rincs I have no mind to in{il\, ogd the uth.er,becaule they .ne fo very fpccnlative, and fofull of controvedic : f or my p1rt lll111l ucverforget what Gr<>{cru; fa id be had found in his viliting the fid<, and in his own prepararions tor well dying ; 'Tbat >noli nftbe wzt•·ovcrf.et in Divinity >vercxttcrly ufilejj, a1td did intangle the cmfciwccs of tbe f•·nplc, jHJI as the /mmam inventimu in Po<peq• fmncrly did; and tf.crcjore be bc_zw: witbJ11ll bem ofmind to fhun, or abbor tbcm, a!ld inbi.t pttblic~ preacbi~tg, to f''"f''""d oul)' tbnfe tbiugs wbicb tended to the l;_i.nd!in~ of true j;,;tl, ;,, Cbrijl , and to the c,·uc:ifc n{ true ,(T,nd1incji accordiug t,, tbe /Yard of God and totJ;c procuriwz. of true crn1.folatia1t b<tb ;,, life mtd d<.ztb : Nor 01al1 I forger what is writ of Abo-.:!Jpm r,,,<:Jolt?.er, who[e care in his publick Miniflry was to avoid thole qucfliow; that do but gecdcr unto firife, and to in!irud his Auditors how to live well, and die well. Some inuecd·blltncd him of cowar– di7e,ior that being indowed by God wirh fi.teh exdlent abilitic<,yct he would never enter into the Iif!< with tbr fana tick advcrfaries of thofc times; but the rcafnn was, becaufe he ahnycs clfetl:cd peace, hav;ng no ddight in wrangling, which caufcJ him to fay to a lricnd, Vrjii rlijpuu,·c, eo£piJiepputare, quo11iam il/ud di!Jip.ttioucm, boc e>ilc8i.nemfigmfic>t. BJi,\cs, he fJ w that tl1e greatell Antagonifis to the Church~s peace iud not [o mucha> one fpark of grace in them, and that there cat"lle no profit, but mu~h hurt to the Churchof Chrifl by thofe Cbntinualquarrels amongfl Divine..I will not dmy, nay I dare not but ac- " Idto Apoj/o- knowlcdge,that in oml'ulpit; we may,and mufi(as occa-fion islpropound fuch11 fubjetl: as '"' contoDI"' thi< of the Angels, and no qudlion but out of it we may draw matta for fairh, and hfe, f•it hunc •n~m and comfort; but a~ to thefe particnlars of the Angels, that they are fpirits, muni\ers •f•m ';{W~:; of fcvml orders, and all delegated (ao the Lord plcaferh) to this or tha1 office, they ;,:;.~".§, ;;.ci- are very abflrufc points, wher~in we may wrangle, and do as boys io f'p.nrt.whofirive to puum, dicendo, firikc moft fpJrksout of their Bints, but never intend to kindle thereby for ufe: So we "'"""'"""' m•y difputt and jangle about words, or flrivc to flrike out the moll fubt1l atd ~;~,:;:;"'j~-iri lincfl.fpun notions tl1at we .caninvent'. but alas .they will.uot profit our fouis, n_or uos in mini/leri• rend much to pratl:ife, whiCh 1s tba hfc and Sptrit of Rel>~lOn: upon tlus)•enly um mjfji l"P- believe it is , that we ha Ye far lcfs written in Gods ·word ol the nature of Angels, "'"' 1"luthen of God himfelf, b'canfc the knowledgeofGoi is far more pratl:ical, and ltfs contra· red"""'" ra · d ,- r I · h 1 I· 1d t' A 1· A chanoe1 s· · f. 1 • 1 vufiaJ ;m tn<'rt neccnHy to n vauon, t Jn t 1c \now e ge o nge ~,or r ~ · ' ~:~~~h. lb7~' - only if'rhtre be ony thingot Angels rcvcaloo in Scripture, and moft '~orthy of ?nr know– t De cuflodi,, kdge (a. e<ltJinlythere is) I tone that to be it, wbichthe Schoolmen mall thetr learmng . n~e(?' 111·'i rre~ tO(}/{ k:llt u~::cc c( and that is ot the miniHration of At~gcls,·in ref~rcnce to Gods peo- ~~"','~::f:b~;: plc : With .";it"''' ufi (laith "' Z.m:,iut )coulc:tbe Apnfl/e comw· bimJi~~as k,f:or:ing tba~ mi'lrisftwt.{pe. tn tbe Dn8rmc of Angel!, tlm W16 tbe -uzo}f pnnClpal, a;1(/tudccclmujf ptactu;d , and ~he~~ ,..uta:i?,~i~,Hio· fore on this poiut I mco.n to iubrge, and the mher poincsJ !l1all lc1ve to others; t.n.thc .f 1 r (nmu11bu t lviars.eut you may {~c to whom. i· Arc they r:ot all tniuijlliug Spiriu,fwtfortb tommjfle 1 • ~~~:;~~;~1~~:~:1; • Im· t.~~rn· n;/Jr: jlJ -dl be l{c.:rs nj' S .zlv~ion• rr;d ~ i.V IZ. CHAP.