Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Chap,6. seCt:.t. €omnmnion 1\..iciJ ~ng,~e:.::.:lS::_ ___B_o_o_k_I._,_a_7_ ~.-!.------ CHAP. VI. SECT. I. Of the f,Jl DoCirine. THe. chief point yet remains, vi;:;. that tbis mi~tijh·ing office of t~e Angelr ii not fat: a'/, &&<t '"'')'for Hc;vc"' H irJ. O.t this I mean to in!ill, and to inlarge my difcourfe, wherein I Onll ,. Confirm, 2, Apply. I• For Confirmation, we have Scripture and Rcafon, SECT. H. Scripturu far /fngch miniflr.uion . HE {1uN~ivc biJ An~c!J ciHt;eovcr thte, to k.!cp thee ;, aU thy wayJ; thty jhall bear Pfa. 9 r,Ii, u. thEe up in their b.zd1, le{! tlm<tl;(/; tby fooo agawjl a }lone. J 11 this ::cnptt.:.rr.: vv·~..: mly obfcrve lhcfc- parttcu aro:;.-- 1, That tile ekfr are to preo ous with God, that for the~r lakes he gtves out Com– mandj• ~- That he co•rmands the Angels ( hischoiceana chief fervants) for the good cif hisCiu!~n : fie p,;/1 give bi1 A~gels ch"l' over thee. It IS the ufual way of his provi– dence, to cotmmnd 1he thong 111 bclult ot the weak, and to commend the weak to thok: th>t are mere Jlron~. · Thus it IS betwixt Clnldren and Parents, Wives aud Husbands, the Sici<and So·Jnd , tilt S1ints and Angels; be comm1uds the Angels over S1ints, or he c01n· mends the SJ.infs unco his Angd~. · 3 _ Th•t tk end nr meaning of the Command, is for the Elc& cullody, tok,_eep; They 1r,ull ~wt cz·:rc1k a power_ (Jf ~o_mmwr:' over thc:t~, they mufi not exact adoratrun or worlhip trom them, as the evtl fptrttsdo trom all thetr fvllowers: bm the command is to prtf..:rvL [hem, d_dcnd the~, dL~ivc_r t_hcm 1 keep t_hem. . -l• the kecptng of Smtts IS )l!llltcd to thetr ways; tbry j/Jall k.!rp tbee m all tby n,;y: i. e. in all thy ueceifary lawful ways, nut Jn tf1y finful devious wan· drings. 1 S• That the obedieuce of the Angels to th:s command, is precifc, exact, and diligent, tl"y jhall bear tlm up il1 1beir, i.e. they !hall accompany thee, go before thee, wait upon thee, follow 1hee, as the !hadcl" follows tho body, compafs thee round, lead thee, obferve thee and in ail 1\raits or necctlittcs knd thee an hand. 6. That the ialtc of this obedience is tafety aud fecurity; lefltboudajh thy foot againft d ftaoc. By t1tis oue danger we underHand by a Synecdoche all other dangers, q.d, not any huH, be it nt ver fo litttle, 01all befal the Elcfr: So far Otall they be from harm in the head, that itlh•ll not reach tne foot; indeed neithor foot, nor head, nor an hair of their head !hall periOz to their prejudice, L~tl;,e 2 1. 18. · The fum of all i< !his. As Nurfes and Mothers deal with their children, [o muft the Angels deal with the cl11ldreu of God, that is, they mull keep them in their ways, they mu!\ bcor them up in their hands; children often ilumble and fall, unle!' they be , !td and carried in han~s and arms; and therefore God bath given his Angels a charge over his children, to keep them, and carry them as in arms, Jell they dafh their feet a– gain(! the tlones. 'I~r AngEl of the Lorrl incampeth n und abcut tbcm that fral' bim, and ddivereth Pfa 34 "• them; They that fomet imesare compared to Nurfes and Mothers, are otherwiles com- ' '' f'Utd to Souldier< that incamp themfdves about the Saints: Thus when the young man had his eyes opened at FJi{IJa's prayer, he faw, and bebold tbe M ountain was fullofhorfes, K'n 6 17 , m1d Ch.,im of fi•·e round aboru Elifha. Many mili\ary fer vices are theyever and a-' 1 g. ' non perfcorming for the Saints; they are watchful Centinels,giving a timely alarm to prevent 1he _enemy: Arife, a;td t~k..e tbe BJbe_ and his Motber, and fl<e into Egypt, ~itd Matt6. 2 , 1 ;, be tbere m11zll brmg tl;ee nwd, }or Herod will feel;. the Babe to dejirey hiin. They are hithtld Lite-guards, prdcrving the Saints in the miclllof dangers : •time jhaU "'evil Pfa 1 11 • btfa! <hlr, nritlm (hall •"Y plague come 11i~b thy dwelling, for he j/Jallgivehif Ange!J ' 91 ' 0 ' • ~h.n·ge wcr thee. They art jjte Lonvoyes, bringing the Saint through th~ir Wildernefs to their heavenly C:m.1.1n.: Jacob had cxpt.ritnce hereof, AndJacobwem on bisway, and Gen.;:~; 1,3. 7• P 2 r!Je