Book f. Cbap.6.Sra.;. ,;,, A•.~c/1 of GJd mer him, •11d whrn}1cob{m> them, ~e fa id, thi1 i1 GcdJ H•afiJ and be "/led the >Jame of tbat jlaceMahanaim.i.e. two HoJfts or Camps,thc onebef~re, and the other behmd, o; the one on one fide,and the other on the ether fide; or they placed rh,n,fdves in fuch lort, as to give Jaeoba!furancc of f1fetyevery way. SECT. Ill. Rea{on! for Angel!·miniflratim. BUt why H10uld they miniiler for the S1inrs) the reafons are: 1 .rn refpecr of God. 2· In rdptcr ol them. 3· In rcfpecr of us. ,. T here are fome reafons in refped of God : As-- . 1. It is his will and plealure that they fhould fo miniiler. Thus JVcbucbadnez~:,ercould acknowledg,, fle dotb Jecording tohi1 wiUin 1he Army ofheave H. Th~ Lords will is the rule Pfat. 103., 1• cJ all Julhce,and a moll perfecr Law, whereby he govuns the Army of heaven, that is, the Angels : Hence they are defcribed to bo Gods mini,lers th" d" lm J>le •!•re , they en– quie no further what is to be done, or why it fhould be done, but acqJiefce ia the d 1 fco– very of his will an1 pleafure. Indeed all thingsabd acrions arc r.wlvcd intu thistirll Ephcf. 1 •"· principle, the good pleafure of his will: 11e workcth aU thing! afier the cou•fe! of bis 7t>ill. Pfal.ro3.:o; Gcn 3:.~. 6c0.24, 4C• £xod.32.2. Dan.~~2. This is the Supreme reafon. 2. It is his comman1 that they fhould fo miniller; every thing that God wills, he doth not command, he wills lia to be in the worJd, buc he doth not command it, for then he would be the Author of'lin;but as fox Anp,el-miuiftration,hc wills and comm 3 nds them to it : Blejj the Lord yehi1 Angel!,tbat excel in Jlrength, that do biJ Commondmmts, he<~r/(s~ting to tbe voice of his W~rd: Upon this brnund is the Lord very o!t,n calkd, the Lord of Ho~Jfi, i.e. the Lord of Ant~elsfor fo Jacob calleJ ~he twu Armic$of Angels, GodJ Hoa(t,and the mulutude of Angels that pwfed Goo at Chnlls Nauvity, are called a multitude of the heavenly HoajiJ. Look asCommanders fay to their Souldiers, Go, and they go; fo faith God to his Angels, G,, and they go; go and minijle>" t>my Saint!, and pre– fe'ntly t!Jty minjler. · 3· It is his goodnefs that they 010uld fo minille~. Alas if tht Lord fhuuld Jeal with us according to our demerits, rather Tygers and Dr•gons fho~ld wait upon us; then the Angels: It is more then we can challenge, that any creature after the lali fhould be fer– viceable unto us, but that all the Hoail of heaven fhould be ab1fod to fo low a work, as to be fent forth to minifter for the meandl.i amt, even for us poor fintul wretches, dull and afhcs, Oh! what goodnef< is this) upon this ac<J)unt, of the love noercy, aud good· nds of God, we re•d !o often of the Lords lending his Angels. to attend hi; Slims: Thus Abraham told hisfervant, The Lord before whom I wal~, wiU fo11d biJ Angel 'lrith tb.e : And thus God told Mofos, I wiU fe~td a11 Angelbef•r' tlm: And thus Daniel rold the King, My Goli h•th font bit Angel, and bath }hut the L;•ommoutlu,thJtthey have not burt mi.' So gracious is that King of Heaven; that he will fpare his ~wn Courriexsout Pf•·3~·7•8• of heaven, and fend them on errands to his Saints for their prclervatiOJ.; whenceDavid reafons, Oh taft astd feulw the Lord i1 good! Oh the goodnefs of God! 2• There are other xea!ons in refp'cr of the Angds. As-- 1. lt is their duty;not tht orightell Angel,but is fubordinatc unto God,and therefore O. mull a er and move as the Lord appoints. 1hif is the living creature that I Jaw under the Godof Ifracl, and tbat tiJty nere the Cherubim!, Tht Cherub1ms are glorious An• gels of great wifdom, lirength, and agility, and yet they are fubfervient w the Lox~ , l'fa.Io3·"· and therefore are faid to be under the Godof Ifi'ael: Surely that word of the Pralmrll t1bey dn hi1pleaf~tre J is the very image of true.obedience,q.d· their Miniftry not at their own pleafure, but at Gods: Now what is Gods pleafurc bu~ the Saints weltare ) He bath Pfi!.3 f·2'j . L d plcaf•re in the pr•{ptrity of hiJ fervantJ• "(Qc Angels -t t know tnis, tlan not upon terms with God , all they do is but to hea,r1fen to·the v.oice of his Word, and then they Ez<k. u.::f. fly; Then did the CherubilhJ lift~ep fhei>"w.iligJ, Rndthe whtetJ hejiqeJthem: It 1S a not.e ~ Grm>b•m in of • a Dtvine upon 'tbefe words, AUthi~tgJ are unierthe God oj' Ifrael, he bath the prehemt· 1"· nence, he i1 above wheels, aJtd Angel! are under him, at hi1 difPofe ; if he J'.i~e out tl:e .word;- . tbe CblrubimJ move, lift •sp tbci,. wiitgJ, and order tbewheel!: If be fay,go andmont,Oer ID ynd SaiMIJ, prefcntly they go, as it is r.heir duty. . 2 • It is thtirdelight to attend the Saint!', they know chat ooc d•y they !hall hve toge– ther, iJ.ld finjl together, and rejoycc togtrher; they know that the Saints !hill fupply th' fOOD! ,.