Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

~--· 110 Book 1, S3mHh'atilm of, ann ~hap.6.5e~·4·~· ·-------------·--"-----~-~:__ , 'Vfc r. Re~el.;;. I 2. 2_Tim :.:6. SECT. IV. V[e of 'fm·our. W. Ell ;hen; Is tbe m;niJI:i>'g .cffice of tbe Angelr 1101 fur all, but only for Heavenr lfem? W!llt tt nour ;s thJs to the Wicked I Abs they have no Angels to look t•, them, or takecare ut them, they are devoid of the prcfcncc and mini(lry of the hea– Vlnly Ant)eh, or if they have any inlpection of them, it is but a general inlpedion, fuch as t-lrg rr and /flmtJel had, who are fct·out m Scnptllre as tlac types of thofe that are rejected of the Lord. And this I take it is tht realon why Reprobates live and are not all fiidJeuly flruck dead, to wit, becaulcthe Angels havc'lOtDe general cha~ge and care rf them, that they may be pre[erved to their condition, bi>t they are not properly Guar– .'nn, of any fuch men: 0 woe, woe, '~De to th~ Wicked world, whw om 1 vve i; pajl, bcbold there come twa mrrewJuafter. ASIC was With Saul, when God was gonetrom him theu the Phi\illines made war againll him, and he was fore wounded of the Archers oud at I ,n he Id\ on his own Sword and died: Sa where the Angels of God llai<ds u'. loof of, ami "ill not rtfcue, cne woe fDllo~s after auother, there the evil lpirits ketp their rmdn,•nu·zc, tile dcvtl works 10 them mightily, they are hood·winktand betotted ond blind,cl by the god of this world, having no power lo much ascv groan, orto with for delivei ance ;, w~may lay of all Reprobates as it was faid of Saul, An evilfpirit i; up– oa the111, and God H >Zot untb them: They are already taken'" thdnare of Ihe devil, he hath tbcm in a lhillg,_and leads them_captive at his will: and n'O wonder, for tl"y have not thole aids, thofe contrary wh1f~enngs, tlwy have not the good Angdstoconllitl: with the bad , they have not the fpli'lt, a new nature, much kfs the external helps and ·guards of holy aod bldfcd Angds; Ah wee to thcle men! SECT. V. Vfi flf iucotlragem:nt. Vft 2 , vvHac inwuragement i; this to tht godlt ' though the wid<ed have not fitch guurds, yet the godly arc the proper objects of the Angtls minillry.-Are fhcy not mini{lri11g jjiriu,fcnt fi rtb tominifterfor them' it is~ qudlion that puts all out of qutllion: ·The wicked indeed are_left to the wideworld,butGodisat char~:euf giving th~ Saints Tutors, and Govemours, and Guardians, bere is a mighty incourat:e– rnent to 1he people of God: llmow not th: condition that any SJint in the w~rld ma y br in, whtTLin wecumot lind in &oripture fome incouragement or·other drawn from· Gen.24· 7-~0. ac Angel: Art thou in a journey? to Wl.S Abrab.mJ rcrvant when Abrabam told him,He jJJJD jc.d hi1 Aug,tl bcf,rr tl)(e,,wdpro[per tby "'"Y' Art thou in· bateel, or ready to march Exod 2 p 3. againfl the enemy? lo was lfrael, when the lord told Mofc;, Fur mine l{ngel jhall go be– fm·e thu, 3Hd bring tbre in unto tbe Amorites, a111i the Hitdtes, •11d tbe Petinites, &c. and I wil'cHt tlmn off: Art tljou in oppreilion,m under the cyranoy of wicked men ?[o Mofcr Nurn.zo. '4' told Edomt the Tjiaeliter were,Thou 1\,~towejt oj all the trav.el that bath befallw ttJ how orsr Fa– IS, • 6 • tbrr1ncr.t J,,.·n iJm Egypt, andtbe Egyptians vcxedu;, a11d onr Fatbcrr, 4nd rvben we cryed 11HfO tl cL<rd, le br.rd r."r <ei<'e,andjcntan A11gcl, and!Jatbbrou.~ht ru forth out of Egypt: 1 King.r9 ·1>5· Arc thou in perlecution for religion, and forc'r to fly for thy life? fo was Elij41J,whm he rcq"e]led fvr himfelf th•t he migbt die, aJidfoid, il ir mortgb norv, 0 Lord, talze away my life jtt I am NO btttrrthen my Fatber; ; and a; he/ay, andflept under a Jrmiper tree, btbold a 11 Angel tBuchcd him, a>tdf •iJ 11nto him, Arifc, AJtd e.t : ;\rt tho!.l traduced, maligntd, Dan.o.u. cenfured , in•priloueJ, and conde~ced to dearh tor righteoulnefs f•ke, or for rhe truth' lo was D•~titl, whom God yet delivered by an Angel: My G.d bath[cnt hir Angel, ,t>td hatb jhut the Lyon; m•utln, WAt·they have not hurt mr,for aJ much aJ befort bim innocen– cy wa; f ound in me: And fo it w~s with Peter, For behold tl~e Angel of the LArdc::me upon Alts 12.7 • 1,_ bim, "'"d a light the prifon,- and wlmz Peter wa!Cometobimfelj, hefaitl, Norv'I k,_now of ofurtty thatthe Lurd b~~th {cnt his Angel, a•dbath delivmdme om of the h,;.nd<if Herod : Arc thou amidlta people, whom Go~ tor fin hlth decreed to dellruCl:i – on' fo was Lot, whom the A;tgeiJ bajlened out ofSodomelcft hejhould be conjianed in the i d• . quity of ,;,e City• But I am faved this labour of kuchin15 any further into Scripture ;" a * :rnwp. ~]1 wollhy Author hath framed us the variety of their •tlillance in chis fameEcbeam: One ~or'l~:nn. 0'"1~hilc the lead us in our ;,a)', aJ they did lfracl, anotber wbilc ti: fy i:iflmrt tu, astbry didD; – l1!d