Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

ll:t Book r. ~mtftratton of, ann Chap.6.Sect.7--:' faid he at any time, You are_ myS?"'' my Kinfrm~, Brethren, Mother, Sijfer, Sp zfe? An Angel IS conflant!yca!!td a mnuflrmg Spmr,but 15no where rc>d a ti:iend 0 ( G cJ h Son of the Father, the delight of the Son of Man, the Temple of the Ho! ~ '.t. e whorein tl:e thrice glmious Trinity takes up his Manlion Chrift 1 ' ans adrr · y hpmr, h · fi . . . · tue, ere 1s enoug_ to < ~fl you mto an extra •e. Come vtew the Samrs Pedigree, and tell me what you think of tt. The Saints Pedigree. bur Lord,; C.r.,.z, «: HisSer.vants,Rom.6. 22 • ;f~ Our Friend, Cant·S· f6. i (' 1 His Fricnds,Jolm 1 S· , 4 , E Our Fldhand Blood, He· Ut) His Kmlmen, Mzrk_ •• 21 • '~ (1; hewt 2. I 4• ~ ~< H,, Ertthren, joh./ 3 • ~ Our Brother, Heb-2-17. :; f) H s ~ons, G.;.,. 2 6. D OurFather,Jfai 63· 16· ;!; G His Spm.fe, S;llcr, Love, Our HuobJnd, Rom.7-4· Dove, &c. C.:,,/'· . 9 , ~T~ ~ One Vine, J ohn 1 S· f, One Seed, Ga/,3,z6. One Ttwpk, Ephef.2· 1 ,. 011e Body, Rom., 2·5· ' One Spirit, 1CJr 6-17. 011e Chrifr, r Cur.! 2. 12. Upon the view of this Line, Genealogy, Pedigree, (call it what you pleale) methinks (my brethreu) we lhou!d all cry out, L m1, rrh•t i; m•n, tb.!l th " .crt mi-.djitl of him> Pfal.8.4,),6,9. for thott haft made himhigher thaJZ the A~tgelr, andh.jt crorrmcdbim roith glory and ho110ur; tlm< haft m•de him to have d.minion over the wori<J of tby band, , tb u h>;l pstt ,g1hing,r t<n· dcr hi-J Jw; 0 Lord, ottr Lord, how exceUeHt it thy Jtame i11 all tbe world? Mar•• e. o· SECT. VII. Vfe of Magnanimity. DO Angels wait on Heavens Heirs? Come then ye holy ones, and take an holy Hare upon you, think your {elves too good to abale your lilves ro the world, or tu fin, or ro be flavEs of men: Why you are Kings, and have a mighty guard, and thcrtlon: you fhould carry your {cl lies aulwrrable. Little do the men ot th1s world think ot this, or bdievc this truth; If they fee aman to have at his heels a long rramQ! earthly tollow– crs in li'ks, fattins, golden chains, aod (och like bravcrits, Ohhow arcluch ti!lhrs g""~d orr'? and how arc f4.:h men ufually ilJied, 1 Uo' Grwnefr, Higlmcfr, Excellency' Alas .las! all is but beggery to the glory ot rbe ltatr of the 'Jint5 o{ God, and ot their ~ttL~dants. I ke indeed a great deal ot gli!lcr m fomc of rhefe earthly ~tare lokmlli– tie> yet in all thca pomp; they had need of a fair doy, and dear Sun-thine, ordfc half' th~ir Shtw will be loli: But Angds (the Saints atttndams) enlighten the great• 11 efs dai kne{s, Ltt};p 2· 9· All oJ 2· 7•!J not tbtir co:mtcMnc~~rlightning, alii thcirrJy– mc~t white ar fizow? M"ttb. zb. 3· Oh then I how lhuuld th1sgreJtC11 the lpmtsof Gods people i V. hy thinl> of it, you whom it mofi concerns; ir \\as an high favour tor Mardicai, a poor porter, to have H>m-an, the great pompous Peo· ot 1he lo.n•pire, to be his attendant , his Lacqucy , or his ~oorman tor an hour: How much more honour is it for JOll poor worms, to have thofc mighty Peers of heaven, little Ro)'es, Demigods, to wait upon you continually' King S lomon in all his Royalty, in the midflot his two huudrcd Targets, and three hundred Shields, of beaten gold , was nor hl<e one d 1hc li·lies ot the field , much Jefs like aSaint invironc-d, and cncompaJTed with a wall