Chap. 6.s~a-·s:--Q: onmmnion Ul!tl)-:iii~i5:-- · B~-~kr:--;-;; w >I I ot Angds: Hence was thlt f,yi<Jg of Chrili, Defpifenot one nfthtfe little'ones: and "hY fo? b<eaur~ i11beave1t tbcir Angeii do,zlwayu behuld the face of rny Fathu. Th oManh.IS.J o, br. 1 giltdl Angtls that looilin the face of God, defpife not to attend nponthemeancll S 1 intS , and how thEn 01onld any defprle them whom the Angels honour' How fhould any rhink rhcm un wnrthy of their company, or countenance, whom the great Angels think moll worthy of their fervice and attendance ? bu.t efpecially , hbw fhould any pcrlcm\e to wrong the Saints, or to ru01 into Gods Paradife, firch as every rrue '• Chrillia11 is, where lla11ds the Angels ofGod with a flamei11gfword which turns every "'•Y > Jts eno11gh 1one would think) to affright all the me11 in the world from offerin • :wy vioknccto any of Gods people. rBut howfoever they carry, let Chriflians CJrry"as HeavensH,irs, let them wali( worthy ofGod, rr>ho hathcalledtbem to hif KingTh r dom a 11 dglory : J_.rt them cmrlider what Servitors and Minillers God hath appointed 1 • 2 ' 12 ' to wait on them, and 111 thr Nameof God kt tlwm corry themfdves anfwerably, and l;e holily noa~nanimous. Pluta~·ch tells of 1hemijt•cJtj , that ht accounted it not to !land wuh his lb te to lioop down to take up the fpoiles of the enemy, whom he had fcattertd in flight, bur fJics to one ot his fnilowcrs Yo~e may f orY"' are mt 1hemij!oc/u. Ifothers mind the ~nh, and thmgs, as rhe fwint that follow the rrou5h, and..a:an look no higher , yet let the Saints, ( whom the Angels wait on) wali<: above the world, and above all things that arc here bdow, Citrzens nf Rome migbt uor ace, pt ofany mher tfeedom it\ any other City; they accounted it a diflwno11r !<>the Freedom ot Rome, to take heedorn any where in the world bdides : Y{)u ,hat a 1 e h ecof the Kingdmnof heaven, and that hwe the created Citizonsofheaven to be your Litf.•guardl', Oh. do nor enrang.h,; your fd~es w~rh the.. thrng) of earth, f<d< 110 r to be treehere, as It )0U had roo btHtr poroon: Surely rf you underlland }'OUr own privlledges, you are fp:ri~Ll~l Kings and ,QJccns or an _orh::nvilc:~Kingdom tl~n rhis world ~ you have the prtvJkdgts ot a Cuuncel, to Wit , G d1 tejfimoniu, l'la\. I 19 • 2 4 • and the pnvikdges ot a :su-.d tu!I ot tbrc "'? flrcngth, to wit, God 1 • . .1/.ngeiJ: Oh how fhould tbrs greaten Y•><lf fprnts; Let the ~at!ltJ bep)fnl in glory, PC•,I41·S,6, 1 , la tbent Ji•galnud upon tbm brdf lrt tbt h•gh pr••fe' of G•1d be m 1ht11' m ·utl)f, :x 11 d i< 9· tn•o-edgcdfw. rd in tiJeir band1l to ex~·cute ven;.eanct up m the H.eatben at whok comm1nd is a Legion of Angels, '1 bii lmtout J,.v, ~11 !m S •tnlf· SECT. VIII. Vfe of Exh11rtatiU1t• IS the minitlring Office ofthe Angels for heavens heir<~ then to your dutie> ofcornVfi ·~· mu11ion with them. Oh •rnprove this Ordmmce! Why here is an Ordinance of ]dus Chrill [care< throught on ; the Angds minilter to Saints,· ahd the Saints al· nlr ft, ifnot altGgether target their duties wh1ch they owe two God and Chrift in that refpecr. What (my brethren) are you ignorant of {uch an ordinance? or do you know it, and yer arc you negligent' if yon are !irnple ignoranr, and that your Ignorance is cf pure mgation, .,,d not of evil drfpdition, it isthen high rime t,o difcovcr' this m}Hory of godlinds to you, that you tnly be in the cxercire of f'uch d11tics yet tinknown, er if you know them, and are negligent ofrhern, it is then high time to roue up your lpirits, and to ]fir upyour putt mindi by tvay of rtmembr~nce, that you 2 Pet.;,r,o. may be mindful of the wordi which were !pok$tt before by the hol1 Prophw, and of the oomnandmentf of the Apojlle, of our Lord aitd Saviour. How{oever the cafe ftands wilh you I befeecch you hear, learn, p'acrife, and make ufe ofthis ptefent book and wOik; it is another mtff; ge that JfJave from God, another Ordinance that ! would difcover; therefore Stt yo11r heartf to aU tbe WJrdf that I tejlifie to ;ou tbif day, f er it if Deut,;•.46. not avain tbing, bm it iJ (orynur livu. "' The M<~tivu I ufc, Ota!l beonly thefc, -- I• Angcl~miniflration, and our communion with them, is an Ordinance of JdiiS Chnft ; it is an inlllturion ,f Chrill, which bath co11ncxcd to it fame kind of lpiri- · tua! efficacy to work 01} fouls. Among{i ot!Jer intervening medium,s(faich·one) there i.r 1 m:e £real Utdiuaucc, which we bave 110t J'omucb Confidmd of; Viz; thatthe gai'i! A11gelf L"'"'"" of ( tiJ£ Clw·ivtt and Ho-{lf) jhortld relifVc uf, af they did Elifha; nor if tbei/reliefon!Jr 1\ng<ls JJ to outwards, bm in rrla'tirm tOour religious walkj11g and to our inward man. '\Vere ir not fad to lofcan Ordinahce of J,Cus Chrill ?or if it benot Jolt in rcfpect' of the living Q in-