Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Chap 6. ~ca.;:~mnmmon lbtttJ :<lttgcl~ Book I. 115 . · --~~~----- provemc:nt eo all ou1:. 1 OH.tii;anc(s, a:; argument fuffici,nt to bind ~1s to our duties in reterence to it. ' • "" ' 4 • Angel-'rr.'td iruio.n, and our commnnio~ with them, is an Ordinance in oppc:>fi.. tion to Slt:J:ns tt n ~pt3tJons, and out commumcn w1rh them~ 1t were enough to amaze 'pOOr foul,s tn (~ nl.1der the PoJ!'crr and Princip.:Jiitio that ~re againfi them; were tbey but weak, they wnc lds crdider•bie but we ~>·rcftle >wt 4 gainfl flefh •11d blood (faith the Apoftle) but 'll'inl\ limit', yea, a.~>i>dl {p_irit11al wick,ednefi in beavenliu. And yet E h . "" oreat as the'f> and pollcy ot devils arc, theyare lds in power thanme holy p e[. r.u . Ang~ls: ;ll>m n •J tvJr i>~ beJvcn, Michael 'andbis Angels [u11gbt again(! the Drago11, a;zd tbt Dr.:s.l.1111j:.m~ht Jnd hi1 Angels, andpr(7.;i/cd not.-. - A ud !Jaw atJ .Angrl aome Revel. 12 , 7 , 1 g. dow:' from heaven, h..1vittg tbr Kry (If rhe BottomlefJ pit, and a great;z in his hand, and R.e,cl. :20.1, ::. /;el,1idhr:ld tJiJ rke [Jr.;guJt, tb.rt old Se1j;em, which i1 tbe Devil, and Satan, and boundbim e. a tbo~ej:Znd ) 'OI'J. Now h~rc is th~ inc:oura5ement to our duties ; nor o~ly God and Chrill, who is the a.. thor and l"i1111her ofour f•ah, but even fpiriwal fubllances of good An:;cl;;., pr<•pm<io11aok to the other of bad Angels, comend with them, and !land mofi valiantly on m1r i!~t:. But what are cno!C U,Jtits ofcorrlmunio~ we owe the Angels in this rtfpect ?I anfwer I • In gena.>!. '. In !picial. · 1 .[n general: AI iJ their miniJfr.JtiJn,fo ir ourduty ofcomrmmion rvitb them. Now in ftvtral wayes do they adminifier to us, and fo in feveral refpecrs do we owe du<ies to GoJ and tiltm. There is a proportion ( ifwe can find it out) betwixt their Mmifl rltion and o.)r ~.luty, il!h.l rhey ani"wer one anocher as iu the glafs, faceanfwcrs face: Malach r.6. ]I they krve u>, c(££oinly there is fome<hing of fnvice that we owe God and them: As the Lord could. Cl.y, If I be aF,ztba wbere is mine honour? and i/' I be a Mafter, ~here iJ my[ear? So it the Angds llar,d in any {itch relation towards us, it connot be, but pro– portionable or [i.itabL: duties arc to be periormcd by us. 2· In lixci:.l : A> the kji!dnifthcir mi;1ijlratinn diff<>· atfevera/ timrJ,jO4rt we to obferve tbcir minijlruzio11 .. d tb jf:tintfJ, and to rcturn fititabledJttieJ. Atrhe tirft they minifier in one kind, and anon <bey mini!tied in another kind ; as our fevcra[ needs are at fo· veraI time!-, (0 arc rhcir ft:veral miniflrations in thofe rimes. Ex. gr. When I was in my mothers worm they miuiller thus; and when I was born, and but yet an infant , rhey mini!lrcJ. <~us \ and when I was grown, an~ come to riper years, they minifired thl!s ; and when I die, and go out of the world, ~hey will minifter thus; and when I fh•ll rife again, and come ro Judgement, thoy will minifired thus. Now here is my duty : r . To conlider their feveral minillrations at thofe !i:vcral times. 2· To retun 1 (uitoble duties at <uncs featonal.Je, as I am in iheir feafon tc:> perform a!J other d<1ties. SECT. IX. Vfe ofdircllioiJ· ANd this is that fptcial ufe w·hich ·I aimed at, and which I had firll in my eye, when I begun this work ; 'rt is anufe ofdirection, wherein I lhalJ firfil•y down the office of Augtls, aml then our o!lice. Firfi, what they do in theh times, and then Vft. 6• whar we mull do in our times~n U!!!wcr to them and their minifirations. And 0 that the Lord would blcfs thii work to thee that readdl! Oh that he, on whofc erra~d I come ~ould !peak himfdf to thy feu!, fur he is able to inllruct, yea, when he teJcheth, all ar~ Scholers. Minifiration