Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

--:,' '- --- Book H. 117 1 , Becaufe the Child h11h then a diitinct b~iug of his own. ~· Becaufe then it is a pcrfon con!itling of Soul and llody. _ 'l· Bee1ufe Gols ProviJence over foul >nd body (of which the Angels are G:rvants) raketh d1te thence: 7'hott l>•lioveredme(faith D.wid) i11 my Motben Womb,' - ~Lord rfa.\ 39 ., 3 , in fuming our bodies and creating om [:)uls in Ollr Mothers Womb, d1d thc.:n caver hts tender work with his mighty power from all Inconveniences, as with a fi1icld; and therefore then did the Angel; begin their Mi.,H!rarion. SECT. I I., Of the MJUiW' rf A~tg,el-minijlration 31tbat time. BUt how do th.: Angels minifier <t fuch a 'rime> I anCvcr they l1ecp, prefcrve, de.; lend, delivtr, fufiain and Jlrengthen B1bes, even Ill the womb. I cannot think that rbey have only one Ollice at fuch a time, but that fume times they attencl thdn for good, and fometim(s they deliver them from evil. The c1fe fbnds thus; ln the Crea· tion or InfuGon of the foul, (which is all one, for crta>tdJi!i[unditut, & infimdendo cres· tur) the Angels r~ctive their Commi!fion, as if the Lord filOuld by, Come Blt[Jid Angllh here if a Creature tiJJt {!JJ/1 "' f_,Jf fill up tbe room 'f FmJefaL'w Ang1l, andthen it jluU~ liil! to your Jelvrs, and )Oil f/Ja/1 loveit'"pu love~"" fi lvci, b~~t in tbe mean_ time, it ir n!J pleafure, t!Jat Y"' jhouldminijtcrzmto it,and k,scp itf:,{e: Which no loaner (Jid, but they are promprand ready to do Gods will. · we may wonder at this, _thJt the Angels fi1onld thus minifier to man after his FJ!I, whicl1 they never did btfore. In thar Collation betwixt Innocent Adam, Second A· d.m, RenewcdAdam, and Old AdJm, it is faid, that the Angels did neither miniiler un· to, nor keep the tirU Adam,- before the Fall, bcc•ufe h" was in no d1ngrr, cnly they loved him: The Angels indeed minifired to Chriil, the Second Adam, and loved him, but did not keep him , for he W» Comprcbcnfor as well as Viutor: ChriU is the Head of An· <>els, and rhe~efore h" is not kept by them; Ti1e ~ngcls now miniller to the Renewed 4· dam, yea they love him, and keep him, and yet tbi~ argues 1101 any Prerogative that the ~aints have above Chrifi, bnt r1thcr th~ir weaknefs and wanes, that they have need at the Angels to preferve them, as yonllg ( hildren ii:Jnd in need of Nurfes to wait upon them: But for as old Adam or wicked R<probltLS, the Angels neither miniftn to theril, nor love them, nor keep them,in rcfpcd of·any fpecial and particular i<ecpiug: It maybe the Angels are fomo:times Minit\ers of outward thingsoven to tire wickcd,.as the Angels Therdore ;, brought down Manna in the Wilder.t'ffs to the b1d Ijrarlim, ,; well as good; but they Mann'acalled have not that puticular care ot the wicked, as they have of the Elect of God; they An~cls food. comenot upanado,~nupon theLadder, Chrifl, to mi~iiler_to them, as they do to~~·~~';ft~~i. the E:lcct, Now thiS kecpmg O• the Elect, ts not only tn thiS Life, but all tht while fuerit proclu• , that they are in their Mothers Womb. · ll•m, Voflius. SECT. Ill. Expedwwof thii 7'rutb• OF this, as of all the reil, I wo~ld give in (orr,e Expcriences_for further clearing. 1. An anctent Matron havmg many Chtldren, and havcmg left bearing for the fpace ofabout 12 ye•rs, the Lord then unexpectedly ~::ave her tO conceive; 01e wondred and apprehendin{l noth'mg but ill health, purpofed onfuch a day to take Phy!ick; bu~ the night beforc(if I miflake no,!)fhe felt the Child Jlir in her Womb, and then !hebrake out, as SarAb did; What! .After I ••t waxed old,f/;a/1 I bear a Child, my Lord bci 11 g oldGen.tB.u, •lfo? Hereupon, the Phyhck was Jcmoved, the Chtld preferved, and ri~hrly called lj4ac in imitation of old Atrahamand Sarab, who laughed 31 the News o! rhe Angel ahat tbey lhould have a Son in their old a~;;c, Grn.t7o17.-1 8 ll• ' 2· Three Godly womm >n the lfle ot CmrfeJ<, were condtmncd to be bur!tt for their Religion, and though one of them was great with Child, yet found lhc no Favour: As they were all three in the tire, the belly of the Wcman breaking wlth the of the fbm:, the Infant ( .bewg a fatr M~n-chzld) fellulto the hre; which being caught, and camed to the BJyhfle, ~e commanded tl robe had bacl<, and rhrcwn into the tire; whereby after l( was bom, and prdnvcd by the Angels, it di,d a Martyr. Clarizc. SECT.