Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

tuke 1.4 '· verf.t 6. Ffa. t)}).l-f. Chap.t.Se~t..j.. SECT. IV. Of the Duties tbat collcern 11< i11 tbi< rej}pea. 2· rH ~ l)J:ics tilJt COll\:CfllS us in th:s relp~c1:' are either Parents duties, orChil– dr:.:ns--- t . For the Parents. · 1 • Paren•s nuy rejoycc at thi',. thlt the holy Angel$ attend them, and thole little Ptcccsand PiJ:-tr,sof tllcmUves.. You that are Motllers great Withchtld, are you nM forn:tim:' 111 trouble,tear and pen!~ Be not dtlcouragcd, for the Angels attend your mo– tions, anl all ocomrcnces.tor the l>fety and prefcrvation both oi you and yours. It is obCncd, tlu t wh:n M try !aluted Eliz..betb, tbe Babe[prang i!l her womb for joy, a 11 FEii– z rbctiJ w.a Jidd wirb tbe iloly G!JJ/t· fome thi~k,that this fpringing ot rhe BJbe was by 01e pre~en:e of an An~I wtth J .!m, otherwtlt chat hale Embriv had been uncapable of !uch etleel:tons an:l mouons , accotdmg to the cour{e of; and immediately it follows, Eiiz..•b:t'J wJf (iUerJ wi:b tbe Holy Glnfl. A ferio,ts con!ideration of the,Angels minillring to litdt Embri>'s,may bea blelfcd means<o nil yo_u with the Comtorts of Gods Spirit. 0 rejoycc in this! Nor is that all: For.-- 2· Parcntsou~ht topoy,notto the 1\n5els, but to the God of Angds, forchefovour . af!i!bnce and Protecti on ot the Angel> to th<trinfants.I know fuch Prayers are not u~ iual, but is no.c chat a neglect of duty to our BJbes I When Da~idprayed againl! his enemies, he could fay, Let the Angelof tht Lord. chafetbem ; a~:dlet the A!lgel of :he Lord perf.w:e them: How much more may we fay tor our tender Infants in 'the womb, Let :he Angel of the Lord gu&rd them, ~ndlet the Angelof the Lordf<.rep them. Manoaba~d his wile were very caretul wbat to do tor the. B,be winch mufi be born to deliver Ifrat!· octt of the PhilijlincJhands; and therefore alter the Angel had appear<d to the woman, anJ told her,TheH Manoah intreated the Lord, and fa id, 0 my Lord, lit the man of God (or the An~cl of God) whichtboU diftflnrJ, CJ»<t"!{.aittu/ttottr, a)ld teac!JltJ what we jhaUrJo '""' the ().,i!J tbat [1,.U beborJ< : a•d God ht..rk,_vud to tbe vr;yce •f Nl n<'ah, and tbt Angel of God came again: Indeed when he came, he would have no Burnt·orkring offered un– to him, but gave dircClion, If ziJtJU wilt •ffer a burnt offering, tboJt nmft offer it w 110 the Lord. Angels would not be prJytd unto, nor worflupptd, Ji.£~. 19·! o. -- 2 2 • 9 • But yet i 11 reference to the Angelo, we find here MJ~toah praying, and oHtrint~unto the Lord and it he prayed for Angtl-dinc1ion, how much more. may we turn the Promifos in~ to Prayers for Angel·pro<edion, and minit\ution to. th<fe poor Jnliuus yet un– born! 2• For the Children or Partles themfelves, when grown.-- 1• Let them know and be acquaintl'd wah their Angel-keepers. WhenDavidconfi. dered how he w4J made infetret, IU1Ii curiot<JlJ r:rrought U: .the lotFtjlpartJ •f the e~~rtb, and co~tred in hiJ motherJJr>omh, he cried our, MarveUom •re ~;y r.ori<J, •nd th•t myfo"lk.J:ow 1 right ,.,,y, lt ir llOt ~nough to have Angel-keepers, bdore ,we are born, bm in time we !hould endeavour to know them : lt rs lad to be tgnorant lull ot fuch a glorious truth, Surely God would have us acquainted with his works, and to bear wirgtts of what we know for his Glory. 2. Let thtm prai[e God for the Ank,els minifiring to them in the womb. '[h,u ., 1 be ([aid DavirJ) that tool<, me. out of the womb; and u1ou arr he that prclerves mt in tht wemb. The Lord doth many rhio1gs for us, which at that time wben he doch them, we cannot obfave ; it is our duty therefore to look upon them Jfterwards, that they may furr.i!h u; with matter of Praife to God . 1 But why is not Praife rendr<d [\>the Angels, a> well as to God? BccaufeGod will not 1;;ive his Glory to another: Angds moft have their Jue, but they mull not rob God ot his p,raife; whatfoever I!Jitrurne.tus and means the Lord m~ke uie of, the fpiriwal eye piercoth through them, and looks on God, and gives him all the Glory. You. that hear ot this Angel m'inillration in the womb, 0 praik <he Lord! le is (if you nt~htly apprehwd tt) a lmollltrtd wonder, and fo glori– o us a work ol God, that he dcferves perptrual Praik tram you tor that OTlc work. Tlwt arrltetbat prefcrvcdme iJt, a11dtook., meotttvf my MvtherJBowciJ; My Pro~ifc jhaUbeconti· ntaLyoft/m . ;;s-_;.__"'jj '. Let themact their FJiti:J,and tru!l in G,d,evm boclufc of thi>; to this end an; •!I d c i..Xp~ r ::1.t.:c.., ut GcdsLO\"'t w his ~:uincs, t.lJJ.t tlH:y mi~hr tlwn.: up tnt.:ir 1-'ath, and trul!: God