Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

I.U. Bookll, ®intftrntton of, ann Chap.1..Secl:.1.. 'in which fear began to call tipon Gcd to help me, w'hole name I had no· fooner ut· 'tered, but fi1e inflantly va~ifi1ed, and) am left here. even as you found m~. Where– upon her Kin{man, the Maficr of the houfc, writ down, and keeping the Maid lhll with him , fcnt to the lnquiGtor of the place, where the Mothef'6f the Girl, h1s Kinfwoman , lived in ~;ood Reputation , and no way fufpccred : before whom fbc was called an_d <jucfiiuned , and (as the manner of that Country is, upon the like prq· .b:xbdtty and {ufpttwn) put to the M<rcy of theTormentor, and at length fhe couteifdd every particular before menti0ncd ; to whichfhc added that fhe had no lefs then tifty fun– dry times been tranlported by the-Devil, only with J maliciJn> intent to1ill tlut young Chi!~ ; but fhe found him' alwayes at her arrival fl> guarded (b y Augels, and) by tl.1c Bleflmgs and Prayers of his.Devout and Religious PJrcnts, that '/he haJ no power over him. BJrtba/. Spin<Ltes. 2. For prefcrving of i:-lealth and Ufe. . A Child being begotten and born of Aecient, Sickly aud Dile&d P.mnts, was here– dharily inlirm, and fo opprelfec!..'vith Children Maladils, that the Phyfiti.:ln concludtd he could not be long-lived ; whence the Fath,r drav. ing nigh to his death, a~~d making hi~ Will, gave him fltch a Portion, in cafe he fi1ould live (o the a5c of ~ ourteen years; weak he was, and many licknelfes he had , ar:d yet Hill the Lord raifed him up, and unexpeCtedly rdlored hiin to health and ftrength, that he paffed ov~ tlll)fe fourte'n years, and yet lives. Oh that it may be to Gods Glory, 311~ th< Churches .Edifyng. , . At the taking of 'Bolta>~ by P.tupcrt, arr.ongl! other~ then .thin, thi:rc was one IVilliam Ijherf'?aod, and his wife, atrd Fclice their Dwghttr , being then but ele- ' ", ven weeks old, lay ritifully cryit)g at the Breal! .:>fhcr dead Mother , but it fo plcai~ ed God, that an old woman, the wife of oni!Ralpb lfelne, of the fame town, aged a– bove feventy years, who hJd not given fuck above twenty years before, fecing·and hea~illg the Child, compaffioned; and took it up, and having neither food for her felf, nor fqr the Infant in that commGn calamity, to ftill rhe Child, fhe Ilid it to her Brcfi; and behofd the goodncfs of God, who provides for,the young Ravens that cry I the Child fucking, Milk came into her Breafi, wherewithfhe nouriflled it, to the admiration and aflonii1i~ .men t of all bdwlders. . I{enbrdan Earl in S11evi,,, had tdwife one J crmrntmdiJ, who greivo!'flY accuf~d one "'f her neighbours for adultery, becaufc fite had been delivered of fix Ch!ldren ~t a birth; but it fo fell out afterwards, tiJJt her !~If (her Husband bci,ng abroad i'n the field·) was delivered of twdve C.hildren,all Male1: She fearing the like intamouq>u·. nifhment, as by hrr infligation ha& been inflict<d on the former woman, comman– ded the Nmfe to kill ' eleven of them : the i'iurli: going to execute the will of her Lady, was rnetiby her Lord, then returning honKwl!ds; he dem1ndeJ whit Otc carried in her Lap? fhe anlivcred l'nppics: he would needs fee.them, and opening her Apron, found the Infants : whereupfln he examined the matter , fouod out the tnlth, enjoyned the Nurle eo be fecret, atd to put the Children to fome Nurfe abroaJ ; and when they were fix year; old, he made a fpll, "ppird'd the young·Boyesahke,an,d prefented. them to their Mother, {hemifdoubting the trtuh, conftlfcd her fau lt,obta:nc'd pardon, and own'd her Children. Heyle11. . . . . A Minifier in the Iarc !(cbcllion of Ireland, fi¥ing for his life to'Dubli;:, his wife an'd Chi!d!ln afttr him; in their journey being very weary, they all agreed, whc)1 night came , to lit down together under theLee cf an lriQ, M~untain, f~r it was Froll and Snow : The Miniflers Wife had a young Child called Jrb", hlngmg upon he; her Breafis, which were become dry through her manifold gricfs , and !leep three nights together; the Child cryed, anclgwaned , and tor want of nounili• ment, was' ready todye: in fuch fort, that the fJd Mother, not being able any longer w endure the groans, and cryes of her B1be, arofe up from ~he company (who bte alt?,;e· ther a> clofe as they conid, with Children in their Laps, to keep one anoth~r warm) pur· paling to leave her Child by himfelf, that (he might be fteed from thofe her heart·pier· cing {obs and waylings. And her~ behold the Lord who bath promifcd wbefeen ot h!1 Sernnts in the time of need, appeared cvenljtcrl!ly iu thisMount; for as !he !looped down with a bleeding heart, Jnd eyes fed! of tears, there to leave her little One npoil the grou'nd, fhc {pie<:! , or rat hcr'felt upon the Rock (it bli.•j.\,thcn fi1metbmg JJrk, on.– l.y the Snow cafi fome little li;;ht) a fltck-bottle, which fh copemng, tatled of what WlS within 'it, atid focmd it to k fi;\J of good ?.:ilk, which rile lrij!J call Smny C/,/;b 0_;,