.- <ll:ommunton lllttlJ ~ngel.s Book II.' 113 ' · ihc put it ·to the dilds moul:i,, with fea; !ell ~~eve~h-~i·;;g fu~k;;d-b~foreout of any Bottle bdides the Breall, would not draw it; but he readily fuoked his belly full, and fell a fieep: The Mother hereat allonifhed, returned unto the Company, and !hewed them what {he h•d found; who muoh admired at it, how or when<e that Bottle oould come thither, oonfidering ·that the pl•cc was far remote from any habitation at all · and the veffel by upon the rop of the tiww lately fallen; butfome of them ea!. led, to mind Hagari llory, and related it to the refi, how that r;ben }he war wandring in the rrildernefs uf Beerfheba, the water war JPent in IHI B.rtle, and j/Je ea(/ her Child under Gen,2!. IS,I 6• oneoftbe jlmtbt, and went, andfate ber down a good way off, for j/Je [aid, let me not [ct the 17 ' dutb of the Child, and .fhe lift up her voyre ami. wept ; and tl"n God heard the v•yce t{ the Lad, and the Angel of God called to Hagar "" of Hea'vw, and God opened ber eyu, and. }he Jaw a WeU of water wlmtat }he filled the Bottle, and_ga~etbe ladJrink.: Thefe _thmgs compared aud bid together, afforded them matter of thankfulnefs to God ,for Ius Pro• vidence and of mere comfon then any Feall could have done: From thence they con· eluded,'(as if the Angel had fpoke to them as wJI las Hagar) that rhey fhould not fear, aud that God who had fo wonderfi1lly preferved the lntimr, would in like mannerprefervc them all : which accordingly can•e to pafs ; for the next day they came toVirgi11ia, where they a\1 found free, unexpect~d and plentiful refre01ing, eo-~~~ a Table in the Wiltlernefs; and W>thm 'WO or th~ce da>es after, they came fafe to Dublmg, thetr dec fired Hubour. Dr. Teate. 3· For teaching or tutoring of Infant~. A Child being very young, much effected his Ancient and Rtverehd Father with his re1ding of the llible, and with his O:!<llions and Anfwers; which drew from the Father thefe very words, that if the Child but lived, he verily believed he would fuc/zi~t Learni11g,M aChild d01b,W:ili(,. This minds me of what was f•id ofOrigtn (in whom was certainly much of the Angels tutoring) that his Father brought him up from his Child· l]ood mol\ lludioutly in all toad literature, but efpecially in .the reading and exercife of Holy Scripture, wherein he had fuoh inward and myl\icalfpeculation, that many times he would move qudlious to his Farher of the meaning ef this placeor that place in ScJipture; in fo much, thath his Father divers times would11ncover his Breall being a· lleep, and kifs it, giving thanks to God, who had made him fuhappya father of fuch an · happy Child. ThisUrigen being but yet a Child, would needs have futfcred Martyr~ dom with ,hisfathet Leo>tides, had ~·or his Mother priv.ily_in the uight feafon conveyed . away hisCloathsand h1s Shtrt; wh·ereupon,more for ihame to be lcen, then for fe~r to die, he wasconilrain~d to remain at home i yet then he wrote a Letter to his father with thefc very words ; . Cave tibi, ne quidproper noJ ali11d quam Martyrii canftamerfaciendi pro· p.ifiwm cogites, Eulcbn~s; L 6. c;;. 3• , . . _fn th.c. pr~tni<!vc Pcfecutions, we read of on: .Romant~J,who firll being fcourgcd WJtl;l wntps, wlth knaps of Lead at ~he, end, m fieador Tetrs, S>ghs, and Gro>ns he .liiJ1g Pfalmes all the time of his whipping, and after, his face being buffetted, his c9e- lids torn with Nayles, his Cheeks cut with Knives, aud his teetq fr_ruck out that hi's Pr01mnciation, atleall, might be impayrcd, wbilll he.preached Chrill, he only[aid, I than~ tlm, 0 l'~rfccuto>·, th<~t thou ''"jl opmcd to me matry mouth1, wbmby I ma 1 preach "!Y Lord an4 Sav·"'": Look.. INw ma~y wotmdt I .have , fo ma_ny Mozttkt I have to praife my God: But be>~g reviled, that C~nit [us Gou was but of yellerday, and that the gods ot the Gent>lcs were of greatfinttqU>ty ·' he made a long Oration of the Eter• nity of Chri~; which.do?c• he faid, Give_me a Cbild qut of[cvw _yeart old, wbicb ageu free from Maim and.otber vzcu, wberemtb nper agf tJ< omtnonly iH[efJed, andy•u fhalt heJr wbat be "'ill .fay: H•s Requetl was granted; apr<tty Boy was called out of the Multi• tnde, and fer before him; Tell me~ my Babe (quoth the Martyr) Whet/m thou tl;ini;!Jl ; 1 reafim that we worjhzp one Cbrijl, andzn Clmjl 01te Father, or e/[ctbat wtwdr}hip iJifinite godt > ~~to wbom the habe an[,..tred, that ctrtainly wbjtfoever it be that men affirm to be God be >!tujl nct1J be one, wbicb with one i< oitc alidthefame ;. a~d in M much 115 tbi< 01u i<Cbr;d, of ltcccffity ~~r1JI muj/ QC thetrue God , for that tbere be manygodt, we Cbildren cannot believe : And artcr this, was the B1bc Martyred. l'•x Murtyrolor,. ' R 2