Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Eb~s;a~--<:rommuniotl1~1S:--aook 1r. ~- hood,but we neither faw them,nor had them in our thoughts;norwithllanding they went on in the difcharge of their Ollice,and fornetimes they were as!l'lurfes,otherwhiles as Phy– fitians,and Qtherwhiles as Tutors and SChoolmallers to us : And now that we know this, now that the Ji~ht of the knowkdge of the Glory of God,and of his Angels !hinesin our hearts,oh how lhould we live up to thcfe mercicslhow !hould w• gratifie the Angels,who have been thus to us, and have done all this for us? The Angel that appeared to Gidron , under an Oak, was for prefent unknown, but r.htn /;e had cau[ed. fire tu n[e up out of the Judg.6, 01,22, RoeI;_ , dltd to confume the f/t{h, and the unleavened Cak.fs, then Gideonpercfived that be was 2 3•24• '>t An~tl, and faid, AIM, 0 Lord God, for bccaufe I have fee• an A~tgel of the Lordface to face: Vp.m thi<, GJd wM plcaftd to encouragehim,faying,peace beunto thu,fear no.t, thou ]halt Hot die And then <.,ideon b,.i/t an Altar there UHto the Lord, a11d threw down the Al. tar of Baal, and cut down the Grove by it; and afterwa;ds bccamt a Judgecf !frad tiUhe died. Angd> Prcfcncc and Encouragements onced1lcovered and made known, are e. nough, throug'h <he EieJiing of God, to work in us a fear of God,and obedience to his Laws. CHAP. Ill. SECT. f. Of the Miniftrlllion of ANgels iN 011r Riper ye11rs. THe next Period wherein the Angels ~iniller to H:aveus Heirs, it is from the~r ripers years unto thm death. And m order to thiS, we !hall firll obforye the1r Miniflration, and fecondly, our Duties. '· For their Minitlration, I !hall follow the fame Method as before. 1 • That it is fo, the Scriptures abundantly prove, Pfa. 34.8. Pf..91o, I >I 2• lien. r 9• 1 5,~6. 2Kinzs6.,6,1j. Jf I may give in(bnces,Lotwasledoutof SodombyahAn– gel; Dan~l was taught by an Angel ; Coruclius was anfwered by an Angel; an Angel appeared tO J.[epb, Mary, Zacbary ,Peter, P~ul, on feveral Errants. Scarce any remar– kable thing bddl the people of God, but it was accomplilhed by the MiniHry of Angels, But what needs more? A,re they not aU miniflring Spirits, [e11tforth to minijlerfor them who fh•ll be HeirJOf Salvation? SECT. 11. Of tht k,irldl of Angel-Minij!rAtion llttb~ttimt, Mtoour Bodies. 1 , F. Or the kinds of their Minillration, it runs in feveralllreams; as firll, to our Bodies : Secondly, to oudicul;. . '" For our Bodies. 1 • They keep us, from evil: So they did in our Infancy, but now they do it with this limitation, rheJ l(._tep us in all our waytr; (i.e.) in •11 tho[e courfes •ppointed us by God. Pfal.91·11· The Divd left cut that Claufe in the Pfal.. when he fct Jefus Chn!t on a Pinaole of the Temple, and tempted him to uft him[elf down; he told h1m th< Promife, that the.Angels j}Nuld kpp ii11z, but he nmitted the main point, iH allbis,.ayes. Certainly there is lome fpecial TrealUfe inclofed in this, ·or the Devil would never have coocealtd it from our Saviour ; then may we expd1 Angel protcflion, rr>htn we art in the waycs God. bath appoint· td us: It was no way for Chril\ tocall himfelf down headlong from the Pinacle, tor the way lay down the !lairs : If we ktep not in our ways , neither will the Angels keep- us from external evils : The Prophet that went out of his way , and beyond his bounds appointed him by God, a Lyo11mct him by the "'ay, anlflewbim. Jl(ing. ·~·'4But do not many externenal evils beta! Gods People, even walking in their wayes and ~r1/. Courfcs, •ppointed them by God? laHfwer,--- 1tcannor_be denied, but that fomctimes fuch things dobefall the godly : MephiboJmb, Anfw. a ch•ld ol hve years old, fon toa good father, and afterwardsa good man himfelf, was lamed by a fall trom his flying Nurft: Satan was permitted by God, todetlroy the good,, children, and health of Job, though by the Spirit of God he was fiited aperfeflandanup- Joo t.8.8c2.3. right ,:}lail, and 011t that feared Gad, and efchewedevil, andthat there was Jtone lik.f- him in the earth. 'The lord (fay fome) can countermand Angelica! protection, a 11 d giv ·n· 1\rucrion