Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

---6-------------- .--· -r--- _._l___ B_o_o_k_l _:.l·_~_ _:illB'i:_:. ' . ' ·:.:.:n:.:.tft=.::..:.::t:<1t\!:nt Ot, i1n'O of~lr.Di•glry 'flruCl:ion t~ thofe powers (in fame cafe<) to fdpend their attend"ace and care of us :;.-t MAngc}," and 'the prOtnifdsnot null, and of none dfcCl:: Fur--- 'l' C~i~: ::m;~ '.I· ~ngelical att<:ndan""· doth miti~;Jte the evil, fo that Gcds people do not ut teriy UM.hs. 'mtfcarry >, they may be ''"'bled on cv<r;•Jirle,yt Hot-di.flrcfJed; pc,['lexed, b1<t notin rfijjui.:; 2 Cor.4.S,9. fer[weted, but not Jorf:zk_t,;cajl dm11, bm_uotdcjf.oytd ' Anl5cls arc nor alwaycs ro.keep , us from·, but fom•tunos m rrouble~; 1 hl!lt cou ld have prayed that many Legions of Angels fhoul.l have , kept htm from fulfering , this he did not, the Angt\. 1 mi· < n:llred uuto·him in the wildernefs, and in ths g•rden, ~here he (\veat dropsol blood. 2. The promtfc of Angel·prNeCl:JO·n(asall temporal promifes) nms with this tacite ''refenation and condition, alwayes P.rovidcd, that God iu hisintinite wi{Ciom,. for rea. 'fons bdl. known to himfdf, do not judgethe conrrary mote e<'ndllcingto his glory, ''and our mward ~pod : We know Job was affiiCl:ed, that he might b: tryed \ and the ' Lord doth fomwmes fufpend tbe protection of his Augels, that we may the more ; ·<lepend upon h1mfdf:. As theN_urfe ~cts behind the Skrecn, that the infant·tn'!ygo i,\l· to the Mothers arms wl!hout crytng; tf the Angels do uot help us,it is that we may ell · ' upon God for ard, 2. Th.,Y keep us in health; fo tliey did in our iflfan,y, but theprocnife runs withOtit limitation to e.~~· in our _life Surely be Jha-ll deliver·t/;N!frsm tbefn~tre of tbe Fvwl;r, Pf•. sr.,,;, 1t and from -the no;fomt pejlileuce ; - A tl1o1u{and fh.dl fa il at tby fide, .aJidt~n th'''l~ <6. fa.-tdat t!Jy rizbt hand, but it Jha/1 110t come niab .bee: And the reafon follows For befh,/1 give hi1 Angels cbar,ge over thee: And the c~nclu!lon is this, TVitb lmg life ~ill I f" 1 ij,: fi.e him, ~~~d jhew him my Sal~Jtum. It is the opinion oF good Divines, th~r ,g9od Angels help to remove difeafes, and to conferve bodily health, and on tl1e contrary, evil ·Ange1s ·are Gods inJlruments of infliCl:i10g {ore and and greivous ma)adie3. Afi>t tbe .midjl of !JiJ agonies tf•e Lord Jefitt, (faith~ one) '}'aHOHt/ortedand refr.efp~d lfy an Angel, Luke 2 2• 43. So a>"e the Ange!J with the, f~tthful,helpiltf. andeafiug them in tbei:• fickm[Jes.---.-For my.owlt part [faith t another) Helieve that<:iqdt wcrks on tbe ..,;,.id 11rt ~foallyb,.inft~ummtr, a!>dnot immcJidte, and that good. /l>:g;elr Jre.his inftru111entr in co~l· ~Dr. Manton onJ•"'– t Baxtrrt Saints t\eA:. ·fJrying hir mercitJ bo1h to jiml and body, and tbM evil A11gelr a>'e i>!{lmmenti ofinfliCling /Ji; judgme>tts botb corporal and fpiritual. Hence God i< J aid to fend bis{vii.Angeii amonJ; the · lfr.elites, Pfal. 78•49• Hence SataJt' did exewtion on tbe Children, wtel, aad~odyof Job: fo thw I judge that S•tan it tbe injlrHmwt in our ordinaryrlife•fes,&c. and I may ad~ on tJ]e fame grolmds, that the Angels ,a.e inltrcunent~ in continuing, or rdloririg our bodify t- Zanch. "' health : The. Mini/l'y of A11gelr (faith* a third) ~ for tile promoting of ow· bealtb, 1 •f>lrih•s Dei, ptea;t not .only of tbe health of I he Soul,. but alfo oj' eur bodily IJealtb : Noquejlio• but tl>.e I. 3· c 'i· , .#evils, who ,zre our wemier, andcontimol/y.f!and ab,,,tt '"' wquld'luickJy rujh upon our bo· dirs, and eithet tear them, or affe[/ theni with divers m:t/adier, bi<t tha.t t.heJ!Pod Anr,ciJ dod<· fend ur by divine cmmwrd. I cannot deny, but that fometimc~ God aiflic\:; men hy$he Minillry of his h<llyand bldfed Angels, for Sodomwas dC!\roycd l>y_rhe Angels:, andSe· ' nacharibr Hofl was lhin by the Angels; and Da~idliw tba Apg,cl of. the Lord, havini; a drawn fword in his hand, and firctched out over Jcruf~lim i and au Angel of theLord {mote Herod, and he was eaten of worms; but this is not G~ds erditiary dilpenfatioi1 towards hisSaints:Surely their o'rdinary imployments',and wherciu·they dcli!;ht,is occord· ing tothepromifc,Hejhallgipe ~il A~tgelrcbarge4verthec. .. . . , ,-_ . 3• They cardillly furnifl1 us with all other necdfaties for this lite. , ~hus whcn -thelf ralites were in theWilderncfs, they were provid.ed lor by the Angels : Man did eat ofAl!,- g e/J jiood,hc fint tbem me4t to the fi. u/1: or_as others t<atJ1hte,_M~;r r/.ideat tb~ brc•ri. of _the Pfai, Io3.2o, 1 ' f h b J f h '1 '· ..f.<[ightits,.hefent them meat tofa;:cty: lt JSall one, or what IS t e r~a o t e ~~· tg~tzcs_, but the'bread of the A11gels whJCh aremight;• l . Ancl Mann011 .,_alled thm brea,d, either becaufe it Jcame from hea~en, the habitations of the .Angds,·or becaufe Jt wascxr :-.:ellent, [o as the Angtls(if they 'needed any food) might eaw,. ot.d;oecially (as I think) becaufe God fent it by the M'inil\ry of An~els, tbey were the purvey0rs ot rt for the If- ·. .. ' raelitcs. Thus when Elijab went into the Wilderne(,, and lay and l1ept under a}n!llpcv ', 111 og.t>•S· 6 • tree , Behold all Angel toucbedhi•'• and{aid ~nt' him, Arifi, ande,•t; '"d ~e IJoked an4 7 behold there .rvpi a cal!g hak,pt 011 the coa!I, and a cr11[e of ""'" 011 his he:~4, aud he dzd eat, ~nd drink._, a11d him laiddown again• An~tbe A11t,el <![ .tbd.J>rd ea !te a.~-<lll tf:c[ew1d wne, aml to1t<hed and bim, faid, Arife, and eft· The f•me G.nd that provtdcJ _tor htmm the time of drought by the Mintllfy of Rav~n>, now agoin fed him by the Mu11llzy gf An: 1;el;. I know thefe pr9~Hlons were mirawl?,"'~ b11t. wher~ nomtrJcl:~ are; the _l,gel? , }\ 1ve ;m haDd even1n ordmary prbv1fions. 7i# 'llugel of tbe Lor:i 111campetb rm:.d Jb,wl . tbern