Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

<tronununton ruttfJ ~ngel~ Book U. 1'1.7 them that fear him: And what then ? 0 fear tbe Lordye his Saints,for there is no r>ant to t1;em t!JJI fear him \ theY"'"g L ymr do lac!z andfuffer hnnger, bttt ;hey tbat fick,_ the Lord {hall not want any -~ood tbilt~. I know we fee not the Angels provtdtng for us, but what .then? Abrab•mt fervant faw no Angel going along with him, and yet Abr,,IJ<m coul? Gen. 24 . 7 40 • fay, 1be L.rdGod of heavw, which too~ me from my Fat~m bou[e, audfrem the Lthdof 11~ !xod.~l••: . ~i.indrcd, he ]hall find hir Angel before tlm: .The Huelttes faw no Angel ;;omg _along ,.?ffil~"~o:!~ with them, and yet tbe Lord could fay, I rvzllfend .111 Angel before tlm, and I mll drzve om eft•ii itetJ" the CanaaniteJ, &c. For my part I fee no Angel mnovtng me from place to pbce, yet homines Scrip– lam fully perfwaded, that no Miniller of Chrift removes his flation, er goes to a people '"'""m impe– as their Pal\or,butan Angel of God,or the God of Angels doth fo order it:1bir i; the office"'"· •-: man– of An~riJ(faith • Z•nc-)by a command of God tofend theDo/lort ofthe Clmrcb to foch ~r jitcb ~:::g:~=:~: apeople: Accordingly It was an An~el that appeared toPaulm a vtfion by ntgbr, {>ytng, Zanch de ope– Come over toMacedonia and help ut t-Eufobiu; tells a likefiory of Alcxmdcr Bi010p ofJe- ribu1 Dd, 1.3. 11 i[.lem, that after his agonies, and conllaticy of ccnfd!ion fhcwcd itt the perfecution, of c.14. Srverru , he was admoniOled by a Vifivn in the night f<afon to make his journy up :o t ~0~·:,~;;;, Jemftlrm, a<Jd drawmg near to the Ctty, 11 A Vijion, ':"ttbplazn r-;ordJ "'~'gzven to certal/1 m•nifeftiffim• chief beads of Jerufalem to go out of thegaw of the C11y, and tbere to reCCive tbe l}ijhop ap· omnibuJ audt– pointed them by God: And though ViGon or Revelation,! have noue yet ( as the • mofiRe· enribuJ fat/a verend Dvdor faid) Since I am convinced th• t tbe uufeltlwtdJ of tbe A11gdr are i>t many 'Jf•. drc,enJfi~[•f· f :r. I dj. b · d h · Id h I czprte pr • occurrenc:I o my hJ~, I Jav: lear~ze omuc wr.t an' gra:c, _aJ r.t~ :?r to yu. t em to~ m:tCtJl pum qwi v1~t1 · tben t11o lzttleftroak,.ut ordermg all my c:nzcer;zmentJfor thu life. It 15 true,thetr app~arwgsarc a Deo deftrn~~~ ceafed, but not their workings; their converfc is not lo fenfible, yet it is as reo! as ever it w t{f, Eufcb. was bcfote. HiO. Ecc1.!.6· c. 9· SEC T. I I T. :fb~~P,~;t1 ilng~ls. Of the kJrzdr of Ange!J-Miniflration at that time,<3 to our Soul!. z. ~·or our fouls.- ,. T. He Angels declare to us whJt is the will ancl mind of God, Thus Dgniel being . troubled with the \fifions of his head, he went near unto one of the Angels \vhich flood by, and asked him the truth and meaning of them, So he toldme(faithD"ni· 0 . cl) and made me k._now tbe interpretation of the thing I, . And in apothcr Vilion, when '"·7·' 6· · Daniel fought the mealltttl(: Beboldtherejloodbeforenu (fatd h'<) at the appearance ofam"t Dan,€. rp6, aud I heard a mimJ voycekctnmn the bank; nf U!at, which called and fa id, Gabriel,ll-1'1<$ 17, thif """to tmderft•nd the Vijion.--And befaid wzto me, undcrjland0 So11 of Man. And at another.time, the man Gabriel, whom he had fecn in the Vifion at the beginning, be· !ng: caufeJ to fly fwifr!y, touched him about the time ot the evening Oblation,au~ informed him, and talked with him, at\d laid, 0 Daniell ammw cJme f >rtb togive tlm rkJil a;rd zmderjlandi11g: Nothing is more ufual in Gods Word, than for Angels to mform the Saints what is the will and mind of God, the Conc<ption of Chrifi, and the Birth of Cbrifl,and the Deatl.1ofChrifl,and the Refurreelion ofChrifi,and the Afcenlion ofChrifl aod hisreturn to Judgement, were all told by the Angds; only you m•y look upon thel; <IS extraordinaries, and apparitiom of Angels, and filch f<achings, or illightning of our nndeiftanding in thcle dayes you cannot expett. All tbis I grant, and yet withal I add, that if vifibly they do not teach us, they may do it inviiibly; yea, and I verily believe they do in ordinary, though lnvifibiy, teach and int1rutt all the people of God. · But how can that be, when they do neither fpeak to us, nor reafon with us after the manner of men ? ' !f<!.uft• I anfwer; They ha~e oth~r ways of f~eaking, or of reafoning with us. AsAn[w. I· They uuderf!.ud us, though we netther fpeak to them, nor realon with them: One ()four light, in his child of lightlwalf{!11g in dark.Jte[, tells us, that evil Anficlsknow much Dr. Gocd•i• Wtthm us, and to that pupofe they have more advantages then we rnw have to know ibid. Chap.3. oneanotherby. For-- ~. Thefe fpirits Cltt difcern all corporeal adions, and though the fpecies in them, and thetr manner of knowmg corporeal thing_s differs from ours ,yet they are Analogical ~~~~ . . .· · z. They make it the'tr bufinels to fmdy men, it is their trade m·go up and down, and , confider men : Hajl1ho1t 11ot~onjidercd(faysGod to~atatl)my forvsnt}ob? . · Job 1.Z. 3· They