Book ll. ®ttttftt«tion ot, ann Chap.~.SeCl:.~· · r:<prefl.y 4)1,aintf ,'tbe Word .: For' thus faith theLord of Hoall<, the God ot'lfrJel, let not your iPwphctsand yoe~r Diviners that be in the midll of } t•ll deceive you, neither hear· ken to your dreamswhich ye canfctobt d1eamed.---Eut enoug:, cf tbi 1 m, 11 ;,•• 1. The Ange~s perfwadc us ro dui which is good, rhcy do nor only dec!Jre to us wlut IS God; will, but th~y advifc us to it. This is the ordinary olli;:e of b:dfcd A n· gels? to !ll~JI good mouom, tofuggd\ goo<1 rhoughts, ro admonifh and ptrfwade;:> on all occafwns to that whi~hls g?od. As Satan is ever, compaf!ingthe.carth, f~::;;,.,5 :"horn he ~ay devour, hc,rc and there laymg hiS fi1ares to catch poor foul; in, tempt· 1ng and mttemg them to all forts of fin~ as he efpyes o<;eafiou and opportnnity for it\ fa .are the 15ood Angels ever anil anon '{uggdling good and p1nus thoughts; they taCI.tly admon1lh our mmds, and provoke us to go~d dutie; of holinds and ob,diuticc': Th1s makes fame affirm, that what(o<ver.t.J:.ecuil Ailgc/J c;,zdo ill evil, the E/c/1 can do w good: If the .dcvtls can fuggeft lm, lmelythe Angels of God are firong:r and wiferthan devils. But frow dG the good Angel;fuggeft g~od > . I anfwcr: I• They infpirc, itijcd, or·call into'our minds.fome holy motions: fe'dome paffes ~he. day .over our h~ads, b,Jt..we may feel thefe injections: Come, thiJ it tb, r.Ja'y, walk_ tn tt, jlrzve 10enter ut at thejtt.~il g..,de, &·c. . 2· They yrovokeand llir us up with rpuch importunity to this or that duty; Hocve;y one !hat thzrjlcth, come ye tJ the watert, &,c. They k"ow well enough our tluggui!h, dull, and heavydifpolirions, our fpirituallazinef>, and tl1ereforc they add hirring,qllitkmn~, foul enliveping expr'el!ions,or exclamations, Ho, comeye 'totht w.tfert; yea, theydouble it, or treble tC, crJme yeto'tb~ ~atcrs; and cJffte ye, b.:ty aud eat; and, cJmeye, b:~y nine '!11(1 milk, without money, aud without price : They are not willing to give over, till they ha ve made us willing to yield to their motionsfor our own Safvatio.n. You may objeCt, Surely this is the genuine work of the HolyGhoft, thL" to in(\'ire aud provoke us to good: Very true, and yet that hli1ders not but th~t tbe500J An– gels qny be in.flrumenrs, or agents : We fay the Holy Ghoft, is thegrime Spirit, and yet tbt Angtls are as minflring Spirits; the Holy Gholl is the Fonntain , or head of warcr, but ;he Angels are as Cil\erns and Ch1nnels of water; it is the wil! of the Ho – ly Ghofi to impley the Angels, and to communicate himf<if to us by the Minilhyof Angels and therefore the ·Holy Gho!l.and Angels nrrd not cl.lh. lnrk ed metiDlS, in!Pirations , and holy fuggellions are ever original!} and primarily from the Spi. rit of Chrifi; and hence it' is, that common!\' we put them a!! ou that !core, we E[. ·SS 2 3 gi:ve them all to Chrills Spirit; }et I cannot forget the Authors Opinion I cited IY:.• . at. ' 1 ' ' • fore, 1bat G.dJ work.f i1t the worldare ufnaL'y by inflrumwl! ;lmd ;wt immcdiJte; and tbat Baxrm reil. 7,ood Angel! are his injlmme>tl! ·in ' " 'v<yh;g /,it mrrcict both to fo"land bJdy. Another Dr. ].RHth<r· fpeaks as confidently every whit; Fer my p.<rt (with the good leave of my l ,Mntcda;;d Re· fardJ ':<rmofn Jigiotu Brethren, be it jp,k,sn) 1d,.ubt 1101 but good .(lngel!fugg<fl good COIWjiii, tend<r,ho!y upon JOY o • ffi . . I h .r I .r. . • 1dfj · · if · · · d Angel~. P· 14 . matzons, o erpLous t 'J~hg tJ, ~ea, re1r~(h 1 :;e oJ teti parc~e pzrttJ a graclpll~ menwl!.•nit~.1r_ joy.--Sha lithe 4cvzl r:pork m the children of dijlberhence I Epl)el. 2, 2, E1WIIIM<jly qifq•H· et the af[cfliont, 1 Sam. 16., 5. Yea, injefi wiclzed tbm.gbtt into godly""" witbjuccrfi'~ 1 'Chro. 21• I· And .fballthegood Angel! be excli;dedfrom allafii11gt andoper3tiJiu tepJntbe inr~~ard fen[u of man? -I cailmver believe i!· . 3 . The Angels repel temptations, or prevent occafions of fin; This was the meaning of Michae!J contending with the devil about th~ body of Moja: 1t was the de· viis defign .to difcover Mofet his grave, and tl1e Archangel was ready to rdilll,im: why would the Angel rdill him 1 To what end was the dijjitte aborit tloebori.>· of MJ; [es I why might not the body and of Mofet have been difcovered ro a)l ' Surely the Angel would not have it knnwn 1 left the people !houl.l have •dohcdand wor01ippcd it in afttr·timcs. The devil loves idolatry, ar.d of all ktnds ol tdola· try,· rhe devil abufeth rhe world moll w'nh idolatro~s refpeCl:s to tile bodi<s and ~e· licks o(dead Saints. Now rhe Archangel knew his dc'ftgn, and therdorc he would by 110 means.have thofe burial places known. Thus Aynfermh paraphra)erh 011 dm Text of Deuteroncmy, He Wa! . kuricd in avallly of Moabover againfl ~cth Pc~r, burua man k,norteth of hiJ SepKiclm untothit d~y. The Angel would have no o.cCa\tonot ~u · pcrilition or idobtry thereby: Oh what bleffcd hslps have w~. for prevcnt wg or hn i how buftc are the Angels in our behalf (when we httl> thmk ol H) to rcpd rerr:pt~tt<lns, and to prevent occaftons of evil? As our oood endeavours are oltcn hmdrcd Dy ~l · T " ' - . . tau~ ·Lwould b•ve come to yoit even I POLJI, .~'ce «nd agti•t, but S"t.mbz,Jdf(d 1(!: :,>lfe I l!eJ.~, J gi -, , PUl"