Bookll. ~tniftration ot, ann Chap.~.Scet.6. And be bath call<d y '" 1ut of dar/z>lf{i into his m.rvrUn"s li~bt. Now it in this wmk tOO: Angels are ai!ifiant, they mufi needs contribute to our Convet!ion in the firfi work of it which is illumination. ' 2· They move our will : 'Th"ts is that we faic! before, that the good Angels pcr[wade us to that which is r,ood~ they infi>l good motions, they fuggell good thoughts, they pro,·oke us to dut>es ot holmefs and obed>encc, and efpecta!ly to this main work ofCon– verlion and Regeneration,well they know,that withoot this all is nothing;Except a,,.,. be born again,be crl!wot [eube Kingdm• of God; and their dclitts arc tlrong, that the plans made 'Ooid in heaven by the fallen Anglls, !hould be {upplyd by men and women, and thcrefQre they do what they can to move and perCwade us to achange : I know they can– not dlicJ~tHly move, or turn the will·, we leove to ChriH and his Spirit the dlic>ey and bld!mg ot all, they only move , and perfwade, and make u(eol arguments todothis or th>t, but the Ho'y Spirit makes ef.·C!ual, and givenhe ilTue to whactbey move. If you fay,, what needs tllis minifiration, for Chrifican move 0rperfwade without them? I LTJay as well ask, what need Minillers, Preaching, SJcramcms i lt is cnou&h to filence and flop our mouths, when "e hear theft >re Gods wayes of Admiui!lration, tht,fe are God>Ordinances,ofwhich the Angelsarea great part,and according to the geed plelfure of God, they a8, and £\ir,and move, and perfwadc u<to Con•crfion. " 3· They work on ouraffecrions, endeavouring to fettle them, and keep tbem on right o~jcets: It is true, they cannot turn the fiteJm and currentoi our affi8:ionsback (God 0 nly can turn this Jorda!l back) but they CJn drive them f,ficr and caufe them to fwell above their natural chanels , it isthe {pirit of bondage whtch workcth fear, but when fear' is W!OLl!',ht' they can blow it up, anu intend it more, as the Spints iafiruments: Sometimes you have heard how evil Angels could work further and deeper fear> than the Holy Gholi by himfdf intended;and cannot the good Angels do regularly, what the evilAngels cao do irregularly? If the evil Angels caunot oulypropound {uch objdl:s a 5 . Jhall move us 10 fear, but all[, can l\ir up (uch humours in the body, which fuch.a p•ilion ~ot.b aCl:and l\irin,Ex. gr. If they can deCl:ively work upon malmcholly,fo as to put a ma}l i.nfo a tilnoro<JS and trembling difpofi•ion; how much more can the good Angels prQpoui:ld obje8s, and 1\ir up humours, and fo wurk on the alftdions, whether of ~~~r, or hope, or forrow, or joy, or love, or hatred? 4 • They repel temptations. Youhave hea!d abundantly how the foul is haunted wit!) fcvcral temptations,when the work o! Conver!ion i~ po!lwg upon it, then isSJtan buCie, by way of rtveog<", for the fouls revolt iromhim ·: But art notthcgoodAngelsasbu– lie as Satan? and 1f they rdifi him, what can all the troops of hell burt us? We knov1 the good Angels have as rpuch advantage ot theirH reogth over Satan, as they havs:,nf tJJeir ftati<IJl; hoW Ihen £\10Uid that evtl One {bnd 1 n the tnCOU!ltCr) Or WOat needwe fqr iJt fo lll.l&hty and fure hands? He that palTeth with a 1\rongconvoy throul?h a wild a.nd pe,cillo)JS defcrt, fcori)S the danger of wtld beaas, or robbers, no Jds then 1t he were in a l\rong Tower at home; fo maywetheon fetsofthel:'owersof darknefs,whilcs we are guarded by the Angels, who both defend us, and rdift Satan in all his liety dar~s. · . . S· :fpcy joy in the Converfionof. finners,fo that.heaven rings with the joy; Likgwife I fa) w 1 t• yo~<(faith Chnit)lb:re H J•Y. ·~ th.' prefence vf tbe Ang!li of G,dover ont ]inner:hat repenteth: what manntr ol joy thts Is, IS unk~own to us, and fo Cn>ll l)euntll that ttme, that Time (.ball be no more; only this we btheve tor the prelenr, that the CouvClf!On of fmner~, is the Jubilation of Angels;' and this, I take it, is the plam fenfe. or meani~g of Chri£\s words, that when they fee the ranks and files of Japtcd Aogds hlled up ":'tll new recruits, men and women, penitent, for their Jins, this ismatter ol JOY, of extatu:al joy to the holy Angels ot Gud. Sf.CT. VI. Expcrit>K<i![this truth, as to o11r omward m;n. FO~ fome experiences o! thii.b!dfeil truth, in ~elpe8 of our bodies.- 1. They keep us from evil. . Qpe gmng ieafot 1 ably to bed, about m;·dnight he awoke, and.couldnot Hee~; there~ upon be awaked !)is Wile, and talking wiih her, fuddenl.Yhe efpted a hght In his Cham' ber ytbjch came tluou!lJh a Box Iwle; he demandingot her whac that hght wa~, !he ' opened