Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Book 11. £ltlltHtlr£ltOn Ot, i1l!i) Chap•)· ~et:o, ______!_~-- fonhaccordingly: he hods a gravc vld """' ot a soodly countenance, fcemly, .md rich– ly armed, wh11. 111 a fncnd!y and gravemanmr ttlls him that within one hour th<re would come ro their In m: cutain Offi,:ers> a.:; from the Kmg of the: Rom,liU to attach · Grin.<t<I, and to carry him ta prifcn, willint; him to char~e! with all poffible fpLed, to tltc D 1 1r '.)'. Spyru, and rcqt'liri.ilg t\1cl.znftb~J~l to fe~ thJt rh is advantage were not nogldtcd, whJC!1 f•1d, the old man vamfhed out of h1s fight: Jnflant!y Melan{]hon return– ing, to his co"'p;niuns, re~o·onted unto them the. words of this flrange Monitor, and halttntd the dcpHture of('""""' accordwgly, who had no fiJOncr boated himfelfon the E.binr, then he wa< ea~nly fought for at his iJiJ lodging. Ot riHs Mel•nnhoH,in hi> Corn· menl'ary on D•nirl writes, and acknowledges Gods fathlrly provid(ncc in fcndirg thi 3 Angel ofhis for the rdl:w! of hi; f;ithful fcrvant. . John Spanf(enbergt, l'J!lor of tl:ortbtn[e, wa> no fooner flcpt out of h'ts honfe with hi> family to go to the l:lains, but the houle tell nght down in the place.~ Our own , . experience at homeisable to furuifh us with divers fuch in!hnce<; Tfa manbyfome Btf!lof hall ofjlron?, iuflin{] be rvJrned to cha11ge tlut lodging, w!>ich he cmj!amly beid j11fume y-ears a11 d Angc '· finth_ his wonted flc:eping place that night crufhed wnh the U•1lXfJLCted fall of a~ •m· fufptUed contigttatim, to what cauft can n·e attrlhztte thir, but to our attwding Augel! l --Or have we hem prc[crved from mortal dJn!(<ri r>ohzch we could not tell how by our pr.vidence tohave evaded? our invijiblt GuHdiani have dme it. . In the truepourtraicture of hi> Sacrtd Ma1efly Charier the Second it <ppears, that by God this King Reigns in that he hath exercifcd thofe providence' over lllm,that are hard– Anew Star ly exercifed over ten thoufands of us: that Star in the Eaft, at his Highnds B1rth, fpeaks was difcovered much thiS" way ; the power£·in heaven, that fo watchfully guarded him through thofe o..,rs. Jamtl'l fad daies, wher<iu thoufands fell at His right hand, and ·en thoufand at hi; Ietr, aim~d :0' mtd-d6', at fome great prize; his Royal life ( the care of Angels) mull not go out privately and 1~:~~~~0 ~~~ be loll unprofitably in acomer.-- Oh bow the Angels forbad thofe millions ofpro– tularc the phane hands, tHat woQld ruddy have touched the Lords Anointed ! Hts efcape at JYorce· Royal Birth, j!rr was a!mofl miraculou1 : He fought his way all along five miles fmmWorcefter, then dtf~la~'~g '" he turn<d to the leG frequented waycs thJt could be, Lllt.ti! he came to the Borders of f.:0rp~ght ~~ms Stajf<rdfoire, then he remov~d to an adjoyning wo0d, where he, ~nd one only_ with him, Sunfhinc,in walKed fccurely a wh1le, untd they found an Oak tor Ma1cfly m the hollow ol which he the middle of lodged himrdt for three daits and nights,uutdmy Lord Wilant providing for hisMajdly the ayr. afate lodging, and then fceking him in the woocl,with much ido fottnd h1; Slcred p. 1 fcn guJ>dcd, aud ( as I may fay ) kd by Ac. gels. Let thisj/ory 1/CVcrbefJrgotten. I':IKO ~ BA ::i: l AI KH. By .R. f". 2. Tn' y kc<.p us in, or rdt01t. us ro h...alth. One !:',Oing to Londm, inned and lodged alluig)lt at the MJiden bead in Cat Eatm flreet, where the fame night died a you!lg WJte at the p 1 hknce; as another had died betore 1 the licknefs and death of the parrirs b~ing concealed, he arofe in the morning rook (ome icpafi, and went about hi> occalions, bur at his return in the afternoon, a> he was going into the Inn, a friend called h1m back, and told him the truth ; in the midflofthe difcourfe, he faw the Gates 01ut bdore his eyes, and pref<ntly was written upon them, Vrd bave mercy on '"' This hath minded hun of God.s Providence and Promife Surely hejiJa/1 delivered tbce fmn tbe ""Yfomep~flilence,for he _(hallgive bii A11ge!J chiJr~e over tbee. jolm 1re/We, apoor Criple in Ccrnwal, that fot fi.xteen years together was f•in to walk upon his hands by reafon of the clofe contractiOn of the Gnews ofhts kgs (upon three monitions in !115 dream to wafh in a Well, c.IIed Madernu) was fuddenly fo reflured to his limbs, that I faw him ( faith my Aluhor) able bOJh to walk, and to get hisowu maiHtenancc•.-.-Marm.s Aztrelizu .Antoniui, in his dream, received the prcfcript of a remedy of h1s dl(eafe, wh1ch the phyfitta.ns could not cure, whence came this, but by the fug!!;dlion ofAngels) Have we been raifid up from de~~ly Jick,ne([es wben all natztral belps have given u1 11p? GodJ Angels have been our fecrtt Pryjiuani, BtfhopHaU. :;. They lurnifh us with all ncceffanes for thts I:fe, , Mr. SamJ4el agodly miniller in Q!;een Mariesdat.~s was. convented before .B1fhop'Bon· xer whe committed him to p~ifon, and there chamed lum up to a Poll, m fuch fort, that !landing on tip· toes he was fain to bear up all the weight of his body in that manner, to ntsintokrabk pain; betides, he allowed him but three morfels of·.bread, and three fpoottfuls of water a day, (o that he. was extreamly torme~ted wtth hung~r ~nd thirJ!, and had h;s body fo miferably dncd up, that be would fam have drunk h1s own