Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Book IJ. own water, but could not make one drop :·But after he had continued in this rniferable cafe thrte daics , he fell a lleep, and one clad all in white feemed to iiand before him, telling him, that from thenceforth he ihould neither hunger, nor thirft any more; which a!focame topafstho"ghhewas not burnt.till many daeis after, White Power of 'Godlinefs· A Doc1or of Divinity, ofiingular learning and piety, fent his Maid to the M~rket, to get provifion for the following week: But all the money he and his wife could make , wa~ but five fhillings; his '~ife Id! a weeping, ·and told her hllsband, tnat there was little likelyfwod rhey could li·1e together, and thattnerefordhe would tak~one or two of her childrtn with her, and live among her friends, i.f he could provi'de ·for himfdf. and the refi of his childrm? Nay dear wife, fa id he, we havelived thus long rogerher, let not' us now part, let us re!ye on Gods P,rovidencc: She in her griefand ha(t anfwere~, Well, jemlProvidena to Markp, ~nd fee r;h•t it will bring home. It was fo th•t day, a Noble man, who knew this Doctor very well, dining with diyers Gent)emen at an Inn, looking cut of the window, faw the Doctors Maid, whom being an an<:ientfervant, he knew, andfent forher up, asking her, How her Mafierdid; lhcan£'wcred very well, and ft!l a weeping; he inquiring the caufe, fhe told him what llrai!\hts they were brought to; he wondring, and being troubled at it, called the Inn keeper, and wifb.:' ed him togive that Maid ten pound, and every one of th~Gentlemen gave twenty fhillings a peace: So the Doctor fending Providence (ofwhich the Angels are fcrvants and in!lruments tO Market,) it brought him home fifteen pounds : Doubtlel> it is becaufe we do not truH, not becaufe God either cannot, or .will not give, that makes us fo of– ten w'ant Mercits ; and fuch providences would be uft~al, if our confidence in God were but fo, Idem ibidem. . . ,· 1 There was a certain .poor family, who being in great want, and having little or ~othing for the childre!iin it, when dinn<r came, they put them olf with play-things, . '' and told them tbey would fee if they could get them !omething 'for !upper ; and when [upper came; they would give fame [mall piece of bread,;and fo !;<t thertl to bed; and thus they uled them fo long , while at lafi the childr<n would not to bed, but cryed for bread;That night it was fo theLordFai</l;landwaking before midnight,could not fleep, and then it came intO his mind thatJthis family Was in great want,infomuch that he called up Come of his (ervants, and fcnt them with agreat Loafand a Cheefe t6 the houfe; when they came ,- they found the chil.dren crying for bread, and the parents weeping by them, who with a great deal ot joy. and eagerncfs received that unexpeCted provifion. Thus the Lord ordered tt by lm PrevJdence, that they were not only then relieved, but theit necd!ities being related to the Lord FaHikjand, he took care of them !or the future. Idem ibidem. , Lmher hath this £\ory :A certain woman, in the time of famine, having nothing at · all for he-r children, and her felf to cat, being brougbt to very gr<at extremJty, fhe refolved upon this courfe; f!le made he.r felt, and all herchildrcn ready,and with a great deal of comfort ~nd confidenc,e fhe walked to a Spring, not far from her houle; as fhe was goi~g, one met her, . who askea her whether' fh~ was going with her chit- · dren; ihe told him, tha( at! her provifion was quite fptht, and. !hi: was going witb her children to filch a fountain clofe b~, being confident, that God !flat had pro– vided dtink for her, and her children would there provide food for them a!fo; atJd he that heard the young Rave·ns, and provided for them, would much mere take care of her, and herlittle vnes: He that met her, wifhed ·her tO return home, for ffie fhould meet with provifion that was ready for her there; !he returned, and found a.coo~ ' fiderable quantity of meal, which was food for bar; and her children, but whetrcc this provifion came ihe knew not, nor knew the man who told her of it. SE.CT. VI( Experiences of this tr:~t!J, at to our inward maJ/. 3• F. Or feme experienm•of thii bkffed truth, in refpeet of otirSouls. · : ,. 1 .They dechre to us Gods will;ofp!d they did fo to Abrabam, Lrt, Mofet,Jae,b, Mana.h, Gideon, D.avid,-Elirah, Elijha,Ifaiah, Ezekjd, Daniel, Zachary,: aud in the Ne\IT Ttfiamcnt they did !·o to Jufiph , .. Mary, Z.Jcbariah, ·the Snepherds; !v!Jry Ma;d;/en, Peter, Philip, Cornelius, Paul, Juhn the E.anseldl, and to all the Apol!lcs. At this time1 · they