Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

®intfttntron of, nnh they do not (o viliblydi:cl:u~ God swill, nor tbuft we trull to Vi lions. or Revthtions; yet rhany times they te~ch us bydttams,a•ld many tiikes ,they coyn ;,;,preilions on our fancy lll~ imagination whiles 'fe are Waking:they can make.tarc a~d wonderful compofi• tions ot what they lind·in us; r,,· thlt to me, here is the di!fnerce between theconverfe of men .and An~ds.; l]len cantjx·a,k to t~7 under.iianding by the mc1itation of our ex• ternal fenfes, but the Angels g;o a nearer way to work, and fp<ak lirll of all ro the inter- . nal fenfes, making lLlch C<•lnpolirtQ!jS th~re as the under/landing pr&,\tly lakes otf, D~ngfJ of An. andreids what is writtep: D0 11'< nol, r>4kJit.g a~d jlnping? fie impre'ffio~s ;,, orir f•il• gclt, ry, of thiuf.S tbat we tholl ·h1 're haif'!(""'"? .Thlr isdunt by the An~e/s. Otir being a long while (raillcct up .in Ceremonies, Norional;,~'aSies, unprolitable matter, rather thlll l'vund dnd. faving kn·Jwled~e, "hich is in hith; at !alt converliri~ with fome godly men, a~1d· wuh pw:lxal book•, he found fame imprel!ions io his fancy of another kind of D'viniry, alld to illclincd,,thar D'viniry. was rather practical, than fpeculative ; and that t'Ltch ki\id of prcachi:-tl as ~is u.fually d.liyered in an affcetccl fprucene!S ollaug\lag<, and voin· ~!m11 us tiHnnd• of the' windy and dead letter, would never rave lnuls. Thdc impretlio. s WLre n.orc and more fixed in him, and at Jail he was f~tisfi.:d, that many poor IlittLnte ~ocd; that fd r rhc power of godline(. on their owtl hearts, had more true knowledge ol· Divinity, tban many learned Doftors,and Rabbies, that had nothing but Orthodoxy, or a fwinl'mlng knoWledge of truth; and \hat maQy unleamed ln>tched heaven,and t<•ok it by vit>lenec,wlitles miny learned with their leani– ingperilhed, and went down to hd'l: 1b~ 'ffi,":Yof. this light'" f!.ZVeJio th_e fpirit, kui the injltum<• tality of it, M rv rf<!n.~ ~tp··n the l•n-y ·r iiiJ ;~in.:ti •n; heaf:ribcs to t'be An~elf. A goJiy w,>man, talhng imngreat diffcrt;nus, a't !all rhe Lord in.fecret prayer came·;,; with abundanc~ of light Jnd comlort; lJut within,~ ll]Ol)t \11 afttt, (]le b:;ing to rccei vi; the Lords £upper, all hcrfimn<r I ear> and tro11blt~ retmn'd ~porr hei·,,·a' :i li1· tie belure the bread was admini!lrcd ro her, thoug,h(he cpuld not fay that tl;eCl evil ap~ peared to h<r in a booily fhap., y. the fermed to her as if' he did,and told her, that th~ fhould not ear 1 but then the Lvrd W>' pleafed to bring i.nto her millcl ilht' p1fhge in t'he Canticles, Eat 0 my frirnds: Norwi ihlt •nding, Sa1:a\11lill colllinped terrifyingo: he:., and when !he had eaten, tol~ hn, J1>e lho\\ld POt dTlllk; b,~t she Lprd brough't tnat fc– cond claufe f1f the verfc inro her n,ind, Dtink,yn drin~ab'twl..uttly ~iy belft!ed; ;and {o , fhe drank alfo, and prcfer:tty was ~ll:d witnlltch ~mfpeak~ble joh ,.t!llt '!he k_rie.w not Mo~\( (he got home> which Soul-·r·v1tlllng )·'Y~ conttn«ed for a lortOI!!,h\ afr.;r, and. !J'l !Mhct> mt>Uth with fangs of praife, fo rh.t fhe could neither t1eep, nor <!at, mori: then ·ffit: lwteJ her felf to do our of conf.:ienc• ot duty. White. 2 • They aclvife us to that which Is good. · . ' ; The li~ht ptefented to one a< bet >re, manvhleffed motions came in to begin ~irh rh~ beginnin_g of Caving pr,Cl:_ic•l tn•rhs ; and tl11s he underf!oo<l was r~e p,•chine ~~_Re~ generation; and t~.erdote 1! -ever he would be ha·ppy, he mull have fome feeling ol tlur. Many ·objections were rai'li:d, 1hat the rrind bwl'Petb 1vhcre itli(lct/,; and we are'"' fuffi– cient or (!Ur fe/ves tO ~; amJ it -jJ not of him tb:Jt rri/Jetb) nor of him th1ll runn~l}J~ &c. The Obj• Cl:ious att not now reo1cmbered; But notwithf!Jr:ding them, the moqoos tP .tal) on rhe work contiuued aff((h, and finding them daily upon 'his l"f'i ·, rit at laflhc fulimittcd willingly to thofe infpirarions, and everyday fer fome time ap 1 \t to be In tht duty it proved tedious anddtffieultat/irTt,butafterwardsJinop· pca;ed very fiu'l'~l, and theSpirit fct it home on his Soul, and by degreesfuccd!ivcly, he was led from a fenfe of m&ry, ro fome hopeot mercy in Chrill :and b,fore he had dvne (though~mny aday~~ co~titiued) the h0ly Spiri.r lnfut<d Faith, whereby he clo!CJ witl.• Jefus <.:hnll, as SJ\hour ·' a~d a, L 1td, and ~lllg, and ~111band. fhis work h__;gtn1 by the Angels, by inHillinggood motions, was the JOY ot Angels, when It w J 1 s perfccrcJ : lUll< 15. ro. Tbm is joy ill the prc[rnee .if the Ange!s ,P/. God over.o;:t jiiiJ:er _that repenterh. . . One about the ume ot ,Rdormattbn ot Rchgmn, dthred much of GoJ rh'§;""' dance ;ud allitlonce of an Anl;d; .,,d trom rhe thirty feyenth ,yea r of his age h, lw:l fenliblc manitet\ations llf a1pirit that allilled him, and followed hi:n ri :J hisl!cJiii. In his dreams or Vifions, he was {ometimes ,admonilhed of this or tl~1t vice, .anJ,f<J:ne– timcs advcrtifed ot this or rhlt danger, alj"d fometirnes rcf'olv~J ot thi; o: tiut chl;lt,;, o~lometimes perfwaded to this or tl1at duty: Once 1?card a voice from hcovcn.f'Y: ing, IwillfavethySoul. U!ually in the .morning, aby.ut the tomrh honr, rho AngeL would hJve beat at his door to have awake<;! htm , ,.and tf he had dc~!lc an)' 5''"d -Qr evil, he would have manifdled the apprOVlJ, Or dJiJp~rOV11 Ot it by ron)C.hl:'i!-