Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

.Book 11. .!37 Jf in company he hod !poke ""Y unwary words, he wasfurc to be advcrtifed and repro– ved for it by a dream in the night following: Tfhe had read any bc•ok thJ< was not good, the Angel wvulcl h1velhuck upon the b ook, to h'vc cauf,d him ro ha,c I it it, and IJi<l it afide: O fcen would the Angel have provokc'd him tO prayer, and alms deeds, and <>ther . duties. Bodinur asking him, whtthu ever hr had fecn th~: form of thL Angd > H2 an... fwcred, tha.t he never {aw any th11>5, but only a brif,ht anJ 0\Jning light in a round Orb; and onccafrcr prayer upon his Bed, dut f.Je fa w a fweet Boy, in white appard, of admi· rable Beauty. Bodi"'" de M<g rum dcmommanja. 3· ThLy rtptl (emptatiotJs, or pravent occafaons of fin. One having many temptation< offered him, cfpecially in his dreams in tf.le night, he obfervcd, that at the fame times fuch thoughts have come in, that in thofc vet y drtams hecvnfidemly crycd, Avriti S.Jtan; and Jgajn, .Atl'tid Sat m, for it ii r.l!riuen, 1"hot~ ji1alt rrorfhiJ> tbc Lord tby God, and bim only jhal< tbou {crve; which he belicves wer, put in by the AngeL One NdulittJ, that)Jad formerly fuffered great perfccution fouhe Caufe of ( hrifi feduced by A[clepiod,t~tJ, and 1headoruJ, two Su5taries, to be the Bifhop of their Se~, promifing to pay him ao hundred and fifty Crowns cf fi!v, r every moncth, aud fo he joyned himfdf to them; bur the Lord in mercy not mtending to loofc him that ~d fuf– fcred fo much for his fake, admonilhed him by a Vifion, to adjoyn himft!f tv the true Church again , which the good mm for the prdcnt, blinded with lucre and honour, did not r<!jlfd as he ought to have; done, The night after he was k ourgcd by A>1gcls; where• upon, in the morning, putting on Sackcloth. with much weep:ng and lamentation, he went tn the <;:hri!lian Congrtg •tion, pnying them, tor the tender mercies of Chrifi, that - l:e mif1h! be-received into their Communion a111in; which reque!l WlS accordingly granted ucto him. C/,k,'s General Ma,tyrola?y, Cyf>' i m rdl!cs a tlory ·Of one of hi; fdlow Miniilcrs, who in the midf! of his tor– ments began to f"int, being greJtly afraid ot death and defired tabc rekaf<d ; at which rime there app:ared to him a young man of admirable beJuty, and fo bright, that mams mortal eye could !Cuceendurt to !>,bold him; who angerly faid to him, Patitimuir, exire wm -;mltir, quidf.,zciam vJbi-5 l 11)foffer Y'" dare not, to go ozet yoze will not, whatjball. 1 tk with y'"? Idem.ibid. 4 • They qu1ckt n, incourage, and comfort us. . <T• A certa;R Godly Woman riding fuehind her Hu1band, who was a Perfecutor of Mr_ BJ/to;,, as they wae ndiog, it thuudrcd and Iightned <Xtraordmuily, {o that he trembled exceedmgly ; his W1k with a chearful voice faid, HuJb3nd, what 1il!you l why d, y :oremb/e th1u >He anfwered, Do Y'" not hear b.,., terribly it thu11ders? Sbean• fwered, Tu, I bear it: And [aid he, Do not yot<tremb/e aljj? Sho ar,f.vered , No, fhe r11~1 not at all afrai , fr,r jhe ~ne"' it war but the voict •f her Fatber. He wos alllaZ<d at her chearfulncf;and anfwtr, and began to think with hrmtelf, Surely thefe Pt~ritanr bavt fomething within th,m, tf"t they are uble to bear up i11[ueb flor':'u, ••~ tiJat they !JJve peace, and are che.-rful, whtle 1tremble. And bemg not hr off, rrumedratcly he did ride to Mafl<r 13oft m. befeeching pardon that he had perfecuted hicri, and defir,d that he would tell him wlm he fuould do to be faved. 1bvmat1Vard ot Jifo in W"wici(}bire, was all his younger days very loofe and diffolute, an Enemy to goodnds , and an hater of good men ; but it pleafed God at l•(t to con.verr him, after a f!range and wonderful manner, which was thus. · In a morn• ing, as he Jay in his bed, plotting and contriving how to mnldl an~ perf~cute foine of his godly Neighbours, there appc~red a Vilion to him of a C.ty , whuein ti1ere w-re man)' poor ragged LJmbs in the llreets, and a man driving of thttu, and he he1rd a Voice laying to him, What arethefe? To which he anlwered, Sheep : Then f<id tbc Voice again, Theji are'"' jheep whom thou perfecutejl· Prefemly a,ter he f1w anat her Vilion of a pik ot FJgt~ots, and heard the Voice fayiog, WhJt are tbefe? He anlwor· ed, Fa~gou: Tnen lard the Voice, AI tbefe are bound up fir the fire, fu tkou de[tr· vejltobeboundbandand foot, and caft into everlajlingfire Ho anfwered, TrHihLu.d; yet withal, he cryed earnellly to the Lord tor mercy: Aud prefcntly alter he t:.w in auothcr Vifion a Pillar ol lirafs, but fo bril;\ht and 1;\lorious, that he was not a• blc to look upon it; then faid the Voice, Be of good comfort, for th•u .rt ach•finYef fel, which jhali f.ffer many ;hingt fer my namlt jirk.g; To which h, laid, Lord if i• b• tby will, let it be no<P' And prcfently he had a blow giyen him on his fide,al with a D•gT £t:r, -