Chap+ seet.9. <!tommunton lbtttl ~ngelS Book 11. felf, Wko l(_no"'s what ? and prtfently was thrown in (a> he conceived ) the end of the fentence, Who k_nows that if God! Decree, or mind concerning me? neither Angels, Vrvils, nor Men. On which words pmfint; and confideriug a while he reafoned thus with himfeH , If I k,.now not God1 mind, it may be I {haY be f-wcd. ,Upon thiS he fiai,d his purpofe, put on by Satan, and probably preven"d bp.n Angel, and fo went to prayer, and within three days after he received comfort, SECT. IX:. Of tbc dmi£I tl1at conarns u1 in tbif rif}tO. 1 .:IN all dangers let us fiir up Faith, and exercife it on the Promifcs of Angd pro: tefrion : Art thou a Souldier ? do vbltn" " no ma•, neither awt[e an_v faljly, and ~econttnt with thy wagtJ march, char~e, retreat, db duty according to comm•nd , G,djha/1 cover thy head in the day of battel, for thou art in thy wayu; but if thou inva– defi the Mini!lerial Office, prefumeing to ·preach, who never· was fcnt, look to chy felf, thou canfi not without ufurpation pretend to Gods kecpiug, for thou art "''of · all thy wayr: Nor do I fear the frowns ot any, if offended hereat , and reprovine; me for giving this jufi reproof: I atn fure I •m in· my calling; iH my wayr; and tlierefore with comfort and coufidence may rdye on God, and his Angels Protection, only that we abufe not the Promife as the Devil did ; let us k.fep in aur wayr, that we may be kept fafe by the Angels, then only is Angcl-proteCiion to be expecfte.:l , when we are in the ways God hath appointed; that is to fay, within the compafs of our general and particular callings; they jhall ~'t tlm in all thy wayr, or in all thy bounds, or, in all thy courfes, appointed thee by God. Surely we have need to look to our fclves in all our actions, as in eatins, drinking, riding, fporting; for even in theft God hath fetus our ways: We hear qf mantlaa dif.ilkrs of Gods dcardl ferv1nts ; and we need not wonder, if we but confider their wandrings: Alas, they keep not withincompafs, they are out of their w:iys, orotherwifc they might walk f•fely without any danger. If Jac,bkeep but in his ways, he t:nayfately meet with his Brother Ef-ite .~min~. • ; gainft bim with four .huiJdred men. Mr. Dud weuld fay; he cared not where he was, if he could but anfwer thefc two queilions well: W.ho ilm I? and what d-J I here? am I a Child of God? and am I ii: my "'"1 I If we · were careful of thefe things, we noight free our fdve; from all other .:ares : Oh let us look to olli ways! ' z. Inour ticknelfes, fores,<<angers ofP!ague, or Petlilence , let us eye the promife . of Anoel·minifiration: Surely he p,,y dtliver thee from thu:oJfOme Pcjlilenoe; -- ··; · · · Thou foalt .""beafraid for the 1emur bynigbt, nor forlhe '!rrow tlutj/ieth' by day, nor Pfal: 9 r. J,S, 6I [or the Ptjhlntce tbat walk.ftb 11t dark._nrfi, '>torfor tbe DeJiru8mt that wajltlb at noon·day ;, 7, Io, a th-m{md jhall fall at thy fide, and ten at tky righ•~"nd, bnt it .f/Jall not come, nigb :hte: --1here.fhallno rvil bej,l thee, 11Cithtr j11all any Plagm come 11igh thy dwelling, for he jhall giv~hit Angel! ch~rge o~er thee• .MJny other Promiles we have, both ro pro~en~ and quabhe, and to remove htkn~lfes, as Exod. 1 5· 26. Deut. 7. lj• Pf>l. 4 1 • 3- Heho~ 2• 6, 7• 8. ifoi. 40· 3'· And w•ll may we live by Farth on f><ch Promifeo zs -thefe: But why fhould ohe Promifes of Amgel-minittrari~:>n be out of ufc? To what erid are thtfe Pwmifcs, if we may not reil or ro!ll @llf [elves upon them a> .wcll as o. thers l Should.God fay in our ficknelfes, Swd to Jitch a PbyfitiJJf, and nuke ufe of him; an'd )''" jhall be cHred, we fhould fubmit: And ate not thde Heavenly J;hyfitians ofmore value) And have we not an exprefs Promife, that in their Millillrarion we !hall have health l Oh let us eye thcfe PromifCs I · · ' 3 .- In our outward wants let us havefome thoughts of Angel-rnini!hation, as to fupplies• ltjs a wonder how all the Creation is f<rviceable to man, the very Plants and Barbs adminifier to his Food, .fhe Beafis of the ~·ield; and Fowls .of the Air, are for his fullenance; the Sun .and Stars conrribute to his being and prefervation; if auy piece of the Creation fhoutd efcapc his MiniOry , one would think ir fhnuld be the mighty a·nd·blelfcd Angels; ai1d yet beheld an Angel provides bread 'for Elijab, and ' '·: water for ljhmael , and all orhet necelfarics for Gods Children: Tbe Wurld ir J'"'"' ·. f~irh t·he Apnllle '; ·God would 11everhavi: made this Fietd ·(the world) were it not tor 1 Cor.3·>~· the Corn (the Godly; growinJ; in it; and as of 1hisCom the Angels arc the R~apers,"' . T~ ~