Book ll. enter into their Malk rs Joy. In that Vi!ion which J•h11 had cf thegreat City, the holy Revc:l2r o1 2. }LmfJkm, be [11w twelz:-tG atu . a1;dat tbc Gates twch e AnJ:.,fiJ: Our Engli{h Annotati· ons fay, tlut tiJcje Augcls are aJ Porurs lu tcaitJc mw imoHeaven: Ho\\fOtv(f Adamwas kept out of Paradili: by the Cht rubims, yet Chcn.bim<. and Snap~ins,and all the Hoaft ot Heaven , arc r<ady to rceti,·~ the SJints into this glorious City: Oh what a joy will be in Heavtn at the l~rll admiil:on of .rhcfc Souls! what dalping, clofing, kifhng, im– bramJg, wdl ~cat thts emrance betwtxt Sawts and Angds' JVelcome, jay tbe Ange/ 1 ; and welcome, j.Jy Archangels ; yea, the Principalities tr'umph, and Powers·rcjoyce, and Virru,s fh111t, and 1 hrunts15littcr, aud Cherttbims give ltght, and Seraphins burn in love at the Souls arriva·l, what Ccngratu!ations arc thole amongfrthe Angels, that now the worlt ot thdr ftrvice is pall, that now the poor Souls they had in cl1aree, are by their good htlp dcapcd, and freed from all the miferics of the world, and [nares of Revel 22• 14 , the Devil, •.nd pains ot Hell , and arc uowCl/trcd tbr 11gb tbt Caw into the City, where they and ~htn chJr~e 0Ja!lbve togetbcr, and love "'ll" h", a..d li•·g togeth<r Jrho– vaiJJ pra1!c? Never had the Saonts fuch welcome in this " or!J, as at I hiS day 'hey have, or fha!l have by the Al1ge!s of God i1ao th< Kingdnm of God. s· The An~:>els prdent the Souls of Saints bdoreChrill in hi~ Throne, and there im– mediately they received their fenter.ce. This mull needs foll< •w, the ~:gels cannot leave their change, till thty bring them to him; who gave them the cf, rgc ot t!.cm , away therefore they fly to the Larr·b in his Tbrone, and cuvcrwg thn !Jets with their win~s, there they plllent with cht'erlulnds of fpirit his reedeemcd ones, q. d. 'Glorious Kmg of Ecclef.ll.7. 'SJints, hither we bring thclt Souls which thou gavdt us m •har.<e. to keep, their dults 'are indeed returned to earth as they were, but their Spir~ts mull needs return to God 'who gave' them; come, take them into thy bo ome, and hlory, they are Ipints, yea fpi– ' rits fubhmated (a, being born again of water, and of the ~pitit)and rhudore affimi– 'lated,to thy felf; they are pmefparks, now treed and fevered from thdrdull and afhes, 'and thercfure they fly up, or they come up hither un our wm~s, unto thee the '15reat Sp1rit, that element of Spllits; Oh that they may tind 11nion and coalition • with thee! Oh that they may be with thee where thoJu art, and rhll thty may for ever 'behold thy glo1y which thou hall given them! rowhomanfweris giveu, asfrom • the Throne, Welwme, dear Souls, into this glorious Kingdomt of mine, this is that in· . <herita11ce I prepared for you blfore the foundation "f the World: Why, you are they ."whom I crea<cd in my own Image, after my own Likt11efs; you are my Olf.fpri..g, • created in.mediately by my hand, and in my Image, as to your very lubfiancc. It is • true , I made all the 'v\orld, and fomething I made out of nothing, as the Chaos was • made , bur my 1mage other Creatures did not beai ; you only are fpiritual fubllanccs, • and vital lights; you only have thofc luminous fubflances, or fubllautiallights, from • the gift ,,t your Creation, which is adegree above the Angels, for they have not any <light g• nial aud i~hcre~t to their Effencc, but are on!Y Myrrours of the increated •light: And though a tamt came upon you by reafon of hn, fo that thos Image where– ' in you were created wa& exceeding!~ marred, yet by a WCltk of Grace I ret.ewed this <Imate; and thereupon, that original affinity to me, the God of Spirits, is not only re• < ftond, but endeared. 4nd now this is my fenrence, WcU good and faithful fer· f!Ailtl, you bavt btenfRithfulover a few things, 1will m<~ke you Ruler over many things, enter you into the joy of J"Ur Lord. 6· The Angel, now begin to joyn in Confort with the Souls of Saints, and to ling R<Yel,4.8,9, thoft Ha!ltlujahs that never lball have end. And round about the 7brone mre[o11r Beafts, 10 > 11 • .fuU of eyes before and bebind,- and t!"J' reft not d'?Y and night, [.yhtg, Holy, HJ/y, Holy, Lord God A/might)', whicb was, a11d tJ, and is to come: And wbe,z rht[e Bcajls gzve glory und hoHokr, and thank! to him thatfits on the Throne, wbo livetbfor ever and evtr, tbe fmr and twenty Elders fall down before him thdl fir! nn the 1hront, and worfhip him tbat li· vttb forcvtr aud e~tr, and cajl tbeir Crowns before the '/!Jro/le, jjying, 1hou .rt worthy, 0 L nrd, t . rtctive Glory,andHoltour, ant/Power, f r,tho:t haft created all thingt, and f or thy Rc•ci. 5.n,u falzethcy art, andn:ere created.-- And I heard the voice of mau:Y Angels round about the 1hront; and tbe Beajls, a 11 d the Elders, and the number of the Angels, nus te;ztho:ifimd timestw thouf.nd, and thoufmtds of thottfmdt, Ja~ing with a./uud ~·oice, 1Vwthy " the Lamb tbat was fl<Jin to receive Power, and Bichu, a11d Wijtlom, and Stre.,gtl;, and HoJJour, R<vc1. 7.9, 10, avd Glory. and Ehffin.e -· After this I beheld, and loe agreat multitude, whicb no man u,u. could Mtn.b£r, of aUNations, and Kindr<ds, and People, and Tongues ,ftood before tiJe 'ibrone , Rnd before the Lamb, cloathcd with white Robes, and p•!ms i11 t-heir h,mds, aitd ''Y"i