Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Book H. 14) SECT. 111. Of tbe cxpetienceJ of thit truth. I (hall add fome exp<riences of this bldfed trueb• .1. THey help us an.d eak tb in the pangs of <!each. Mr. Hnvi(! being intreaccd ot his friends, that in the midllof chefume wherein he mufl die, lu: would !bew chem lame tol<cn, if he could, chat rhe fire wa; not (o intolerable, but a man might therein keep his mind quiet and patient ; chis he alfenced to, and promifed , chat it the rage of the pain were tolerable, qe would lifc up his hands above his head , before he _gave up the Gholl; At the llake, he mildly :tnd patiently addnlfcd htmfclf to the llre, ~>nd afttr hiS fervant prayers made ro God, fire was put to him; in it he amtinued Ion.' , and when his fpeech was taken away by the flame, hiS skm drawn altogtther, and ms fingers conlumed wnh the fire, fo that ail men thought he had been dead, he bcing.miodful of his promife, fuddenly lift up his hands burnmg ofa hght tue, and wnb great JOY clapped them three tunes together whereupo" there was fi1ch fhounn!> amongfl the peoplc,efpecially by chafe that knew rh; meaning of it, as the like ·bath Ccarce been heard ; and fo the blc!fed Marryr, prtfently link. ing down iota the tire, gave up hisfp>rit unto God. Fox. Mart;r. Mr. Jamet Eainbam, bemg at Hake to be b,rnt, in the midll of the flames which had halt c6nli1med his anm, and his legs, he fpakerhefe words: 0 ye PapijiJ,beboldye loo/z formir.eleJ, and here now you m•y fee a miracle , for in tbiJ fire I [eel11o more paht , tbtn if l n·ere in a bed of Down; ye~, it i1 lo me aJ a bed rf Roji1. Idem ibid. There was in Mecblin or.e Andrew'fh'ffm, who had three fans, whom he carefully brought. up in the know lee' ;e of the truth, two of them were condemned to the fire, and one ef them feeling the viaknee of the flame, faid, 0 wbat afouUP•in i; thir, com· pared with theglory tJ come 1 and fo commi.tting fpirit s into the hands ofGod, they finilhed their R"ce. Henry Vm and John Efoh beinl:l 6rought to the llakc, for their tellimony-to the Pro– teClam Religion, wlien the fire was kindled at their feet, one of them faid, Methinl(! you dojlrowRojiJ under myfeet; and preleutly after they quietly llept in the Lord. IViCiam Cowper , being ready to die, faid; Now my Sottl be glad ,forat of thiJ prifim th< Lordbath {et tobit Pio11em t• loofe thee; head, feet, milt, and liver, ao·e J4t f•ili11,~ , yza the middle f/rrngtb of the whole bodJ , tbe ftomacb i1 wea~ned long at,o, arifc, m:1/zc ready , ./bake off thy fetter 1, mount up from the body, .andgo thy way. 2. They infp:r~ our fouls withdivinatjon, or comfort. A child of a Chrifiian Gentlewoman was fo given lo prayer from its infan• cy , tha~ before it could we)! fpeak , it. would ulc to gt t alone, and go to pray er ; and as 1t gn.w, Jt was lllOIC' trcquent Jn prayer; at bH, when the child wasbut five ye a rs old, and. whipping of his to~, on a fuddcn he iltmg away hi, konrge, llick, a~d top, anJ unto !u:; Mt..ther, and WHh great JOY f,ud untof~cr : /i1'o'bC!',ll!a toGod,rvib V - Y''i