Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

llilhop H•ll &fGod and his Angels. Book il ycu go with me? n" anfwered ' My dur child ' bow do.fl t!J?It k,now thol< jhalt go IO G·-d: Heanfw,rcd, Cd /;,zth told me fa, f,r I love God, and G·,d lo~C! me : Mother will )''"go with me ? She an(wcrcd, De"rChild, I mu,ll f!.O when Godplea[eth; bw why wilt th~~< not fl ~y n·ith me? The Child anfwered ,' I will not {lay, I muft goto God : And the Child did live about a month after, but never cared for play more, and then fdl iick a[. WJyes lplaking, that he mull go to God, and died in that ficknefs. Wbite. ' , Cb~rles J,ridgmanprophefied his departure , a!1d how tlrange a prophefie ! not only t.Jat he mult dte, but fore-tellmg tht ~ery day :On theLm1s day (faid he ) look, tome ; ne11hcr was thJt a word ~f courle , wl~!Ch appeared by illSoften repetition, every day asK1o:g, nl\ theday came 1ndeed, What 11 came? At \art the lookt.for day came on and no fooner had rhe fl1n beautified that morning,but he fell into a trance:What(think you)meant hi> bleffed foul.' whilft the body it ftlFufed fuch an acl:ton) his eye> W'te hxed, hlS face chtcr!ul, hiS hps fm,Jmg, h1s hands and arms clafping in a bow, as if he would have reccived fome ble!fcd Angel, that there was at hand to receive his foul; but he comes to bimfdf, and tellsthemabout him; how be fa•• the froeetcjf boy tbat ever eyes beiJCid, and bids them be ofgood clmr, f,r he mufl prtfe'mly go •vith him: une fiand– ing necr, as now fnf?e~ing the ti~e of his di!l'olution, bid; him fay, Lord into thy handJ I commend my [pmt: Yes, fa1d he, Lord tit to tiJy hands I cJmmend myjpirit, which is thy d~te, for why tho~< hajlreckemed it, 0 L?rd my God mojl tr11e. And pr&nrly after ~~ ' If fl man, . witbo~tt all ob[ervation ofphyjical Critici[nm ]hall receive and give intelligence,· many daiC! before, ,-.bat day or bottr ["all be bi!laft, towbat ca11[e c;n m attributetbefe but to our at tending Angels? A. gentlewoman, lying un her deaths· bed, Mr. Dodwas fent for to her, who fpake ofheaven, and to fit her for that glory, {he told him, thatfl1e ftlt the comforts G>f God and thadhe'could as hardly arrhat timeforbeu fing,in g, as forme.Jiy in child·bearing fh~ could forbear crying, and iliortly after fhe died. C/Jrk,Mart. Mr, Holland the day before his death, calling for a Bible, continued his meditations and ,xpofitions on the eight t!l the Romani,for the fpace oftwo hours, but onthe fud– den he faid ; 0 flay Y"" readi11g, what brigbtne{s if thii Ifee? and they faid, it is the Sun-{hine: Nay (faith he) it i1 my Saviour! {hine, n•w fearwtl warld, welcome heaven, the day jrar fromone high bathvijited m) !Je-:zrt; I dJubt not but you all fee th•t light but I feel a light witiJin me, tbat noneofY"' •11 cJ" k,now : And then turning himfelfto the Miniller who preached h'<Sfuneral Sermon, hefaid; Sir,l defireyo~twOI<ldprtacb myFzmeralSer· mon, fer this nigiJt I die, and JPeak,;hii from me, that God deals familiarly with ma1t; I feel biJ mmy, I fee bis Majefty, w.~ethet in the b>dy or out oftbe body, I cannot tell, Gad he k,ndweth, b~tt I[eethiHgf that arez<nutterJble. And being thusravi!hed in his fpirit, he roamed towards heaven with acheerful look, and fofc fweet voice, but what he faid was not underftood ; at la!\ railing himfelf on his bed, ~s Jacob, did upon his llaff, he ended his ble!fed life with thde bleifed words : 0 tlmt fiery Chariot, that ca!'left down to fetch t<p Elijall, carry me to my happy bald; andallyoz< blejfed Angels t!Jat attend thefoul of Lnarus, tobring it ta heaven, bear me, Obear me im• the bofomc o[ my beft be– loved, j\men. Amen. Come Lord Je[us comequickjy; and fG> he fell afleep. Leigh. Miflr.,s Drakg, a woman of great temptation<, and de!Crtions, at Jail growing.fickly, and free fro m her defcrtions, fhe became ince!fant in her difcourfes of heaven and of the things of God. The Lords day betore her death, !he called all herchildren together, and with many admonitions and zealous infiruc'.l:ions, 'ltld heavenly difcourfes, fhe fpent much time tllat day with them; the Tuefday following Mr. Dod came, and fpent fornetime in heavenly difcourfes, and then went to prayer; and ~uddenly as prayer was done , (he brake forth in a wonderful manner in thde exprefi1ons : Oh, oh, ob, n:h;t,s thir?wbaes this lwh.'lt's this?lam undoue,undoite,undone,·rca1tnt1tendureit; ·0, 0 ,0, let me be gone, let me b'e go11e,I mu)! be gone,I cannot tarry ;Oh ;,hat jhalJI do? Loe, loe, the A>tgrl, are come,tl"y wait, and flay for me: Oh dear Mother, why hold you me? I nutfl ~e gone; 0 he ii cam~, he if c9me, he iJ come, now you have i , yoze h~ve it, you have tt, ( meamng that now they had the i!fue and fruits of all their prayers) why bold you me? let me be gone, my work, iJ done : 0 call, esll, call! where is my Crown, fetch me my Crown; bring memy rvhiterobei,quic~ly,quick,!y,quick,ly;whyrun;e not?tbeAngelsfl•y:O it overcomu, overcome I)