Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

c_· h_a~p_·4_·S_ea_ · ~3·~--~-0_Il_l1_11_Ut_1i_·on __ W_l~tl~)-~_.n~~~~~-~----Bo_o_k_I_J,__ t47 'overcomes, overcomes me: what.fhall I do' what 0,.11 I do? what fh,ll I do> with innumerable Cuoh [wife exprdlions ascould not be remerribred; and withal, fhe heaved up fiill all the time with fixed eyes cowards the houfe-top, as though fl,e had Cecn Come Vilion, and would have flown•away from them all. Idem. , ' · Robcrt Milner on his Deaths-bed was Co .filled with joy for many daies togetheri, that he could not hold, but proclaimed rho fwcetncfs and 'goodncfs of God from <lay to day; he profdl his joys were unutterable; he carried, as it. he had been in Hei, ven aforc~hand, only once talO<ing with Come Chrifiians about him, he cryed our, Oh I have l"fi it : But he added, Oh I hav1 it again, it if come, it if cnm2 : At Jafl, Jrawing near his end·, he Cent for the Relator as iormcrly, and defired his prayers; and whilcfi he was in duty , commcnding_his Soul unto God, he Cuddenly rouzed and fiirred op his body, crying and raying ·aloud with mncp veherne.ncy, 1be Lord, tht Lnrd, mercifitl and graciouJ, abnn~ant in goodnif? ttlili tr:ith ,_forgiving i;Ji– quity,tranfgreffionf,and pm; Aod in the very aCl: and hear ot ·his proclaiming ,the Name, and Goodnets, and Swe'etn<fs, a~d Mercy of God, he bowed the head, and gavo UR the Ghoft. . , , . J,.ord Henry Otto being Cemen~e.J w death for ~eligiori; he rtild the Miqilie~ , ;.air– ing on him, I waJ trateblPd, bt~J uow I fe~l ,a r;-n:de,jitl rl!fle}Jinzt: i1f rr~y burt\ 'adding, with his bonds hft up to heaven, l tbte«J, 0 mc>·cifitl Fatber, 1 viN b.•JI bew fleafed to fill me witb fo much comfort; 0 """ •I fear Duti;-JJv lmzp; f will·die with jay, As ],e was goi11!1 to the Scaffold; he faid to the Minil!er, I am jiue.t/JJI Cbrijt Jefu~ will meet my So1tl rPith bis Ang;e/1, that b~ _m,~y bring_ ·i>t to an Evcrl..:fii,tg !j!Jrriaz~, where If/tall drink,. of' a new Cup, a Cup of Jay fa,.ever. Upo,n tire ScJffold , litttng up his eyes to heaven, he [aid ., B•hold [.fee tl;e He.>ve>u of<,,, ·pointing with his hand to the place, where oth~rs aHo ohlc'rvcd a certam brightneG whio;h d•zied rhein.yes,-– And [o he received .the firolk ot rhe Sword. :Clad,_s Mtlrt. in B1btmi4.-- In ]ikt: man• ncr, BaitdicM b::ing .on the. Scaffold with his Fathc.r, tixing his eyes upon he:1.ven, fa. id to his.Father: Bebald I. fee tbe Heavem opw, and millionf of' Affj!,flf repdy to .receive 11J: :,,Fa– t/llr, let uf re}"yce and be glad, for tbc royf •f heaven a~e opened to iu. Idem in bif pe<ficution of tbeChur&h in tbl Lo~-Comztriu.· · ,; . ; :3· They fiand ready to receive us into th<ir imbraces, and convey us th~~ui>h the Air itlto {;leaven. . , '~' . 1 , •• . R omula being trained "P by Redempta, fell into a PJlfie, thatihe was fain tokeep her Bed; but the fi<;knefs of her body beTng Can<frified , and tending to her Souls hiialth, on a certain night n,e .hafiily called for Redemp:~ ,, faying, Come MJtb!r', c 1/nC Mother, who llraightways, with het other Djfdple, rofc up; and< as ;they:were about mid· night. by her B:ds fide, Cuddcniy there ea<ne a Light from HeJ vcn which tilled all !he Room, and ehen they heard anoife, as it w~rc, of many tl11r cJme in; the door be~ ing, fhaken, and thrnr. open, as though there lud beet{ a great prqCs of people : . {lraight afttr that Light followei) a wonderfuJ.pleafant Cmcll ; which did greatly com"· fort their trembling hearts. 1\omu/a perceiving that they could not .endme that abut1i dance of Light', with.Cwc(·t words comtnrrcd J(cdempta, that Hood, trmibling by bet Beds fide) faying, Be 1111t afraid ll4nth,·r ~ ji1r 1 (full not die at. tbii t}m~.: And when fhe had oltcn repeated tho!i: word$. by ~;tt!e and little the L>ght nniO>ed..away, bur yc·c theCwi er fmdl r:tmin,d l1i!l: Upon .rr,e fourth niglu after the call<d again for I:ede;np· ta, who comtng 111 With her other D.ktple, as, fu_ddenly they heard two ~tres tinging betore the Door ,withc>ut, the one as the voiCes ot men, that, began,the Ptalms, and the other of women that an{wercd; and wlules thofe heavenly Funerals were in celebrating before the Door, the Holy Sou! depmed this life, and \YaS tnried h\ rhu manner up into Heaven; and \be higher thefe two Q:Jiresdid akend, the lefs did they hear that Celefiial Mulick, until at length they heard no more: And then aJCo that Cwect and odoriferous Cmell vanifhed away. Greg. Di,!of!.-1. 4' . _ Frttftuo{r.u, Bdhop of Tarracona in SpAin, withhis. two D::acons, "Aug'ttriuJ aud EultJ.;: ~iuf, Cuffered Martyrdom ; the caufe of their punilhment, wa·s for prmefling ot Chrifis Name ; their Judge and Condemnu was: Emi!i.a;zuJ, thtJr D..:ath was by Firt, inro which they were all cal.t, with their Arms bound behind thtm; but their Bands and' Manacles being loofed by the fire, they tilted '·P their hands to Heaven, prailing the l..i~· · vlllg God, to tile great adrn1rJtwn of them rha( ltood by; prlymg aHn)that the Element which Cccmed to Hy from them, ~r.ight wod< his tull for,-c upner them, and {pecdily di: !patch them, which was after their requdl obt1i11ed. ln th< mtan fpa<e, asth<y wer<( V~ in