Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Book 11, $11tntfitation of, ann Chap-4-Sect+ in the fire, therewas a certain Souldier in the houfe of Emilianru, who did fee the Hea· vens above to open, and thefe forefaid Martyrs to enter into the lame; which Souldier Iikewile (hewed the figbt the lame time unto the DJughter of Emili>nuJ the Prefidtnt who beholding the lame fight with the Souldier, was~ prelent witnels of the blelfcdnef~ of them whmri.her crutl f'arh er had condeffi:ned. Fox A{/J and Mommzent 1• 1 , Vol, PbilipdeMmtay, L. of PleffiJ M.,ly, lyi"g on his Deaths bed , in the midft of hi• prayers heard :o ~ay, lfly,lfy .'• He.vw ;_the A11gelrof Heaven are carrying me ; 11 • to tht bnfom nf my Savtour. ClarfZs hfe of Pillllp de Mornay. .. Mrs. StubbJ on her Deaths bed ,, lpeakmg to them that were by , (he fajd ; 'Oh , would God you flw but w_hat I fee; fo~ behold 1fee i~finite millions of moll glorious , Angels H~nd about me w1th fiery_Chanots ready to defend me:_ Thefc holy A•gcls, ·' thc!e numfluug Spmts, arc appomredef God to carry my Soulmto the Kingdom of , Heaven, whercl !Rail behold the_ Lord faceto face, and lliall lee him, not with 0 • , thcr but with thcfc lame eyes•. L1fe and Death of Mrs. Katb. Stubbs. +• 'They_ welcorr~ us into Heaven, and prefent us before Chrill iu his Throne. . , He/mantin hiS V.Cion of th_e Soul tells, that m.the year 16 I o. afrcr a long wearinefs of Contemplation, that he nnght acqmre foll\e .gradua( knowledge of his own mind fallen by chance into a c.lm !lcep, and rapt beyond the limits of reafon, he feemed t; be in an Hall fuf!icicntly ol;"cur:; on his left hand was a_Table, and,on it a fair large Vi– al, wherein was afmall qua?nry of L1q:wr, and a Vote< from rhliLiquor fpake unro him, Wilt thwl>onwr and rzchu 1 At th1s un~onted VoiCe he became furprized with extreme amazement; and by and by, on hiS ught hand, appeared a chink in the wall, through which a light mladed ~rs cye5 With unwonted fplendour, which made him wholly forgetful of the Liquor, Voice,_ and former Counfel. Prelcntly he awakened, but his antient intenfc ddire of knowmg the nature of his Soul, in which he had pant– ed uncelfantly for thirtemyears together, conflantly remained with him. At length, amidfl the anxious af!h6bons of vmous fortunes , when yet he hoped a Sabbath of tranquility, he had in a Vifion ihe fight of fps Soul: It w~s a :ranfcendent light, i 11 the figure •f a Y!l$>1, wh•fc .wl:olc r.~at. ko?'ogenroitt, auzvely difcernmg a fubflance Spirit•~al, eh iftalli 11 e ami /uewt by 11t oitm 11atzve fpltndeur. And then it was revealed to him th;: rhis light w.1s the fame which he had a glimpfe of before : If the demand be, wha; becomes of this Light after 1ts feparat10,11 from the body ? Dr. Cbarl,etun, who tranflatcd that Book of f-Ie/rrumt, gave it in this.Pofie,; Lr,men de Lumim; Ligbt of Light, and Light to Ligbt. . The Angels of Light take d1cfe .luminous fi:bflances, or fubflantial lights , and prefent them b~fore ~hat . uncre~ted Light, the Lord_ ofGlory : :-vhat the ~flare of this light is, and what It w1ll b;, IS fung by Mr. Mart m h1s prz exrfiency of theSoul; Like to a light faft lockt in Lanthorn da;k, whereby by night our wary fleps we guide In !hbby f\reets, and dirty channels mark, ~ Some wealm Rays through the black top do glide , And f\ullier llreams pcrl1aps from horny fide; But wh~n we've pall the peril of the way, Arriv'd at home, and laid that cafe afide, . The naked light how clearly dotb it ray, . · · Alld fpread its.joyful beams as bright as Summmd~y? Even fo the Soul in this contracted lla~, tonfin'd to thefe tlrai; infiruments of lenle, More dull and narrowly cloth operate ; At this hole hears, thdight may ray from thence, Here tafls, there fmells ·; but when llie's gone fi:om hence, Like naked Lamp !he is one lliini115 fphere, And round about has perfect cognizance: what c're in her Horizon cloth appear, She is one Orb of Senfe, al.! tye, all airy ear. So nothing now in death is to be dread Of him that wakes to truth and righteonfi1efs, Th~