Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

' . Chap.4. sea+ <[ommmtion UJtt!J ;:.t{ngtl~ Book 11. ·~----- The Corps lye here, the Soul aloft is fled, . Unto the Fount of perfect happinds; As ~:;;rth rt rurns to earth} this light no It f; Returns to him that gave it, where it is l'refented by ti1C An,;els with excefs Of thange mtlodious rnllfick, joy, and blifs. Oh then how cloth that Great Light this Light greet and ki(S ! . \ ~.; S· They joy in [weet harmony of prailes that never ih1ll have·enJ. . A certain tlian, called Scroulw, drawing near his end, called for•all fftch ·flrmgers as lodged in his houfc, defiring them to tlng Hymns with him; and as h~ was !inging, all on a [udden he cryed out aloud, faying, Doyc.not bear the !('<Jt ond rvmderful Mr.· fie I;_ wbich i1 in Heaven) and even in that inHant ·his Soul departed this. mbrtal life: All that were prefent felt a mail pleafan~ and fragraot fine!I, wliertby they·argued the verity of his faying; a~ that he and Angels were thm in confort finging Halle!njahs together in Heaven. Grt.j,or. Dia./og. J. 4• · . . . . Ar.othercalled Guthl•kJ, drawing near his end, told llerteliuehis Scholar; tbe time i< come, my dear Son, n>hmin I mujl pJji to Chrijf: and lifting up his hands and ~yes ro hea. ven,,he yieldfd up his S0ul; when at the very inflant 'Semline Jaw, a~ it .wcr€, a:riery Tower reaehing from Heavendown to !he Earth, die brightnefi whereof was [o war>· derful, that the pale Sun might envy [o ~reat a luilre, whi!il the Angels themfclvcs were heard to ling melodious Tunes o\ Joy. Felix. · SECT. IV. ,( Of the Dmies thal concem Uf in this .:re[pelf. 2 • por the:fevcral Duties that concern us in tiris refpect..:.___,, ' : 149 I. Weigh not th~ pains, or pangs ofDeath, as if they were intolerable; but rather pitch we the Anchr.T'<if our hope on the firm grouiJd of the Word of God, who . . hath promif<d in our we.ak,.ncfs ta perfea his jlreng~/J,- ami not to foffer us td ~e tetnpted • Cor io.9. above that we,are able tobear,- -and to g,ive his Angel!'. a.charge .td .be4r ut :~p in·their • 13, bandt. If the Lord · lay one hand upon us , he puts another hand ·under us ; yea :, he Pf•t·~ t.ra. chargeth his Angds to be>r us up ·in their lrands, and to allay 'cur pains; it proves fa> to many, that the very thoughts of deathmore pains than the 'pangs of' d~ath: howfoever it may comfort trs that the Angels ftand b)' us, who either will help us in , or help us through thofe pangs of death, that we be not fwallo\\'ed up by them,. , · . . . . 2• Take we no care of our bodiesatter delth, C:rve only to commit them to the' Earth. Methinks the Angels might tak0 olf that carking care which many have: wha~ if thy' body be tifed :is theJrijh Papiils u!i:d ,the bodies at .dead· Proteqants, who call fome into ditches', and !cft·othersto be devoured of ravenous.BcafiS;,..yea, and diggcd, up others that had been formerly buried , and then left them as duug ·an the fJce at the ~arth; yet the Angels fee ~nd take CJre that ever): plrt, aod piece, and meinber.of thy !lady, !hall be prfferved and kcpr fafe ,unto that day of our Lord; the Euth in hm Womb, or the Sea in her Gulphs,or Bcafts in their Bellies, .or whatever is the Grave of (he Bodies of Saints, they are but aS' Gods clofc .Chet!s to .keep in the!Th a part of the· Lords own Treafure; and when thefe Cheils 01all be opened (as they '!hall be in that great day of the RefuqeCl:ion of Saints;) then !hall thofe bodies be brought out again .· · ,, by the holy Angels; and th'cr:i fh.~ll they be a5 good, nay better than ever they were be- · , fore ; for oztr'vile bo(iy fhallbe made li.~e the gloriout bo4y Q[ ou>' Lord and Savi•ur, accord· ~h)lip.3 1 r. 'ing to the work,ing wbereby he it able ev,en t•fitbdz.e all things unto himfelf. . 3· The nearer we draw to our 'end, ,let us draw God and his holy Angels; This is done by having a fpecial care of our Souls, and by doing thofe duties that we owe·both to God and his Angels. lliilnot toenter_intoControvetlics; I deny that a• .' · 11y Worlhip isto be given them, orthat weoug~t to pra~ to them.; yet ('as the Con. :. ·. 'i ternplative BiChop faid ) tbit devotion '!'e do gl•dly proftfno meto good A11gels ,, ihat liffiop IJ.JIQt ihou.~h wed, net gray unto them , yet we dJ pray to ,G,d for the f•vmr oftheir 11Jlijtance God and llil ~nd protc[/ion. , and we cl>praift God for tf.e protemon and minijlr3tion tbat we have /rom AD!Ioil, tbam. 4nd ytt further, rre come jhort of oHr dmy to tbefe blcJJed Spiritt, if >re emmain. : 170t in "''" heariJ a11 high and vtttcrJble e>pccit •f tbeir wonderful. MajeftJ., G.kry, 11nd . G"'"""