Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

',cu !lu r;, elcllf;·~'rn tbe [mr wi;ulJ, fnm oue ettJ of heJl.leJZ tJ rbc otbtr. 7 uc I .'lrd him[. IfJI·~Y dcfcmd from Heavm, with ,, fhout, zrith the V')" oftbe .4rch•,gel, m:d ~:..zliJ the trwnpo} God. ~1T1 \'T ~ 1 S• 1he [.m of mJJ! p,.u flml (ortb hiJ A11gclt, a11d trey (/Jail eather outof tbe KiJt•dom all ~9Jtt 1 1 J, .p, thi;t,'J t!JJt ' fJend, .zwl tlmn which do iniqttity --So ]hall it he at the end World, the AI~~cl! (!call wmef.rtl', and fever the wick._ed fram amo"g the jufiLuke 12. 8. • Aljo I fay zt;;to ym, wiN[oevcr (half confcfs me before mw, him jhall theSon of man al· Revel, 3· S· Jo con[t:J[e /;efore tbe Ar.gcls o(Cod,--· and I will not blot his n~me out of the book,_oflife, butl r.••/1coufrffi btJ name before myFather and before bis Angels. SEC T. II. Oftbe kjndofAngel·minijlration at tbJt time. FOr the kinJs of their minillration at this time.--- '· The Angels will {i,mmon all theSJints to appear before ]efus Chrif! in his )t~dgtmmt ftat · This is ~one i>y the found of a trurnpcr, And he]hall fend bis Angels with tbcgreat fumtd of• tmmpct.--tbe Lord bimfelfjh,,lt dtfuend from beavtn with ajhom, In my look- · "''~" tbev ticeof the Atch·aHgel, and with the trump of God. V>. h,t this trumpet it I have "'g unto ]tfus ddcuf! <:lfe where , and l take it to be Metaphoric• I, viz , afound formed in the ayre like 1 · s.c. 1 Sec. 3· the found of a trumpet; and for the ArchanJiel, it is not lo limited to one, but that all the Archangels, and all the Angels of God arc thereby underll®od. 0 the day, when all the Angels {hall be fmt of Chrid to bid all the world to appear before him! This is that voice on which Jerame {uoften meditated, whetber I tat, ordri11{, or wbtfuever I do, metbi11k} I alwayes bear tbat voiceof the trumpet foundin~ in rni11e ' ""• Arife )'C dead, and com.e to judgmont. This is that voice of which Chryfu;i•me f>id, 0 the tcrnble trumpet, that all Element!]hall olny! itj!Jallfh>k,_e tbc , ,,rid, rend the roe~! , brc~k. tkt moHntai,m, diffolve tbe bonds of deatb, burjl down the gates oj bell, and unite all jpirits to their own bodyes. This voyce ilia)] takefrom death all Iter lpoyIs, a~d ca\,{C her to reCtore a· gain all that ll1e hath taken away from the World. In this mmttlration the Saints may rejoyce; be it ne.,er fo terrible to ihe wicked, it is noth inb to them, but an awak· ing out of {]e~p; as ifthe Angels iliould {hour and fay, a1v.z~ ami J:ng y~ tb<t d,v,U in the dujl ; f or loe the wimcr iJ pajl, the rain is GVt>' a,d gone, tbt time •I tbt fingiilg of birdJ iJcome; anjc, a,-ifeye Saintr, andcJmeauuy . 1· The Angels WJJI gJthtr all the SJiuts ro~:uhcr to the JLtdgmcnt feat of Chrifl. In this arc involved thcfc puticulars. r. that the ARgeb will CL>!Iccr'the dull of all the bodies of the Saints. This all the ~ AqlliO. f•p.q. Schoolmen hLid ¥the cu/leCiioJt of'the dufls•fthe b!effed iJ by tbe mmijfryoftiJf bleffed L!>Jge!J. '6. ""· 3·· They can move, and remove bodyes as they pkafe. As cra!fe and mfenour bodies are ~,d, in order ~overned by thofc that are fuperiour, and more fubtil1 fo arc all bodies ruled ~~~t;; in 3 • and difpofed of by Spirits indowed with life. Augujlinegocth furthn, and fayes, that pt Aq:1i .q 6 irrdtional[pi.rits art govtnttd by rationa,lcurdnzlionalcreatures th~t tran~neffe .' a_re govern· " · 2 d• 6 ·7- _ edby rationalcreaturCJ that 1rej11fJ. * G'regoryJoyns with hun faymg, onvtfiblecrea· ,.A•g. de Trrn, tHreJ Jo p)ve tnJJtion and[enfe to carnal bodies'which are vifible : •nd f llotbilzg i1 diJPofed of ~-G~~g dia/,/. 4 , in tbiJ vifible world,but by another creature wbicb is invijible.Hcn;:e Aq11in•s •conckdc;,that ~ <· . in all tbi;tf.S which corpor~lly are do11e of God, heirt!ufed to ujerhe »~lll!jlry of Ange!s, and ~q•m.f•P· th•t tbcr.j re tbe gathering oftbe duJ! and the reparatlo;r oftbe bodzes ~f a/~ tbeSamts 11 a.tely 1 ' 6 • a. 3· by tl;e minijlry •f the A1tgels at tbe refurreUi•n day. ComeClmibans. keep fa1th and a good Coulcicnce; though men prevail over your bodies to k1ll them, and tofcatter the allies ol thLtn all the world over let llCVCr any uncomfor table damp of tlaflili fe~r vex your b!d!d hearts, be not you ~fraid of evil tydings or ofdef!r_uction when it com~ et h ; for the Angels have a care ofevery piec~, and put, and p.utlcular ofyour bodtes, J.J t cnc lnir of your heads , ~ot one atome ofthe fubftance of thnfc bod1es you ?ear about you, !hall be left in the grave, or in any part of theworld, but Jt iliall be gamer• d by Angtls and brnugh together into one heap or lump._ . z. That the angels will' torm and fa{hion and orga1112C thof<_dulls fo br~ught to• gether into P"feet, compkat, and folid b.odycs; this aHo 1s atlirmc~ by Scnooh~e;' * ccb.:zt[oever apptrtaino to tran[rnutatim (}f bodyu aJ to be con~enf~uon offom.epa_ t , God" pleafed tber:in t> ufe tbe minijlry of Angels. Indeed the ammatton or en!Jvemng cftf•cbody by the infLIGou of the Son!, is( as they fay) nnmed1atly of God, Wtthom any