any operation of Angels; for as the Soul was immedia<ily created ofGod, fo mull the Soul be >gaiu united to the body by the immediate hand of God himfelf, yet the col• kdion, ptepafation, and reparation of our bodies arc done by angels. 0 the pow· er of angels! this eye (hall be put to this head, and this hand to this arme, and 'thisarme to this body, and fo every put to parr, and member tomemberbythemini– llra tion of angels: what need we care if all thdC: be eaten of worms, or ftrpeuts, or other creatures, yea of Canibals , or Savage men' certainly they muil all be rellor– ed again; I fhall not want thi< eye, this hand, this finger, this joynt, this nay! on my fingers end atthe refnrrection day. oftbe D rd 1Pat up•n me ( faid Eze~iel) Ezek. ; 7 •r,: 1 and carried me mt ilzt be Spirit ofthe Lord, and[et me dorrm in the midjl ofthevalley, which j, 7, 8, 9• war fttU of bonu , and he ca11{ed me to pajf by them round about , and beh•ld there "''" very ma>ry in the open valley; and lo they rrm •e,ydry. A1:d hefaidzmto me, fon of man, ' "" tb<fe bonet live ? AndI anfwered 0 Lord God th<H l(_nowejl.~ Then the Lord b1d him prophdic, .and as he prophelicd there war a noyfe, aud behold a ,jha~ing, and the bonercame togrtlm, bmetohisbone ; and thw the jimwt of thejlefh came upon tht:m 1 and t~Je Jkjn covered them above. bJtt there n~.u m brcatb in them; and then the Lord b1d him prophefie unto the wind, Come from the four windr, 0 breath, and . breath ttf'O>t thtfe jl' i1t that they may li"· Why rhus will it be at the refurredion,day; the minillry will be like the Prophetsprophefic; they will give a fhout, and collect the bones, ~nd then put them ro5erher, bone to his bone, and then cover them with linews, and tle01, and skin; onely the breath or Soul mull bo iJJfufed immediate• ly by God himfelf , and then fhall the Saints live, and lland upon their feet, as an cxcecClinggreat army. " 3· That the Angels will bring the Slint< thqs tayf.:<\, organized, and quickned ro Chrifis judgment feat. The 1\poille fpeaks lwme to tll!S, the dead in Chrij! /ball 1 Thelf+ 1 s, rife firjt, and tbnt we whi;h ar~ alivt, and ren1.1in. jJJaU be caugbt up togetber with them in I7; the clu:tds, tJ meet t!Je Lord in tbe ayte. A wiUing-wdcome-torct is here upon the S1ints to transfer them, Oi carry them into the ayre, where Chill is· in his throne ' uow how ihall this be dune? why they jha!l be cat~gbt up, faith the Apo!lle : by whom ?fume rhink by t!te'clouds ;as ifthe clouds 010uld tirli defceud,and then enwrap the Saints,and fo fcrve as chariots to carry thtm up to <.brill in the ~yre; bnt I would rather think by Al1gels ; as if the 1\pollk fhould foy, aU the Sailtts at the lajt day , both thofi rd;jid, and tiJG[e ch•ngcd , jh.,/1 be caught up by the• l" ly Angelr imo the h . cloudt to meet the Lord in tbe ayre : And is not this agr<eable to the words of Chrill, Mart • 2 4• 3t. that Angclr]hall gat(w togohcr hir Elcfr? whith" tO)l<ther? but to the clouds, or to that place in the ayre where they Otall meet the Lord. 0 the bleifed miruftry of indea"d an~th ' they that before carried up Lazmtr Soul into Abrabamr bofom, mull now carry up Lazamf So,J! and body , yea all the Souls and bodies of all the Sainls into the ayre·, where Ota\1 be the bld!Cddi meeting that ever was; there fhall Chrilt meet with his Saints, and never p'<t again; indeed here fometimes we meet, and anon we part; now he comes, and gives llS the kilfcs of his mouth, but ercwhile he is gone, and we cry after him, 0 whert it he whom my Soul lovetb, J charge you 0 daughlirs •if'Jmif:tlem if' Y'" find my l·el. vcd , t!nt Y"' tell him t/:at I amfie~!,. of love, but when the angch;hall bring u• tO ~Set her at this d;y, we !hall part more; for we 1 Theft . r jha!l meet the Lord rit tbt ayre,antlfoJh.•ll we l:ejorev<rw,ththeLord. , 4 r. ' · The angels _will fepirat~ the good and bJd, the !h~ep and ~oats. 1heyfball Matth· , 3 4 ,; gather 0111 1 the Kzngdom all thwgr tbaz offc,d, and them wh~eb do tmqmty. --They 49 , fh'll fever tiJC ,.,ick_sdJi'om among tbe juJI, ThiS !eparation isfomerimes given to Chrill, he]ball[eparate them om from another, ar ajhephe.Jrd divideth his jhup fr•m the goat,, and hefhallfet hft jhccp 011 tbc;td, but the go.1t1 on the lejf. Chrill fhall do ic originally, but tne angels mmJilerially de,nvattvdy, and by way of exc<cutioh; C. hrifi M•tth. 2 • , c?mmands tr, and the angels accorr,pbfh Jt. Othc JOY,_ and 0 thehorro~r oftbi! par33 , S l tJCLJiar I horrour to the WICked , but 0 what JOY WJIJJt be to the Saints to meet together, and to fee all the wicked in the world thmll out of their fociety, they were before thorns in their !ides, and pricks in their eyes ; tmr>y a tear did they colt the Saints to fee their wickcdneffe, rivm of teatr rttn down ntipe e);CJ, becaufe they k.§ep not thy PC I Lar:'s;. n.nnya he~rt-grieving, hearr·vexing thcoghr barh .plerc'trhe Saints to know 2 ~c't~'/.'7:J:. ... thm hntulneffe, 1"]1 Lot _war vexed w th the filthy c?nvcrfa""' 'f the wick.§d, ah l,'oo\: man, tt was o n .Hdl to h1m to dwdl w_tthSodomttes, f orthat rightcottr man dwelling among tfJCm, J.fl jamg and IJI';rzng vexed hu ttgbteMU S~u',from day te day r:;itb their 1m· . X lawful