Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Bookll. ~ntfitattcn ot. arn la>vful deeds. Well, but now they !hall never gt1eves them, trouble them vex: them any more; the angels will not onely ddiver jul\ Lot out of his ill neighbour- · hood for • t1me, but they w1ll free all the nghtteous from all the unrighteous in the world for ever and ever: not one S0domire, nor one im<eni ent tinner !hall £\and with Chrifls {heep on his bldfcd right·hand ; never more !hall rl•eSaints cry out, and fay • Pfai.J2o·)l6. n'oe is :u, that we art conflraincd to dwell with Me{ecf,, and toIJ.lve rttt h~bitations a– mong.]! tbe tcltts of Ked"r ; but rather !ha!! they go on with the Pfahn11l and fay as in the tJCXI verfe , our So~tls have long dwelt with them rb.t IHte peace , and !Jolinefs, but now wt jha/1 ncvtr dr.>e/1 with them any more. This will be the angels work at the la!lday, they will gather out of the Kingdom all thirg< that offend , all fcandalous wretches, and vile perfons, a!! frow:;,rd heam, and privy flandtras; all that have high looks, and· proud hearts, all that D'vid f1id, he would throw out of his houfe, and from the City of the Lord, will they alfo throw out of the Kingdome of God, and ofJifus Chri£1 th 1 t they mok£1 not Chritis fh<ep any longer. ' 4 • The angels will be fpcthtor;, admire", witndfes, approves of the my· fiery of godhodfe in the fcntence of Chrill oa his S1ints. This piece or part of Chnfl< Mediwon in abfolving Saints, is amongfl the re£\ of thofe great Myflcries 1 Tilll-3·'6. of godLndfe fee» rf Angels. Seen? how feen? it is not a bare light, but fuch a fight os a!lonifheth the underilandiog , and takes up the loelrt of blcffed Angels , ' Pet. I. IZ• wbiciJ tbingi the Angels dcjirr tolo.,k._ inr.; t heir whole fpirits arc taken up with it, they cannot look off it, but Hand , and view , and admire, and · leap for joy to fee th~ p1ffage;; they ore rapt up above themfelves, to hear the bldfed fentence comin!,!; out of Chri£1 his mouth, C,,m ye ble[[<d of my Fatlm, nor is that all, but as they fee, [ 0 they witneffc! and approve the aCl:s and p1ffage, of Ch1ifi in rewarding Saints, Luke 12.8. I will confefs tbem ( !aith Chrilt) before tl.e Angels of God·, that i;, at the la£\ day t John •5·'4· will take them tor m1ne, I will conkffe them to belong to me,, 1will pronounce on Mal.;.r7. them the fentence of abfolution, I will do to them as it a King fhould come in corn• r~:ic:'.S.t 11 , pany , and choofe OU[ one> and (a lute ~im familiarly , aud C.ail him by his natne > and J2, take him by the hand , and confeffe h1m before all to be hiSfnend; [o will I confelfe J<r<W •·•.?· the Saints to be "!)/ frivzds, my jewels, my pw<liar treojitre, my 'temple, ~ndTaber· Manh 8I>. 11 acle, where l place my n•me, tbedearly beloved of my So1tl, cbildrcn oftheKingdam, ~:~~~:,'t' 47 • Y" the Kingdom of He•veu it felf; or it more honour can be given them, I will conJiai.s '• fdfe them tn be mygardw, my vmeyard, my fpoufe, my fccond felf, one with me, M Can 4-11. I , 11 d nry Fatber arc one: And be ye wirne!fcs ot this my fmtence, 0 ye Angels 1 I John '7·> 1• would h•ve you to talte notice of it, to fee it, behold it, hear it, admire at it, and ro wirn,ffe with what equity and proportion I deal with Saints; they confeffed me before mlll, I conteffe tnem bctorc Angels; they were not afhamed of me, nor ol my name. beto 1 ·e Kings and Princes and therefore now I am not afhamed of them, nor of their name; fo tar am I from blotting their nJme out oftbe B•ok._oflife, that now I confrfc tbeir Revel ~ S· name before my Father, and bif.,•·e his Angels! witncffc it 0 ye Angels, yea and approve of it, conftnt to my fentence,acknowledge my goodndfe, jufiice,mcrcy in faving thefe Souls, by layingAmen, and bidding them welcome into Heaven, and then you have done with you• Minillration. At this Ja£1 paOage the Angels receive that augmentation of joy, of which fome Divines have Wlitten. H~U, andAndrews, Starrs of great magnitude in this ·Orb of the Englifh Church , have both fuppofed , that Angels tbemjefves [hall recci~e an aHgmcntation •f happinefs at tlte day of th~ la{l Judgment, ~ben they [hall be freed fr•m all their charge, and mtpi•Jn•ents· As re£\ 1S the end ofall motwn, fo theperfechon of b!dTcdntfs conliHs in rd\, and therefore the Angels bemg now di;charged ofthat charge which they took at the begintimg, they have no more to do, bu.t in one quire to joyne with the Saints, and cvetlafimgly to fiog, HalleluJah, and agazn Hallduj.h, and dmer. laallelujah. SEC·T. Ill. Of the duties that concern tu in tbiJ refptll. '2• FOr the duties that concern us in this refpeCl:- . . 1 • Meditate as if you heard the Angels Coundmg thetr trumpets, and[Jy· in<> c 1 me OHI of yo11r r.raves, and appe.r before Jefui Chrijlyo11r Judge. Sur~I~ th.efc "' · mm•flnng