Chiip 4· ~cillJ·-· <fOt!lifH.tnton llii!Jl_!~~~~~=-=- Bouk 11~· •n ~ minillring Spjri'tl;\, tbefe cfpccill mdfrngers, thefe New Covma11t:olliccrsthatnow wait on us, ar.d 'as tc,1dcr Nurf,s will e(e long lay usailcep i>1the bed of the-g<>ve, will in the morning of the r<futrdtion awake us om of'tlecp,.and fay' tousasthe Angels to Joint, ·r:Mui' up bitbcr. And · is not this worrhy our Morning tliought~, Or E- RcveJ. 4 . 1 ; vening' thought's, or •Mid: night thoughts? when we are awaltc io the night, and CO!rl· pJJ! with darkncfTe, anJ a·ll is', qoiet, and ·Aill, fqipof~ the1i "e heardtl)efoundof angd,, n-oufing" in the a)·rc: ;"'Now SoulJ come to your jfnteme,eitbcrof eteFit::zlwe~l, m· 'etmul n·i'e: 'Mtthinks this meditation fhould work, and mak< every one Gf us f;y, Lord if it were thttJ, »b;t romld bwme of. my Soul? in what cafe wert l? in what· c61tditimt wtre l > if·the Angel n.?rp fmJZded? W.1J nry repenttJnce{ucb wbeu I w!;:t to bed, . a1 tbtn now I dare loo~ tbc. Jud6eiutlu f.JCe? was my f'.Jitbfoac?ive , IJr i1 it now fo qrong, that I c.111 witbcon_1deJtce gotoChrijl, and[.ty, {peak,. L_ard, /peak,. ol!t the doom, tbat tbm iiltenijcJI topaffe 11pon myS01.I, j;1r hw(l in thee. if lo, it is well; the Lord keep uscvntin\tally in ft~ch a prepued frame; but if it be otherwife,O let usthink ofit, and preplre for it,; let us not put ,,ff .epcntonce from day to day, bur, let thdnlfant or prtfent moment be the time•ofturnin 0 from all Gn to G.1d, and let us become no.v, even no.,.., as we would wi(h ttl be then, ,.ben the Lor./ bi·nf;Jf {hall dcf.:mdfromHeuven, with a Tl n: 9 fonzlt, witI> the vyce £f tbe Arc.oangel, a;zd rvitb tbnrwnp>f God. lt were a bltfli:d medita· 1 '' • 4 " • tion that wcrild WOrk us inro ruch aframe; now the Lord come in~ and both fetus at it, and appear _tqus in it. ' ?. Chear up ye S:lints, •rife, jhi11e, (ot y om lij!,ht irc,milrg and the glaty of the Lord . will rift up.m _Y- ·}e: wl1o arc rhrfe that fly ,lJ 7t cloud, antl as rbe dovu if tlteir windor~~s? rra'·60 ·r,g. no fanner are the fummons given, but all the Saints (h,U begarbered toguber ·frern the Matlh. 24·3'· j o11r wi>tdf, f"a:~ tiJe one end of Heaven to a;rotlm. Oh wh>t a li5ht will it l:ie to fee the Eallern Saints, and W<tlern Saints, and Northern ~aiots, and Southern Slints; !ly– ing on the wing• of Angels , to Chrifi on his throne! why here is matter bf joy: if qur evidences are but cleJr , tf we arc but affi~red that he that is our Judge, r.atn tbed his blood for its , and giv.en hi'llfelf for liS, l wonder that we are not more fpiri– tu]lly cheerful. Come, though the world fcattcr us, pcrfecuttus,drives us to holes ani! hill,-, yet we !hall meet together at the great Marriage·fuppt'r of the Lamb, and there will be joy iodeed ; the very fore· thoughts 'of this fhould methinks till our hearts R 1 . . with joyes unfpeakable, and full. of glory·; · let_ 111 be g,Ia'd, andrejoyce, forth~ ,,,.r· eve ·''' 7 ' ,. ri•[!.< of Me Lainb i1 come, a11rl bi1 wifib>tb rrzadeher[elf readj.-Write, ble(- .[!d are tht;y which are ea/le~ zmto '"·' m>rriagc·S:upper of tbe Lamb, tbefe ar_ethe true J•.r mg' of ti•d· Bleffi:d faym5s! m whteh , tf we open the eye of ·Fa~!\, , we mav fee matter of tnttfi joy , and fpiritual raviOtrllent: we ate all,invited if wear': !nit Saints, to the mlfriage· Supper cf the Lamb, Cume andgather )'OifTfilvtJ toger!t<rullto vcrr. I 7• tht .s"pi'er of the grwGod: if you f.ty, how fhiJttld we co':"c~ that mull dye, and lie burte d tn graves, oil we rot, and return to our firfl pnnctpks ? I anlwer · the(e Remora's will not, cannot hinde_r; for our ~cry dulls !hall b$ carefully gath~red by the hands of angels; and when they are gathered and brought together, they lka!l be put ·into form and fafhion, far better, amt ptrfeder' then t>QW they are; by the mittillratien ot angels ; and when they ar< formed, .and fafi1ioned, and revived , ·and fpiritualized, we ihall be ca11ght up by the angels into the cloud tb meet the Lord in the ayre, thus f" will the angtls minifier to us, and therefore what fhould hinder but that we mufl all meet him , and feafi with him? and if fo, how merry fhould we be in the n.ean time, who are_admittd .; 'and en righted to this g~aciousand gloriocis feafi? aw~y , "'"Y ~ ~11 horrours of gl1t!(!neffe l tall~ fears 0 llavJfh te~rours, damps, and droopmgs 1 Clmllnns! we mufi part, and f9r a tunc lye add fleep m foHtude and rotteneffc, but we rnall meet 'again; there .will bt fucH a Congrfgation ofSaintsat the !aft day, a< never was fince the worlds crcatio~, and a . ':"e hope tl(be a part ofthat gene. raJ alfembly, and Chu_rch ol the .firtl born whJ~hore wnttei) ll1 Heaven, let uJ now rejoy.ce in the Lord,and •gain rrj,yce. , 3· Comply with the angels in f<parating youdiJves ·frorn the fociety of the wick· " ed. I know the command, In-both rtow together until the hart·~fl; the angels du not Matth. 'l• J•• nor mufi tl!cy feparate the wfleat' and tares bcfdtc the lall day , but th<n will God fay to his re'pers, gather )e togetber firjt the toro', and bi'nd fhem in bu, diu to bJtrl them, bHt gather tbt ,<rhtat into mybarn. Come then , and do ycu now on your part that which the Angels Wt!l do on the~r part at the laO day. You will fay, what would 1have )DU Scparatifts: I anfwer, not i'n opinions, or hetero~ox doctrines , but in conX ~ vctfatiol) ;'