Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

AN APPENDIX~ Containing fome Objections, and Anfwers. I T is Z•nchiut f•ying, ~ Dotlrin• de officiit a1tlarum, deq><e illm<m minifleria utiliffi· h i ma ef! ;_pity it is then th~t fuch a point o , Rehgion lhould be buried in oblivion, ~!!~~.;,f. 3 , and be made noufe of. I cannot fay tha! m th1s whole Tre 1 nilc there is not the,_,·+ leail errour, for we k..~aw b111 in part, and we prophefie but i11 j>.rt, yetchis I can fay, that 1have not purpofely, wilfully, or heartily erred, Errart p,olfom, b.ereticzu non era. le r C9r.t;,9. may be, though -1 deliver nothing but truth, I cannot fatislie all, and thcreforo 1have fome ofmy godly and learned brethren to object what rh~y can ; and wherein they ~re not fatisficd, to put in their e'Xceptions againilany part or piece in this Treatifc. And qne hath done me that honour to fend me his Objeerions: it may pleafe God that bythi< means rrpth rmy iliine clearcr,<nd therefore1 ili.all hear by way ofappendix lay down his 'ObicCl:ions, and my Anfwm, and fo reterboth to the Reader, defiring Gods bldung may be on all. "the objelfimof adea~ FriendanfJrered~ 'I' N Chap. 6.Sect' 3• 2d Reafon in rcfpecr of Ai1gds, you cite- r 1im. ~- t6•. Sun •f Objerr. AHgelr,(i. e.) mmy eye Jefus Chriil WJ< feen ~~ Angels, tcilifiod unto by their vifib!e appearances, and feivic<s to him at his Na,tivity, in his Pal!ion, 11t his Kefu~rettion, and his Afccnfton ; and not tfle myfiery o[ Chrift, aad godlineCs 10 properly feferfed -to in this place• c ' ' ·, Aretiur tells us on that Text (give me leave to bring in al.l the Authors in th<ir A11[w. <JWU Language) • Id quidem '/Jtrnrn eft focunrlum hifloriam, uam ;,. .nativifate• jejunio, • Aw,in 1 p>J!ione, ri[llfrdlione, afce•fione fomper adfont ang<li JPeaatmt ;fe.Jmihi viilet<<r de m•jori 1 Tun.~·'5• vifi~Ht laq~ti, qua fc• cowra ang,eiorum opinionem~ Ch,-,ijfui mirabili r.41iffnt duat ~atmat Hliivit in u11• ptrfona,qllotl ntc hominu,m~a.>rgelifati.J t"pJicare poffunt;& •ob idfitm· .;,,jluzve viderwnt, & vid&H·Itt idiiiHIIlivitate,WaqtttChrij1i hijt.ri•,p.lenir<IJ'IImm;,. -ajCm]i· oH< Jl«ptndirl/11' nwJf_,;,..,G~riJirtm homi.ner,. a;{de;citpm 'Bel P4tdit,afctnde;~:-b:lcmyfteri_. '[~tnt,&.;,- ·' And ,is 110t rhiHhefcQpe 9fthe Te>q?.i> not ~i).iH rpj.iniparr ofd¥·t;l'\!;U my. -Jtery of godlinds, that he who is the uue Qoo , tnanifefic:.d i'l ti!C fle!h ~ w.asJee.J llf ·Angels? . • '-. · , , . . ·i .,, lh _the fecond,Rcafon in rc\ped: of the Saints, I'{'On J•bn 12•, >•-you fay~Clmfrb,;,b •biU~td the D<.viJ by l>if Aongtlt:;Qound the Devil< -are, but by 011hat ohain<~. ,..d, ~t>ow IJOt; Objet!. it may be by the ~ocx:! Angels miniflry, but can weJay peremRtori)y i~ ;~fo;b " • LearnedZanchit<t faith thus.~ Prr angtlot bonor mmc detiirt!ltlf' illtnl1:nu,He maLJ,-b_oml. ~anch, ,, . -1!ibu1 {nfir.Jttt, 'Ut vere dixerit CbrifiUJ nun'i= prioc-t:p§ mundi ejictctur foqs.-t-:EtKbiqHt in c.r~•uon~./. '• [cript:trit legincuf cacod.tmolletfimper fuif[e .rin{jos •b-A>tgelirbgnii,fiqu•ndo niir~atur i~- ''' 4 '& '· ' 8 • t<r ip/or p"g"$tumfuiffi; Ht iH Danitl, & in Apoc.lyp.legitur, ·& Thobi. s. _.. .Jitii·Hr Angelu1 Thobia: d..motttm vincNiif cvnftri.,xifft. . , , In Se4. 4• you fay, the gOOtJ Angel I by their gtneral ch•rge fovr wick,!drmen aI've; ~tmay feem llran~e, unlcfsjt wcr~any where faid, rhat Godufed them to thi.S"J!ln;pofq Obje/1, ivhodo they li!ve ihem from? not lroin Gqds llrokc; aiid_is it from the D~vils? tnty. 1 "' , - do him Cervicc., .andhoWllve~ Gods rdlraint ·On the D<vils ln.m any !l!C~\ au~tl~y.may s' ,C ' ' } be fafficient. , ,,., , ' How? Angels [, ve the wicked from Gods Jlroke? AO, b.ut from the Devils, nor . A 4 -,.,, <:rdftth ~hi,s Gods, reilraiur, but rather fub!i:n~~ it that o,vil' would liill; f<e 1 Pn.,.8. cb•m·