~b;ut(ons. Aret.in Ltt:. rb,unbitlat 111 /e11, qu.trou qunn dtvfrtl• Leofaug~riuedtliCtawr, it:z Jiabchu mm con– tP tu~ rJ!f:rt~niJ & l;~noribr~I bon;i;!rm rxuiffi, Ja11pt!nl'm ipfum appctlt: :md thus God pommmg 1t, he dealt w11h J ob J firva!J!l 2 and ciJZidrcn.. Heocc Zanchy !tll us ~ mm diab,li hojlu wjlrijint c•pit,,/u, & uos circumflent, niji Ang,fi beni ex nwzdato Eri, & pro Jito erga n1J am(lre, nos adutrfiu iJioJ tucrenwr, diaboli irn{(ro;t ia ;toJ. lob r. 17, ' S'' lan("h. ibid l. 3· ,,· ,4· Objdl. Iu?cd. 5• N01hir.g is,P.id by you, b,;t. what you qLH;)te _B:O>c,p H•ll tc, have fJid the ram~; yet all \,hore infiances are of wi)af God did,cxrrnerJinaril!': by his Angels :they ''(ere all trliTacles, or next door to'them. Arid thoub.h we tmy thusfJr lalie comiorr lrom whar-G"Gd ctid by Angels f o them ofo!d, 1fm he wiJI·do for his f<Hvanls _,;hat is goochor them in thelike cafes; yet whether h2 wiii.J o itthis way, viz, by au Angel, we cannot fay, un~!S the Ang~} appear as fet;fibly1l?~ n~; as .1"' <jid:lq~ them; e;l"ther !'"d !he Saints of God tatled, Or no, tfthcy had louKcd at thttr deltvennces.ro be wroui5ht by tho rninifiry ofAngels, uulefs by fp, cial hu!ible nnnitet!ations it had been tmde kmowrr unto them? A•:Jn:. , Thts <)bjcd ion hH)J in lt the Cuqt[ance c[ mofi rhat follows, and th, rdo~e give. me , ·' leave to inllrgc. 1 , lh dllt you grant I fay norhin:; but what Bifhop HaUhath ti idJ>e. foreine; 1hiscl~Jrs mt of the imp<~tltion of Nvvelttc ; all that knew hi111, could not but ktlow rlut he was free from cur,loliry, or inordnn lc d: lires of novelty in tnatters ~ ,· . .. of Rd:gion• . 2· B"'t all · his in!lanae's (you fiy} <reo( what God did extraordinuily by his Angels; they were all m\rJcks or ncx1 door ro them: Ar.d another Joyns with you, (ayir~, rb,Jt fivtr. .t filt 1';ct; brou;Jn.fot the pr,o[11{pJrtir.u/ '" • ' '' fro.ntheappa6tims of .rfng.f!'I tap1rt:cul.fr pcrf,;!I', wiJicb .W·i~ cxtra(Jrdirzary, and c ..mn :t pt.!1. 1 e tbat}iu:b a-mini... Jlr.ri'u nfilicrn is /lotv ordiJtj;j Tlh(rhc'Angcls can w·ork tnitJcl<5, Ltn kfs as Gods in· r.illmCtJfs, I d~ny , nonw: any of the inlbn'cei ofrh.tr nature, as if an~ tr.irack were done b)' tf1e tn o. frheir own n:JtirrJl p.owcr; i1dced the).do mir.riit~, but nor miract<l~ : they do •Bt,o n. /ru. fucli ·th~ugs as youc.:11l1i"exr doO'r~td mJlactes~ ~.:w Worldcrful thfngs.,. PojJunt natur;li vi,.~ ccm. de An:.tlil tute in ru ccrpore.IS quicljreid Ctn poribttJ a natura C~Hiingcrepotejl) mm tamen miracula e.ffi.. cere, rlifiequmnttJ l 1e1t1 i/lorum mi»ijlerio in.edcndis miuwli1 u:ifolct Bur (by you) if they were not miuc/~,, yet were !hey cxtr~ordina y. lt is 1rue, in rdi>ed of us we judg the'rn (o, becaul~ rhcy,are rocve out .o<dinary adings ; bm nor in rdpcd of them; 'lanch.ibid. /.3· '·I.~~ B ff.<Jlon hng:l!. N~nr quicquid Angclu1;iu p··opria f1Cit ~irlrllt, il/id fir '" ordine, <!,• 1JM jitpr• ordincrn ·miul n~tru.e cteJt.e r itisordinary W;ththem eo work.abL>veour power, or the power .cf any orhcr creature; ·and hereby w~m'y know wheu·ruch, or Cuch events runl!l our wonted narurol ccu~"Ie , and .whm .rhe Angels; br .Spirits ue -actors in t'hcm; tbe lnan~ir of-their· operuhor(j (faith a'itldi4ious o~c) a;rd tbe occa{lmr ~•d ajfe{]J of them lhaU / •o• tl,fcrytbem to" jtdiciotu eye. Bc~t thoti: Scriptures fpnkes (as it is ob· • •. jedcd ) -ot the apfluliion' of Angds;··wJ\ith· W'Js exWtordiuary, and 'prove not that " " ~ !itch a·tllinilltatJOn .of· them is n<>N ordir~a>y. Y0n may Clll (if you pleat~) the ap– ' f •=" · • pHi~ions of Angels oxt,raordinary , {lli> nQt : thci r w.orlon~> ; or if ex1uordinary in ri'fpJ:.d ·of, us, and OLlr• power , yet not ·i11 refpcd of them and their power. I per· cei ve. •throughout your 0ptedions, you , are much on ·their extraordinaries; and ;hac ·ruch things ·as weaf!i•«fi· n0i.v·. chey do,.·a·re not to be afcribed (as you fay) ordinari· ly to th<i~·minilhy ; llhlll therefore in a lew word5 intifi one their ordinary power• • In ·scriplurc they ar~' c-xfkd mi~hty; , ·Thelf. ,. 7• jl~ong, Rev. 5· 2• • and t• ~xcel i¥ j/rength, FfaJ•., o 1• zli;•:a11d-this thdr power they excrcifc and put forth either immcdiatdy by then.felYCs, or media!ly by nar~ral a_gents, as they are mov<d by them; jjr,fi. fo'i tb(ir irnnledirate 'workings, lhe.y can ordinarily interjicm, & -loeo movert; u· Hill Antr_lutftJIHm [tit Stmracharibi exe~cituhz i'-11ferTcctt'itl 6.. reliqttoJ in fugam Vlflfrit & Pt!'r.utih~ rt/iqiiN A/"'}lolor e carcm td~txtiit; & Phillipputn e loco in locu"! tra11· >''> 1::.rc! ]!utehtS·: li>ll!i<di·ate' 1,~,•:&aliajimilia ~b Ay,clir fa[/ a funt,. & fieri pnffi<~l· S<c?nd• 1 1 ·.·,·~·:,:: Jy, for. tHf'tr-med~are i l>~er,, the~~~!', o.rdina_uly genera;e_fmm;Jtm~ aut •imd amn:at; 1I>!HJkf ·{t'gtHtrali!J t~l!K fit ~ J!mi~Jj~uze·~at vtro pe!Jjt~.l m amttuiJ ~ua 'lJlm ~tgnendt ex– citaft, ·& m altc.a vm!· b ttClfWJdJ, rf}- ea JnllHI 111 coe>nl, efficere, .atqu< Na per bee animfAii..~ a j '"e mrJt.J, &- ad {entraJionem ,r~para.ta, anim:ll aiiud gentr~re. But that , wl'tich is.-~n-o,re to om parpole i tl:eiT 'oJd.inary power towards men, ett?er refers to ., ;Y) , ihci~-bpc.lic5Jor to their !fnlcs external and •iuter.Jal : or to their Soul•. brit thetr bo· G•n.r9.r. , dies', ·b!Tef.~veche iarne :power· on them~ ason•othcr animal.;.. Secondly, for chetr c K o· s 6.1 g. tXterhaUmtcs they. Clll' eahly affect them, · V • cum omlor Sodomuarum.perjfrmxeranr, a J:C.ngs 7·6· :tt non potuerint ojhumdomruLotbi cerhtre; i~c~ oct-t!os Syrorum; 6 .... e~ercitiJtHnt jtrepitum in eo•uliz'c'ajlrlJ ;& bujdji~t.,di a/i, ptrmult'a cxtaiJI exempla ; and Ior the intcrna~ fenfes .ahey 'l:an ealily move them ; Conjlal i:Jcripturis~ Angel•r'f.epe apperui§r patr~bru "'' fom: . n#