Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

!Ol 6,J. £. I• Lcv. t9 ..r7. Objef!:. s.l. }oho. 4· !Cl f\1Jc. 16,s.6. . ........ lWattl)fulntffe. ·5 Chrifiian Reproof. of ( Heavenly Difcourfe. ! . For Chrifl:ian reproof, obferve thefc DireCtions :-- I . If a Brother be overtaken With a fault, or fome lefs offence, admonij/1 him i1> 1 !J, jpirit ofmeek._neJTe, conjiilering thy felf, left thou alfo be tempted. 2. 1f he offcn:d nl.o\'e grievouiTy, then reprove him freely, andfiiffir not fin to 1 ·eft npon hisf oul. JJJtt in thiJ ·cafe::~ when:~ or how muft we reprove? This cafe is clothed with fuch variety ofcircumil:ances, nnd confl:ancy of ,Iterations that \ve cannot give any particular direCtions: only the Chrifl:ian that is perplex'd whaf to do let him confult with thefc bofom-Counfdlors: I. With his Spiritual Wifdom; it is that muft fuggeil: to him, when and how to re– prove, whether prefently upon it,_or ~ometimes afterwards; whether direCtly and down-nght, or md1tecHy and by mttmatlon; whether perfonally, or m the general- • whether in a fair and milder manner, or with a more bold and refolute fpirit . whethe; · onely by difcountenance, or by difcourfe, &c. ' 2. With his heart: A reproof mull: not fpring from any imperious humor, of cen– furing, and medling with his brethen; from any fecret ambitious defire, to purchafe an opinion and reputation of holinelfe to himfelf, or from any other by-end, but from on heart truly humbled with fight and fence of it's own infirmities, graciouiTy refolved into companion and commiferation of the offender, and lifted up in a fecret fuppli– cation for the fuccelfe of the Reproof, and falvation of the party, all at once to Gods Throne of Grace. . 2. For Spiritual and Heavenly difcourfe, 9bferve thefe Directions: -- '. Apprehend all opportunities and occurrences which may miniil:er niarter of di– greffion from wordly talk, into Divine difcourfe. It is pity that Profelfors fhould ever meet without fome talk oftheir meeting in heaven, or of the blelfed wayes and me:ins that lead thereunto ; and therefore by fome wife tranfttion, turn thou the current of the difcourfe towards fome heavenly good: It was the praCtice of our Saviour; upon mention of bre 0 d, he preft upon his Difciples a dilfwafion from the Leaven of the Pharifees: And upon occafion of Drin/z.being denyed him by the Samaritan ·woman he (forgetting his wearinefs, hunger and thiril:) labors to allure her to the well-head of everlafting happinefs, 2 . H,ave ever in a readinefs fome common heads ofmore llirring and quick'ning motives to minde heavenly things ; as the curfed condition of our natural il:ate, the dear purchafe of Chrift to Redeem our fouls, the incomparable fweetnelfe of Chrif!ian ways, the vanity and vexation of earthly things, the uncertainty and mifery of this fhort life, the everlall:ingnefs of ou; il:atc in another world, the terrors ofdeath, the dreadfulnefs of that great and !aft day drawing on now apace, the horrors of damned fouls, & c. Mention ofthefe things many times may ftrike full cold to the heart ofthe moll: fenfual, and drive him into his dumps ; and by Gods bleffing may fometimes prepare the hardeft hearts, for fome thoughts of remorfe, and more heavenly impreffions. " 3· Get we into our hearts an habit of m()re heave\)ly-.mindednelfe,by much exercife, aml intercourfe, and acquaintance with God, by qften contemplauo.n, and foretail:e of the fweetnelfe, glory, and eternity ofthofe Manfion,s above, by refledings OR time paft, how long the foul was detained in the il:ate of.darkneff,e ; what bitternelfe and terrors it palfed through in the. pangs of its ne\1! birtli; ·. what r.elapfes.and defertions it hath been incident to ever fince that time to this ; and being thus oufied at heme in our own hearts we fhall finde our felves much more pregnant and plentiful in holy talk when we c~me abroad: · Men for the moll: part fpeak moll:, and moft willingly of thofe things they minde moll:; fuch provilions within, will make the tong1se fo ready, that it cannot be unfeafonably idle. 2. Watch we mull: over the tong•u, that it be not Jinf~tlly exercifed: and herein obferve thefe Diretl:ions. r. Be dumb to all unfavory communication ; as, Lying, Swearing, &c. 0, how do thefe fins wound the heart of Chri!l:, and cr~tcifie agai" the Lord ofGiory? · . 2. Be fi!cnt from Slaudering,Backbiting,Falfe accufing, Cenfunng: A true heart IS ever moft angry and difpleafed with, moll: Eagle-eyed and watchful over? moft ftn{t aod feverc againft its own fins . ; which homebred imployment haply hmders, and moderates a man from too much medling abroad. 3· Gw<