!lD t emon.s anflll rren. )'' th' fame nfficu are by them JPiritttaDy and myjl~riorifly performed <.o zu. And on this fcorc ore thole Tcxtscrred by me, and (as my ~;u:des) by thofe <mmen rly!tarned and godly D:viues, Vfher, CIJrk,, Manton, HaU, Bucanur, Polanrl<, Diejl, and others ; as you mny fe~.: in thee Prulog,omena. . ,In Motive 4• We fight againfl Princip•litin and PoB>m ; that is faid, but not f>id by the hdp nf Princip1litie• and Powers of another kind ; that of Revel I 2. 7· refers no <loubt to {(m,e rnnar}<ablc difpe..ration in the Church; and for R1vel. 20. r, z: IS not that Angel d1Jt f~als up .th~ D:~il in tilt botroml;ffc pit,JefusChrill? . , . Anfir. we fight ~gamll P11ncrpahtr<S and Powers by the help ot God, and yet the An· gch may inflrumcntally help us. Surely good Angels cuntend with the evil Angels, ' and j\,.;;~ moli l'llilntly on our fide; the Combat is not only between men and r:hvils, but bttween Angels and Angels, Dan. IO· 13• ]ude9. Michacl oppofed Sa· .. ""' .,b<>lll the b,.dy of Mofes,fo do the AngelsjliUoppofe theKi11gdom of darkneffe abom the "' rrapmhiS bodies aud S.miJOj' tbeSainiJ, r.>hilj1 they live, andaftcrdeat.h, faith * Tra!. That ~c~~ad of An· of J:cur/. 1 O• 7•8. you fay, refers to lbme remarkable d1fpenrarroh 1n the Church, tZanch /, 3 . which is enoug,h fur me : bur t Zanchyadds,in )Jp,c. r2.Lcgimns MicbJelem pugnajfe cum '·'4· tll'acone, mmpc pN dJf~11jioJte Eccle[t£, & jiugulcwum pior#m adverfut om;reJ di:zboii iufi• ,. Rivi.us d~ di,t; atqr<e i;~juri,n.---And for Rtvtl. 2c. 1, 2· lome m)derlland it of JerusC:hritl;P':~"" Angel others ot' .-Couj!a.,tiue, but others according to the letter_, of ari Angc~. I avcid +1i~~M.ichael Controverf.H..s; and ro our purpo(e the other fcxrs arcfuffic1ent ; wHen SJtan befieg- and the Dra- . cth t:>, vim oppugnantif ret ulit llizgeluJ, rai;h* Rcvluo. 7 l•e Angels 11-ardoff hi; blows, andg, n. l>dp us ag,zin!1 b;m b"h i>~fou(a~tt!body,[:irh t Dy~. , . . fu /i&. 2. >· •· §. 5· The inllance about the womJn that was prcve~ted taking PnyOb;efJ. lick what was there of an: An~Sd in that/ !he by the good Providence of God quickncd ;hat night.-- Can we fay the Angels l<ept the child in the rcconEi inlbnce) natural caufes wrought, the fire burned th<mothers bJly, rhe child came our in the fire, was roan cHcht out by the lbnders by: God did thus r,. ptetti'V< it' but whether t~rclii•!lle A"gclo, or no, who can ray) Andbelidcs the Doctrine is touching the An. gd5 ordinary miniilration abo<Jt binh and iofmcy ; rh& experiences are bf wliat was doue extraordinarily. Your Objection is bbth againfi ordinary and extraordin2ry Providcnces, as done Alljw; by Angel> ; it ordinary, then Natme; if CXIl'aordlnary then God (fay you) pre• fcrv'ts immcdiotdy. Ym1 object in another place, as if I !hould admit of no Providence bur Angels ; but here it feems you admit. of no providence by Angels. I deiiri:' we may both underfbnd aright. The Learned inform us, rhar the keepi~<g of 1\ngcls i; 110thin5 ei(c; but acertain execution ofD. vine ProvideHce concerning us, t N1ta;rdum t zanch /.3. et1 a1tJ,Clurum cujtodiam nib it a/iud cffe fj111m ccrtam qu.,ndam divir.£ Providrnti.i cxfCrt• c,17··i titn;etrJY hence arc th<: Angels r:.1Hed ~ jfr:.untr of Pr 1vidvzce. andiJtjfrJtnie;Ju of Pro- • Dr. Manton 11idmce '. t Mr .. Pcmblc tells us, that Pmvidtncc isdivided in~o.mcdiat~, ~rid imme- ~"Jr~:~~biein • diate; munedJJ:c :s wh"' God by lumrclt, wtthout tht nrmrflry of thecreatures, hisProvid<>~ce' • dorh prckrve and govern things: fo he governs immediarly, and preferves rhetirft dGod. ~and univtrlJI cau!cs ot things. Mediate Providence is wlien God goveineth crea~ • mrcs by Cl'catnres, as by nieans and inttruments; tor God ufcrh rhe miniilry of ' (t-,;ood canks, bori) natural , and voluntary, eirher mtn or Angels, which are rhe ~ moft excdlcnt infirumenrs of Providence in governing the World , as appeareth' 'by places of Scripture, in which their minillry is fer forth, both generally and efpecl- ' ally. 1. Genrrally, Heb. 1. 4• Eeiitg m,d, fo mitch better tban tbe Angels, as bebath Heb 1 • 'byinhttita11ce obtai;zed 11 more exctUent 11an~e thau tbry) ver( 1 4• art tbey not a/J mi· · ·~· 'nijlring Spiri!s, &c. Pial. 103. 20· Blejs the Lord, ye hisAngelsth:.l exctl i11 f/restgth Pf•••o;: 20 , 21 '; 'ye slu t d1 hts Commandment!, &c. vert. 2 I. Bleji the L ordall yebifhoajl, ye minijfcr1 'of Lif, &c. Hol. 10+· +· Who m,kfth bu Angels Spiriu, his Minijfers afl•ming Pfai.r 04 '4- 'fire. ~. Sp~cr11ly abom rhe good and d ect, Pfa/. 9 I. I '. F'drhe jha/1 give his A~gelt l'la1. 9 t.Ir. 'chargewer zlm, &c. and about rhew~eked, Pfo/.35·5· Let tbcmbeaJachaffbe pfal.3ss. 'fore tbe wind, and let thP Angelsof the Lord cbaf' them. 2 Kio~s I 9• 35. And it came.' Krn_gs '9·3S; ' to paji tbt >tight tbat tbt Angelof tbe Lord, &o: lfii. 3 7. 36. Then tbe Angel 0 J tfJe ll'a·3 1 ·~6• ' L!ll'd B>tnt jortb, &c. of rhrsmediare Providence two thirlgStrpecially are t(l be 1 ]orcd. ' i'trll' God urcrh mean~ nor tleceffarily for WJnt of power in himlelf . but 01- , his o.wn tr. .c will, in the abundance ofhis goodncfs. s~condly,Providcn·ce excl~d~s nci . ' but iududes means, which if we ne~lect (unlefs God hath rcvealeJ tlm he will IIOt ut~ • !hem) •rnwnrciona!Jlr we remprhim. Tilllshr Mr. Pemble. To apply it; y 0 ;, grant' Y a